of August 18, 2023
About the international motor transportations
The government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Russian Federation which are hereinafter referred to as by the Parties
considering provisions of the Agreement on creation of the Union State of December 8, 1999 and the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014,
wishing to develop motor transportations of passengers and loads on the basis of reciprocity,
in view of aspiration to creating favorable conditions for carriers of the states of the Parties in case of accomplishment of the international motor transportations,
agreed as follows:
According to this agreement the international motor transportations of passengers and loads between the states of the Parties, transit across their territories, from the territory of the third state or on the territory of the third state, and also cabotage motor transportations of loads are performed.
The concepts and terms used in this agreement mean the following:
1) "competent authorities":
from the Belarusian Side - the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus,
concerning Article 3 of this agreement - public institution "Transport inspection of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus",
concerning Item 3 of Article 9 of this agreement - also the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus and public institution "Transport inspection of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus";
from the Russian Side - the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation,
concerning Item 3 of Article 9 of this agreement - also the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service and Federal Service for the Oversight of Transport.
The parties without delay notify each other through diplomatic channels on change of the competent authorities;
2) "bodies of transport control":
from the Belarusian Side - public institution "Transport inspection of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus";
from the Russian Side - Federal Service for the Oversight of Transport;
3) "carrier" - any physical person or legal entity registered in the territory of the state of one of the Parties and allowed according to the legislation of this state to accomplishment of the international motor transportations of passengers and (or) loads;
4) "vehicle" - the motorized vehicle used for transportation across highways of loads or passengers, registered in the state of one of the Parties, which is at carrier of the state of this Party in ownership and (or) use legally:
in transit passengers - the bus, that is the vehicle intended for transportation of passengers and having more than 9 places for sitting including driver's seat, perhaps, with trail car for luggage transport;
in transit loads - the cargo vehicle, the trailer hauling truck, the tractor truck or the tractor truck with semitrailer truck;
5) "permission" - the document granting the right to journey (there and back) the vehicle belonging to carrier of the state of one Party on the territories of the state of other Party, and also one-time permission to journey (there and back) the vehicle belonging to carrier of the state of one Party on the territory of the state of other Party when implementing the international motor transportations of loads from the territory or on the territory of the third state;
6) "transit transportation" - transportation of passengers or loads on the territory of the state of one of the Parties in case of which the points of departure and appointments are out of the territory of this state;
7) "transportation of passengers in the regular message" - the transportation of passengers and baggage by bus performed on the territories of the states of the Parties on the route approved between competent authorities, the schedule of movement and stopping points on which it is planned to make landing and disembarkation of passengers, and also information declared by carriers on certain routes;
8) "transportation of passengers in the irregular message" - the transportation of passengers by bus which is not falling under determination "transportation of passengers in the regular message";
9) "health control" - sanitary, veterinary, and also phytosanitary control;
10) "special permission" - the one-time or repeated permission or information containing according to the legislation of the states of the Parties in information system or information resource, granting the right to journey of the heavyweight, large-size vehicle (further - special permission to journey of large-size vehicles and (or) heavyweight vehicles) or the vehicle with dangerous goods belonging to carrier of the state of one Party on the territory of the state of other Party (further - the special authority for the move of dangerous goods);
11) "cabotage motor transportation of loads" - the transportation of goods performed by carrier of the state of one Party between the Items located in the territory of the state of other Party.
1. Transportations of passengers in the regular message will be organized under approval between competent authorities of the states of the Parties.
2. Competent authorities of the states of the Parties exchange offers on the organization of transportations of passengers in the regular message. These offers shall contain data concerning the name of carrier, route, the schedule of movement and stopping points on which it is planned to make landing and disembarkation of passengers, and also concerning the planned period and regularity of accomplishment of transportations. Competent authorities of the states of the Parties inform each other on results of consideration of the specified offers in writing.
3. Passengers in the regular message are transported based on the permissions or documents containing data on international route of the regular transportations issued (drawn-up) competent authorities states of the Parties according to the legislation of the states of the Parties for accomplishment of such transportation on the territories of their states within the route approved by competent authorities of the states of the Parties.
1. Transportations of passengers in the irregular message between the states of the Parties, transit transportations on their territories are performed without permissions in the following cases:
1) in transit, made without intermediate landings and disembarkation of passengers during which places of departure and arrival are in the territory of the state of the Party in which the bus is registered;
2) during the trip made by the bus registered in the state of one Party, and which is coming to an end in the territory of the state of other Party provided that the bus leaves empty this territory;
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