of August 11, 2023 No. 179
About education
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 29, 2023
1. This Law establishes the basic principles of state policy in the field of education, and also legal, social and economic, organizational basis of educational activities in the Kyrgyz Republic.
2. The purpose of this Law is guaranteeing human right on receipt of quality education, all-round development of the personality recognizing universal and national values, provision of opportunity to everyone to be useful member of society, competitive in the labor market through the free choice of professions.
3. The main objectives of this Law are creation of legal, economic and financial conditions for:
1) educational developments and improvement of quality of education in the Kyrgyz Republic;
2) effective management, financing and functioning of education system of the Kyrgyz Republic;
3) realization of single state policy in the field of education;
4) developments of educational activities of the educational organizations irrespective of patterns of ownership;
5) implementation of the rights and obligations of participants of educational process;
6) developments of international cooperation in the field of education.
1. The relations in the field of education are based on the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, this Law and other regulatory legal acts in the field of education, the international treaties which became effective according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and also the conventional principles and rules of international law which are component of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
2. If the international treaty which became effective according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic establishes other regulations, rules and terms, than those which contain in this Law then are applied regulations of the international treaty.
3. If the regulations governing the relations in the field of education and containing in other laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic, acts of authorized state bodies and local government bodies establish other rules, than those which contain in this Law then are applied regulations of this Law.
In this Law the following concepts are used:
1) autonomy - the right of the educational organization to independently perform educational, administrative and financial and economic activities, to make management decisions, including concerning human resources management and assets, to dispose of budgetary and extrabudgetary funds for maintenance and development of educational and other activities according to this Law and the charter of the educational organization;
2) the academic freedom - the right to development of training programs, independent statement of subject matter, the choice of subject for scientific research and methods of their carrying out, and also the right of students to knowledge acquisition according to the capabilities;
3) the academic honesty - the form of behavior of the student and pedagogical worker meeting ethical standards and the principles on which modern education is based (honesty, trust, justice, respect, responsibility, non-admission of plagiarism and exception of estimation of knowledge of pupils for remuneration);
4) accreditation - the procedure of official recognition by the accreditation agency of compliance of the rendered educational services to the standards established by the accreditation agency, procedures and rules not below the requirements and criteria established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - the Cabinet of Ministers);
5) the academic credit - conventional unit of measurement of amount of academic and (or) scientific load of the student;
6) the accreditation agency - independent non-profit organization which activities are directed to external assessment of conformity of the rendered educational services to the standards established by the accreditation agency, procedures and rules;
7) the bachelor - the skill level of higher education granting the right for receipt in magistracy and implementation of professional activity;
8) the safe educational circle - the circle oriented to risk minimization and ensuring psychological, information, physical, ecological and other security of participants of educational process;
9) validation - kind of the independent certification directed to confirmation and recognition of the competences by profession in general or by separate types of its activities received in this or that area by informal and informalny education with issue of the document confirming qualification;
10) the voucher - the financial instrument allowing the state on the basis of normative financing from budgetary funds to perform payment in non-cash form of educational services of the educational organizations;
11) voucher funding mechanism - method of public financing in case of which the budgetary funds provided in the republican budget follow the student in the educational organizations irrespective of patterns of ownership;
12) higher education - the education level directed to preparation and retraining of bachelors, specialists and masters according to the conforming educational programs and standards;
13) hybrid training method - training method in case of which training process combines traditional training method by direct contact of the teacher and the online training studying with method;
14) the state educational standard - socially approved set of requirements of formal education determining minimum of contents of the educational program, the basic requirements to preparation on the education levels determining the purposes and results of training;
15) the state educational grant - the means of the republican budget provided to the student (grantee) for training in the educational organization of average and higher education of the Kyrgyz Republic irrespective of pattern of ownership, on specialties which list affirms the Cabinet of Ministers;
16) remote educational technologies - the technologies used in educational process using means of information and telecommunication technologies in case of the mediated or partially mediated interaction of the student and pedagogical worker;
17) the doctor of philosophy (PhD)/doctor on profile - the skill level of postgraduate professional education (basic doctoral studies) giving to person which executed the appropriate training program and research work with defense of a thesis, the right on implementation of scientific and other professional activity;
18) additional education of adults - the kind of informal education providing satisfaction of individual needs of person occupied with independent professional activity;
19) additional education of children - the kind of informal education based on the free choice and more complete satisfaction of interests, spiritual needs and needs for professional determination of children in time, free from study in the general education educational organizations;
20) preschool education - the education level directed to education and training which main objective is initial training of the child for life and school, development of its creative capabilities;
21) dual training - the training type providing continuous cycle of studying of theoretical material and development of basic skills in the educational organization, fixing of practical skills, acquisitions of working experience on workplace in case of equal responsibility of the educational organization, the student and employer with possibility of compensation to the student;
22) the individual curriculum - the curriculum providing development of the educational program on the basis of individualization of its content taking into account features and educational needs of the specific student;
23) inclusive education - ensuring equal access to education for all students taking into account variety of educational requirements and individual opportunities;
24) informalny education - the training proceeding outside education system during the daily life activity of the person connected with its work, life in family or carrying out leisure;
25) information system in education - set of electronic databases, information technologies and technical means by means of which are made collection, storage, processing, the analysis and distribution of data on education system of the Kyrgyz Republic;
26) quality of education - the complex characteristic of education system, the educational organization and individual educational achievements of the student reflecting degree of compliance to social and personal expectations, the state educational standards, professional standards and international educational programs which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic;
27) qualification - the level of the knowledge, skills and social and personal competences characterizing readiness to training and accomplishment of certain type of professional activity, confirmed by the document of the established sample;
28) acceptance quota - limiting amount of the state educational order, including the state educational grants selected for acceptance in the educational organizations initial, average and higher education of citizens from among disabled people of I and II groups, persons equated on privileges and guarantees to participants and disabled veterans, disabled people since the childhood, children with limited opportunities of health, the rural youth and persons of the Kyrgyz nationality which are not citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic and also orphan children and children without parental support;
29) competence - the integrated capability of the person independently to apply different elements of knowledge and skills in certain situation (educational, personal and professional);
30) competence - in advance set social requirement (regulation) to the educational training of the student necessary for its effective productive activities in certain sphere;
31) the complex educational organization - the educational organization realizing educational programs of two or more education levels;
32) the master - the skill level of higher education granting the right for receipt in postgraduate study (graduate military course) and (or) in basic doctoral studies (PhD / on profile) and implementation of professional activity;
33) multilingual education - process of the organization of training in which two or more languages as the tutorial are used;
34) national frame of qualifications - the structured description of levels of qualifications according to set of criteria directed to integration and coordination of national qualification subsystems, ensuring comparability of qualifications and which is basis for system of confirmation of conformity and assignment of qualification;
35) national system of qualifications - set of the mechanisms allowing to provide interaction of education and the labor market, including national frame of qualifications, industry/sectoral framework of qualifications, professional and state educational standards and procedures of their recognition, system of estimation of qualifications of the educational organizations and programs;
36) primary professional education - the education level directed to training of workers of skilled work in the main directions of socially useful activities based on the basic or the secondary general education;
37) life-long education - the education accompanying the person throughout all his life, which is implemented consistently at vital stages on each of which premises for transition to the new level of development are created;
38) informal education - the educational activities outside formal education based on variety and variety of forms of education of capability quickly to react to educational needs of the citizen;
39) education - the single purposeful training process, education and development performed for the benefit of the person, family, societies and the states, and also set of the acquired knowledge, skills, valuable installations and competences;
40) education for sustainable development - the education directed to acquisition of knowledge, skills and kompetentnost by the student for the decision and the prevention of social, economic and environmental problems on the basis of effective and responsible use of all available resources for improvement of quality of life;
41) the educational program - the content of formation of specific level, the direction or specialty determining the purposes, tasks, the planned results, the organization of educational process of specific level or specialty;
42) educational activities - sales activity of educational programs;
43) educational achievements of the student - the results of development of educational programs by the student measured by tests and other estimative procedures for determination of level of knowledge, abilities, skills and competences of certain field of education;
44) educational service - the actions directed to provision of knowledge and forming of skills for the purpose of satisfaction of educational requirements;
45) educational process - system of the organization of training, education and development for the purpose of development by the student of contents of educational programs;
46) the student - person mastering the educational program at all education levels;
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