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from 1 June, 2023 No. UP-85

About additional measures for support of nadomnichestvo in the field of silkworm breeding and to further expansion of food supply for cultivation of silkworm

(as amended on 30-09-2024)

For the purpose of further development in the country of nadomnichestvo in care of silkworm, creations of clusters and farms in the direction of silkworm breeding and mulberry farming, and also the households specializing in cultivation of silkworm by creation of new mulberry plantations, and also further expansion of food supply on silkworm raw materials cultivation:

1. Since June, 2023 based on offers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Committee on development of the silk and woolen industry under the Ministry of Agriculture (further - Committee), Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas to create in regions:

the new shelkovodchesky clusters which are engaged in care of silkworm, purchase, conversion of the grown-up raw silk, creation of chain of value added, the direction on the domestic market and export of finished goods;

the new farms in the direction of silkworm breeding and mulberry farming which are engaged in cultivation of saplings of mulberry, creation of mulberry plantations, care of silkworm, raw silk procurement.

2. To provide to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas together with the Ministry of Agriculture in two-month time placement on electronic trade platform of "E-auksion" for provision in lease of the parcels of land with accurate determination of their contours for the purpose of creation of new mulberry plantations shelkovodchesky clusters, farms in the direction of silkworm breeding and mulberry farming according to appendix No. 1, except for of the mulberry plantations which are subject to reconstruction belonging territorial Agropilla LLC and to the companies for conversion of cocoons.

3. Determine that the parcels of land for creation of new mulberry plantations at least 10 hectares in size are allocated to shelkovodchesky clusters, farms in the direction of silkworm breeding and mulberry farming on a leasehold basis by means of electronic online biddings.

4. Approve forecast indicators of creation of new mulberry plantations on 105 thousand hectares of the parcels of land in 2024 - 2027 according to appendix No. 2.

5. Determine according to offers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Committee and Assotsiatsii "uzbekipaksanoat" Ploshchad of the mulberry plantations relating to territorial limited liability companies "Agropilla" and attached to the population on the basis of the agreement of family contract in the amount of hectare 0,5 up to 2 hectares. At the same time:

The committee and Uzbekipaksanoat Association attach old mulberry plantations to shelkovodchesky households with condition of their reconstruction;

the attachment of mulberry plantations to shelkovodchesky households in the sizes established by paragraph one of this Item is made after terms of the agreements of family contract which are earlier signed with the population;

activities of shelkovodchesky households will be organized on the basis of cooperation with shelkovodchesky clusters;

in mulberry row-spacings on the parcel of land attached to shelkovodchesky households it is allowed to land vegetables, potatoes, melon cultures, flowers, greens and drug plants, corn, bean and oil-bearing crops;

Work agency makhallabay and to development of entrepreneurship under the Ministry of employment and reducing poverty, and also assistants to hokim of areas (cities) bear the personal responsibility for employment of the population, having organized activities of shelkovodchesky households on terms of the contract of family contract.

6. Establish procedure according to which since June 1, 2023:

a) silk-worm eggs of silkworm and resources on care of them, including covering paper, the thermometer, polyethylene film, psikhirometr (for hatcheries) and other necessary resources, are free of charge provided by shelkovodchesky clusters to home-workers, shelkovodchesky households, shelkovodchesky farms and farms in the direction of silkworm breeding;

b) on well construction for selection of water on mulberry plantations of 10 hectares and more, and also pumping point for pumping of water from the rivers, canals and other reservoirs based on the relevant act of the Ministry of the mining industry and geology at the expense of means of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan the subsidy in the amount of 600 thousand sum for each meter, but no more than 120 million sum is allocated;

c) The Ministry of Agriculture, Committee take measures for attraction in 2023-2024 of means of soft credit of Asian Development Bank in the amount of 10 million US dollars on complex construction on cultivation of mulberry, acceptance, sorting, storage and conversion of silkworm.

7. To the Ministry of Agriculture:

a) according to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 27, 2022 No. PP-225 "About measures for enhancement of system of financing of expenses on production of agricultural products and its purchases" to take measures for providing borrowed funds for rate of 14 annual interest rates:

to shelkovodchesky households, farms in the direction of silkworm breeding and mulberry farming, to shelkovodchesky clusters - for delivery of the material resources necessary for cultivation of mulberry, including seeds and seedling, and also for rendering agricultural services;

to processors, keepers and exporters, including shelkovodchesky clusters, - for replenishment of the current assets necessary on purchase of the prepared (grown-up) raw silk;

b) within the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 5, 2023 No. PP-113 "About additional measures for expansion and support of production and conversion of agricultural products in 2023" to take measures for assignment for a period of 10 years at the rate of 14 annual interest rates at the expense of means of the international financial institutions to home-workers - on construction of rooms for care of silkworm grena in the households, and also to processors, keepers, exporters and shelkovodchesky clusters - on construction of workshops on storage, sorting, conversion of the prepared (grown-up) raw silk.

8. To the Ministry of Agriculture together with Committee until the end of 2024 to implement system of regular monitoring through the Geographic information system of the Ministry of Agriculture of condition of use of the parcels of land allocated according to this Decree.


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