of June 29, 2023 No. 328
About approval of the "Implementation of Policy of Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2023-2027" Program
For the purpose of effective and rational use of energy resources, determination of energy saving potential and realization of organizational, technical and other measures for increase in efficiency of energy use, according to articles 13, of the 17th constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:
1. Approve:
- The "Implementation of Policy of Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2023-2027" program (further - the Program) according to appendix 1 to this resolution;
- The actions plan on program implementation (further - the Actions plan) according to appendix 2 to this resolution;
- Matrix of indicators of monitoring and assessment of program implementation (further - the Matrix of indicators) according to appendix 3 to this resolution.
2. To state bodies, local government bodies, the utility and municipal companies, open joint stock companies and limited liability companies (under approval), being executives in charge of the Actions plan:
- take measures for accomplishment of the Actions plan at the scheduled time;
- quarterly, to the 10th following the accounting period to provide information on the course of implementation of the Actions plan in the Department of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- annually till January 10 to provide information on achievement of target indicators of the Matrix of indicators in the Department of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic.
3. To Department of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic:
- following the results of every half-year, no later than August 1 and on February 1 to submit the generalized report on the course of implementation of the Actions plan in Administration of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- following the results of every year, no later than February 1 to submit the generalized report on achievement of target indicators of the Matrix of indicators in Administration of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic.
4. To impose control of execution of this resolution on management of control of execution of decisions of the President and the Presidential Administration Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic.
5. This resolution becomes effective after seven working days from the date of official publication.
Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic
A. Zhaparov
Appendix 1
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of June 29, 2023 No. 328
The Kyrgyz Republic has sufficient inventories of fuel and energy resources, but their production and use remain at a low level.
The analysis of fuel and energy balance of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2017-2020 shows that for the specified period there were no essential changes in production volume of fuel and energy resources in the republic (growth on % 0,3) in case of consumption growth on % 2,17 that demonstrates to lagging of growth rates of their production (production) over growth rates of their consumption that creates risks of threat of energy security, deficit and decrease in reliability of power supply of the country, especially during the autumn and winter period.
Since 2014 electric power consumption in the Kyrgyz Republic already exceeded own production on % 1,9-5,3. However in 2017-2020 self-produced amounts of the electric power were sufficient for ensuring own consumption of the electric power (except for the existing pent-up demand which is estimated according to the procedure of 10% of the current power consumption).
Following the results of 2020 according to National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic in fuel and energy balance import of the electric power constituted 2,2 of %, natural 93,4 gas of %, fuel oil of 40%, 10,1 coal of %, automobile 87,5 gasoline of %, coal of 33%, 85,2 diesel fuel of %, % 0,53 oil. Thus, the republic has critically high level of dependence on the imported energy resources, except for the electric power and coal. At the same time in the field of production of electricity dependence just seeing - the electric power of hydroelectric power station (more than 90%) is high.
Following the results of 2021 with approach of the shallow period the import volume of the electric power made 1,7 of one billion kWh (including the amounts provided by barter - 675,9 of one million kWh) for total amount 844, of 8 million som.
Hydroenergy resources. On the absolute measures of potential of water resources and on concentration of these resources in the territory, the Kyrgyz Republic takes the third place among the CIS countries after Russia and Tajikistan. In general, use of water resources can cover internal needs of the country for the electric power and provide export to neighboring countries.
Total value of potential hydroenergy resources of the Kyrgyz Republic: 268 considered rivers, 97 largest channels and 18 water storage basins that constitutes 28828 thousand kW on capacities and 143 billion kWh on power generation in year of average water content. Today 10% of the existing opportunities are used.
The production base of the Kyrgyz electric utility system includes 9 large power plants installed capacity of 3963,5 of MW, including 7 hydroelectric power stations installed capacity of 3035 MW, 2 combined heat and power plants installed capacity of 862 MW and small hydroelectric power stations installed capacity of 66,5 of MW.
In 2020 development of hydroelectric power station constituted 13,98 of one billion kWh, having provided more than a half of general consumption of TER by consumers of all categories of the republic.
Coal resources. 70 fields and ugleproyavleniye with forecast inventories in amount 6, are known to one billion tons, from them to 5,2 of one billion tons brown coals of Sulyuktinsky, Kyzylkiysky, Shurabsky, Almalyk, Kavaksky coal fields; 1,08 of one billion tons - coals of the Uzgensky basin, and also Kok-Yangaksky, Tash-Kumyrsky and Tegeneksky fields; 119,6 of one million tons - the coked coals. Level of familiarity of industrial coal resource constitutes % 0,14.
Resources of oil and gas. Industrial inventories are insignificant: on oil constitute 88, million tons taken - 11,16 of one million tons, on natural gas - 4203, one million m 3, which are concentrated in the south of the country on seven fields. Level of familiarity of inventories extremely low, on % 0,07 oil, on % 0,6 gas that is caused by lack of financial resources on development drilling. In the next years it is possible to keep the existing amounts of oil and gas extraction only by recovery work and annual putting into operation of 20-25 new wells. In case of accomplishment of amounts of works of prospecting stage the expected surplus of gas production will constitute 1,3 of one billion m 3, of oil - 300 thousand tons.
Change of ratio of production and consumption in the Kyrgyz Republic for the last decades is characterized by significant increase in growth of shower energy consumption in household and non-productive spheres, preferential power consumption from the housing sector. It is connected with increase in prices mostly the imported hydrocarbonic energy carrier, increase in use of household energy-requiring appliances, large-scale use of electrical energy for heating and heating, hot water supply and food preparation. Also increase in share of power consumption by the sector of social services and municipal services, including state-financed organizations, owing to lack of mechanisms of stimulation of energy saving and insufficiency of financial resources on holding energy saving actions is observed.
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