of August 22, 2023 No. 551
About certification and recertification of physical persons as interim (anti-recessionary) managers
Based on subitem 1.5 of Item 1 of article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 13, 2022 "About insolvency settlement" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 227-Z
1. Approve Regulations on procedure for certification and recertification of physical persons on compliance to the vocational requirements imposed to the interim (anti-recessionary) manager it (is applied).
2. Persons having the certificate of the interim (anti-recessionary) manager for October 1, 2023 (further – the certificate of the managing director), shall:
declare the intention to continue implementation of activities of the interim (anti-recessionary) manager in insolvency proceedings or bankruptcy (further, unless otherwise specified, – the managing director) in Department on sanitation and bankruptcy of the Ministry of Economics (further – Department) no later than November 1, 2023;
be trained according to the program of advanced training of interim (anti-recessionary) managers in organizations of education, other organizations which according to the legislation are granted the right to perform educational activities (further – the program of advanced training), in time, established by Department, and within five working days after the end of training to submit the document on training to Department.
3. Declare invalid the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of May 17, 2021 No. 273 "About certification and recertification of physical persons as interim (anti-recessionary) managers in proceeedings about economic insolvency (bankruptcy)".
4. This resolution becomes effective since October 1, 2023.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
R. Golovchenko
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 22, 2023 No. 551
1. This Provision establishes procedure:
carrying out certification and recertification of physical persons on compliance to the vocational requirements imposed to the managing director (further respectively – certification, recertification);
issues, prolongation of term, cancellation, cancellation of the certificate of the managing director and issue of its duplicate.
2. Certification is carried out by certifying commission in the form of interview (remotely or internally).
Quantitative and the members of certifying commission are determined by the order of the department director.
3. Certification is carried out in process of completing of groups. Groups no more than 15 applicants for receipt of the certificate of the managing director are included (further – the applicant).
4. The certificate of the managing director of category "A" grants the right to appointment as the managing director in insolvency proceedings or bankruptcy of the debtor having payroll number of workers to 100 people inclusive.
The certificate of the managing director of category "B" grants the right to appointment as the managing director in insolvency proceedings or bankruptcy of the debtor having payroll number of workers to 250 people inclusive.
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