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of August 4, 2023 No. 819

Some questions of use of funds from the account of the Ministry of questions of reintegration of temporarily occupied territories for requirements satisfaction of persons evacuated from the settlements located in areas of carrying out military (fighting) operations (possible fighting) to safe areas, and persons living in the disoccupied settlements

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Perform distribution of funds from the account of the Ministry of questions of reintegration of temporarily occupied territories opened in National Bank for requirements satisfaction of persons evacuated from the settlements located in areas of carrying out military (fighting) operations (possible fighting) to safe areas, and persons living in the disoccupied settlements, in the amount 94657, of 4 thousand hryvnias on the new budget program "Implementation of Actions for Support of the Evacuated Persons and Persons Living in the Disoccupied Settlements" (consumption expenses).

2. Bring the enclosed changes in resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

3. Determine that according to the budget program on which funds according to Item 1 of this resolution are distributed use of means is performed according to Procedure for use of funds from the account of the Ministry of questions of reintegration of temporarily occupied territories for requirements satisfaction of persons evacuated from the settlements located in areas of carrying out military (fighting) operations (possible fighting) to safe areas, and persons living in the disoccupied settlements, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved by the resolution of October 21, 2022 No. 1195 "Some questions of use of means for requirements satisfaction of the evacuated persons and persons living in the disoccupied settlements" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2022, No. 85, the Art. 5275), taking into account the changes approved by this resolution.

4. To provide to the ministry of questions of reintegration of temporarily occupied territories money transfer, the stipulated in Item 1 this resolution, from the account opened in National Bank into the corresponding account of the Public treasurer service.

5. Provide to the Ministry of Finance determination of code of the new budget program, stipulated in Item 1 this resolution.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

D. Shmygal

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 4, 2023 No. 819

Changes which are made to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

1. Subitems 2 and 3 of Item 1 of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 16, 2022 No. 457 "About support of separate categories of the population which was injured in connection with military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2022, No. 34, the Art. 1862, No. 85, Art. 5275; 2023, 44, 2350) to state No. to the Art. in the following edition:


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