of April 27, 2023 No. 384
About approval of Rules of rendering paid types of activity on rendering of services of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan by public institution specializing in area of culture and expenditure it money from rendering of services
According to Item 2 of Article 70 of the Budget code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, I ORDER:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of rendering paid types of activity on rendering of services of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan by public institution specializing in area of culture and expenditure it money from rendering of services.
2. To provide to the national military patriotic center of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its first official publication;
3) the direction of data in Legal department of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on execution of subitems 1) and 2) this Item within ten calendar days from the date of state registration.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy defense secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan on educational and ideological work.
4. Bring this order to the interested officials and structural divisions.
5. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
R. Zhaksylykov
It is approved Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Approved by the Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 27, 2023 No. 384
1. These rules of rendering paid types of activity on rendering of services of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan by public institution specializing in area of culture, and expenditure it money from rendering of services (further - Rules) determine procedure for rendering paid types of activity by rendering of services of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan by public institution specializing in area of culture, and expenditure it money from rendering of services.
The public institution of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan specializing in area of culture is republican public institution "National military patriotic center of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan" of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - NVPTs of AF of RK) and its branches.
2. NVPTs of AF of RK and its branches provide the following services on paid basis:
1) services of carrying out photo, video filming;
2) services in the organization and holding cultural, cultural and mass, patriotic actions, including together with the physical persons and legal entities which do not have departmental belonging to Armed Forces (the organization and carrying out charges, festive events, concerts, acceptances, forums, conferences and filmings);
3) services of the leading on-stage performance groups;
4) services of performance concert (creative, variety and dancing) collectives;
5) services in provision of halls (buildings, constructions, rooms);
6) services of performance of military orchestra;
7) services in provision of stock (oborudovaniye) for concert rooms and platforms;
8) tutorial services;
9) the organization of hotel services, within the held cultural and leisure events;
10) services of display area of public institution, including the pavilion of military equipment under the open sky, for the organization photo, video filming, film production (documentary and feature films), creation of the dramatized representations, photoshoots, image videos, including with augmented reality;
11) services of qualified scientific consultations for students of higher educational institutions, employees of cinema and television, mass media, and also for other interested persons, including participation as consultants in case of production of different photo and video production, record of interview and telecasts;
12) services of implementation of lecturing activities for subject of halls of public institution, exit lectures;
13) services of the organization and holding exit exhibitions;
14) services of visit of the museum with excursion and without;
15) services photo, video filming of exhibits, copying of documents;
16) services in restoration works, production of reconstruction, prototypes, copies of exhibits, weapon and archive documents with the permission of the owner;
17) services of production and realization of souvenir and printed material;
18) services in development of scientific projects and creation of museum exposures in requests of the physical persons and legal entities which do not have departmental belonging to Armed Forces, other troops and military forming;
19) services in the organization of the training studios and circles, workshops of different profile, museum pedagogics and quests.
3. Rendering paid types of activity on rendering of services to legal entities is performed on contractual basis according to the Civil code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to physical persons and legal entities according to effected payment of services.
4. The money arriving from realization of the paid services specified in Item 2 of these rules is enlisted into control accounts of cash (further - the account of paid services) and spent according to the order of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 4, 2014 No. 540 "About approval of Rules of budget implementation and its cash servicing" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 9934) (further - the order No. 540).
5. Acceptance of cash is made through cash desk of NVPTs of AF of RK, and also on clearing settlement by transfer to the account of paid services.
6. The means arriving from rendering paid types of activity on rendering of services are spent on:
1) the organization and holding actions of military patriotic nature with involvement of preinduction youth;
2) acquisition of memorable souvenir and typographical products, letters to winners and participants of military patriotic and sporting events (military and sports and sports competitions and charges, creative and intellectual tenders and festivals, forums);
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