Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 5, 2006 No. 748

About approval of the approximate concessionary agreement concerning systems of utility infrastructure and other objects of municipal services, including objects water - warm, gazo-and power supply, water disposal, sewage treatment, objects on which processing, utilization, neutralization and placement of solid utility waste, the objects intended for illumination of the territories of residential and rural locations, the objects intended for improvement of the territories, and also objects of social servicing of citizens are performed

(as amended on 23-09-2016)

According to part 4 of article 10 of the Federal law "About Concessionary Agreements" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed approximate concessionary agreement concerning systems of utility infrastructure and other objects of municipal services, including objects water - warm, gazo-and power supply, water disposal, sewage treatment, objects on which processing, utilization, neutralization and placement of solid utility waste, the objects intended for illumination of the territories of residential and rural locations, the objects intended for improvement of the territories, and also objects of social servicing of citizens are performed.

2. The concessionary agreement concerning the specific objects which are part of systems of utility infrastructure, other objects of municipal services, including objects water - warm, gazo-and power supply, water disposal, sewage treatment, objects on which processing, utilization, neutralization and placement of solid utility waste are performed of the objects intended for illumination of the territories of residential and rural locations, the objects intended for improvement of the territories, and also objects of social servicing of citizens consists according to the approximate concessionary agreement approved by this resolution and may contain the provisions which are not contradicting the legislation of the Russian Federation are not settled by this approximate concessionary agreement.

3. The approximate concessionary agreement approved by this resolution is not applied to the hydraulic engineering constructions which are in structure of systems of utility infrastructure and other objects of municipal services.


Russian Prime Minister

M. Fradkov

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 5, 2006 No. 748

The approximate concessionary agreement concerning systems of utility infrastructure and other objects of municipal services, including objects water - warm, gazo-and power supply, water disposal, sewage treatment, objects on which processing, utilization, neutralization and placement of solid utility waste, the objects intended for illumination of the territories of residential and rural locations, the objects intended for improvement of the territories, and also objects of social servicing of citizens are performed


_________________________                         _______________________

   (detention center)                                (date of the conclusion)



          (Russian Federation, subject of the Russian Federation,


               the municipality - to specify necessary)

on behalf of which acts _______________________________________________

                               (Government of the Russian Federation or


       the federal executive body authorized by it,


    or public authority of the subject of the Russian Federation,


          or local government body - to specify necessary)

acting on the basis of the __________________________________________________

                               (name and details of the document,


 the establishing power of body on the signature of this agreement)

on behalf of ___________________________________________________________________,

                   (position, first name, middle initial, last name authorized person)

acting on the basis of the _________________________________________________

                               (name and details of the document,


                    the establishing power of the person)


   (authorized body or the legal entity - if it is accepted


decision on implementation by the representative Kontsedent by body or legal


  person of the separate rights and obligations of the Concedent, or in case


     subject of the agreement is belonging state or


  to municipal unitary enterprise on the right of economic maintaining


deystvuyushch ___ on the basis _________________________________________________

                                (name and details of the document,


        the establishing power of body or the legal entity


         on execution of the separate rights and obligations of the Concedent)

on behalf of ___________________________________________________________________,

                  (position, first name, middle initial, last name authorized person)

acting on the basis of the _________________________________________________

                               (name and details of the document,


                    the establishing power of the person)

hereinafter referred to as (jointly hereinafter referred to as) on the one hand,

and _________________________________________________________________________

             (individual entrepreneur, Russian or


the foreign legal entity or acting without legal education


persons under the agreement of particular partnership (cooperation agreement)


             2 or more legal entities - to specify necessary)

on behalf of ___________________________________________________________________,

                   (position, first name, middle initial, last name authorized person)

acting on the basis of the _________________________________________________

                                (name and details of the document,


                    the establishing power of the person)

hereinafter referred to as with the Concessionary, on the other hand, referred to as also

The parties, according to _______________________________________________

                            (protocol of tender committee on results


    carrying out tender, decision of the Concedent on the conclusion of the present


Agreements without carrying out tender (in cases, stipulated in Article 37

  The Federal Law "About Concessionary Agreements") - to specify necessary)

from "__" ______ 20 __ No. __ signed this agreement as follows.


I. Subject of the agreement


   1. The concessionary shall at own expense ________________________________

                                                 (create, create


      and to reconstruct, reconstruct and modernize

                            - specify necessary)

property, ________________________________________________________________

                   (the description, structure and the description - to specify necessary)

who is brought (are provided) in the Section II of this agreement (further -

subject of the Agreement), the property right to which ________________________


          (belongs or will belong - to specify necessary)

To the concedent and to perform ________________________________________________


             (cold water supply; hot water supply;


    production, transfer, distribution of heat energy; transfer


     and distribution of electrical energy; transfer and distribution


    natural gas; water disposal, including sewage treatment,


  the address with deposit of sewage, acceptance and transportation of sewage;


processing, utilization, neutralization and placement of firm utility


        waste; lighting of urban areas (rural) settlements,

         improvement of the territories, and also social servicing

                          citizens - to specify necessary)

with use of subject of the Agreement, and the Concedent shall provide

To the concessionary for the term established by this agreement, rights of possession

and   uses   of subject  of the Agreement  for  implementation  of specified



II. Subject of the Agreement


   2. Subject of the Agreement is _______________________________________

                                    (system of utility infrastructure,


objects of municipal services, including objects water - warm, gazo-


and power supply, water disposal, sewage treatment, objects, on which


processing, utilization, neutralization and placement of firm are performed


 utility waste, the objects intended for illumination of the territories


     residential and rural locations, the objects intended for


 improvements of the territories, and also objects of social servicing

                     citizens - to specify necessary)

it is intended ____ for implementation of the activities specified in  Item 1

this agreement, podlezhashch __ _________________________________________


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