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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

June 26, 2023

No. 1057/40113


of May 31, 2023 No. 465

About approval of Criteria by determination of the companies, organizations and organizations which are important for national economy in spheres of the organization of special communication, information protection, cyberprotection, protection of critical infrastructure during the special period

(as amended on 06-09-2023)

According to article 25 of the Law of Ukraine "About mobilization preparation and mobilization", the subitem 4 of Item 2 of the Procedure and criteria of determination of the companies, organizations and the organizations which are crucial for functioning of economy and ensuring life activity of the population during the special period approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 27, 2023 No. 76, of Item 10 of the Regulations on Administration of Public service of special communication and information protection of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 3, 2014 No. 411, I ORDER:

1. Approve Criteria by determination of the companies, organizations and organizations which are important for national economy in spheres of the organization of special communication, information protection, cyberprotection, protection of critical infrastructure, during the special period which are applied.

2. To provide to development department of electronic communications of administration of Public service of special communication and information protection of Ukraine submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.

3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

Head of Service brigade general

BB. Dandy

In coordination:

First Deputy Minister of digital transformation of Ukraine


O. Vyskub

The chairman of the National commission, performing state regulation in areas of electronic communications, radio-frequency range and provision of services of mail service

A. Zhivotovsky

Approved by the Order of Administration of Public service of special communication of information protection of Ukraine of May 31, 2023 No. 465

Criteria by determination of the companies, organizations and organizations which are important for national economy in spheres of the organization of special communication, information protection, cyberprotection, protection of critical infrastructure, during the special period

1. Determination of the companies, organizations and organizations (further - the company) which are important for national economy in spheres of the organization of special communication, information protection, cyberprotection, protection of critical infrastructure, during the special period, is performed by the following criteria:

1) availability at the company of the license for implementation of economic activity for provision of services in the field of cryptographic information protection (except services of the electronic digital signature) and information technical protection according to the list determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;

2) the company is contractor, connected with technical or the cryptographic information protection which is the state secret, office information, information of unified and state registers which creation and ensuring functioning is determined by the law, or on objects information activities (information communications systems) of public authorities, the subjects which are part of the sector of safety and defense that is confirmed by the public contract (agreement) for the previous or current year;

3) the company is developer and performs operational support of means of cryptographic information protection for the benefit of public authorities, the subjects which are part of the sector of safety and defense that is confirmed by the existing public contract (agreement) for the previous or current year;

4) the company is contractor of research and development works by request of Public service of special communication and information protection of Ukraine that is confirmed by the public contract (agreement) for the previous or current year;

The company has 5) in the line-up of the team of response to computer extraordinary events, divisions (groups, the teams, services) information protection on condition of the implementation of activities and/or provision of services connected with cyberprotection of objects of critical infrastructure in the sector of critical infrastructure or provision of services to objects of critical infrastructure of three and more regions that is confirmed by the public contract (agreement) for the previous or current year;

6) the company which on the property rights, leases or on other legal causes exercises control of objects of critical infrastructure of I and II categories of criticality.

2. For confirmation of conformity to the criteria specified in subitems 1-6 of Item of 1 these Criteria, the company provides:

the copy order/extraction from the order of Administration of Gosspetssvyaz on licensing for implementation of economic activity on provision of services in the field of cryptographic information protection (except services of the electronic digital signature) and information technical protection according to the list determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (the subitem of 1 Item of 1 these Criteria);

the copy of the public contract (contracts)/agreement (contracts) with the help on running state of the corresponding works (services) fastened with the customer's seal, or in case of availability in the public contract (contracts)/agreement (agreements) of information, being the state secret, or office information, - the letter of the public authority or the subject which is part of the sector of safety and defense on availability of such public contract (contracts)/agreement (agreements) and on running state of the corresponding works (services), under seal this body ( subitems 2-5 of Item of 1 these Criteria);

copy of the order On approval of the sectoral list of objects of critical infrastructure (subitems 5, 6th Item of 1 these Criteria);


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