Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 31, 2023 No. 239

About compensation of the given state support

For the purpose of enhancement of conditions of provision of the state support for construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises * (further - the state support) to the citizens staying on the registry of persons in need in housing improvement in the place of military service, service in paramilitary organizations, the public civil service, work:


* For the purposes of this Decree the state support for construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises is understood as obtaining:

soft credits on construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises based on lists on receipt of the soft credits approved after entry into force of Item 1 of this Decree;

subsidies for payment of part of interest for using the credits (subsidies for payment of part of interest for using the credits and subsidies for repayment of principal debt on the credits) issued by banks on construction (reconstruction) of premises based on decisions on provision of subsidy for payment of part of the interest for using the credits (subsidies for payment of part of interest for using the credits and subsidies for repayment of principal debt on the credits) accepted after entry into force of Item 1 of this Decree.

1. Determine that:

1.1. the state support is provided to the citizens staying on the registry of persons in need in housing improvement and directed to construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises:

in the place of military service, service in paramilitary organizations, the public civil service, - with continuation condition in total at least 10 years of passing of military service, service in paramilitary organizations, the public civil service;

on place of employment, - with continuation condition in total at least 10 years of work on employment contracts (contracts) in the state body (organization) which directed to construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises with the state support, passings of military service, service in paramilitary organizations, the public civil service.

The term specified in part one of this subitem is calculated from the date of approval of lists on receipt of soft credits (decision making about provision of subsidy for payment of part of interest for using the credits (subsidies for payment of part of interest for using the credits and subsidies for repayment of principal debt on the credits).

At the same time in dismissal cases from military service, service in paramilitary organizations, the terminations of the public civil service, employment relationships with the state body (organization) which directed to construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises with the state support, the term of the subsequent revenues to military service, service in paramilitary organizations, the public civil service performed within the term established in part one of this subitem cannot exceed six months from the date of dismissal from military service, service in paramilitary organizations, the terminations of the public civil service, employment relationships;

1.2. the state support is subject to compensation * in cases **:

dismissals *** from military service, service in paramilitary organizations:

on the bases which are the guilty acts recognized by the discrediting circumstances of dismissal **** (appendix 1);

in connection with organizational and regular actions - in case of disagreement of the serviceman, face of the private and the commanding structure which position is reduced, with assignment to other position;

on other bases provided in appendix 2;

the terminations *** the public civil service, employment relationships with the state body (organization) which directed to construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of premises with the state support:

on the bases recognized according to legal acts the discrediting circumstances of dismissal;

on other bases provided in appendix 2.



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