of July 25, 2006 No. 1575
About approval of the State program of migration of the Azerbaijan Republic (2006-2008)
At the present stage transition of the mutual political and economic relations between the countries to qualitatively new plane, internationalization of economic and welfare life, and also the problems created by the national, race, regional conflicts, emergency situations and natural disasters are followed by mass migration of the population. The population shift playing important role in development of humanity and being difficult social process is closely connected with various levels of economic development of certain areas and countries, the whole regions.
The analysis of the last years demonstrates that the accelerated social and economic development, expansion of the international communications in energy and transport sectors, and also geopolitical position of our country was led to intensification of migratory processes in the Azerbaijan Republic. And it, in turn, causes the necessity of implementation of the migration policy which is equitable to national interests from the point of view of ensuring development and safety of the country, enhancement on this basis of system of regulation of migratory processes, coordinating of activities of state bodies and international cooperation in this area.
For the purpose of implementation in the Azerbaijan Republic of state policy in the field of migration, enhancement of the legislation according to the international standards and requirements of the present, elimination of miscalculations and abuses in case of application of the laws, ensuring national security and stable social and economic, demographic development of the Azerbaijan Republic, rational use of manpower, pro rata placement of the population in the territory of the country, uses of intellectual and labor potential of migrants, elimination of negative impact of non-regulated migratory processes, prevention of illegal migration, including human trafficking, I decide:
1. Approve the State program of migration of the Azerbaijan Republic (2006-2008).
2. To impose control over the implementation of the State program of migration of the Azerbaijan Republic on the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic and Administration of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic.
3. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic:
3.1. analyze condition of the work which is carried out on accomplishment of the State program of migration of the Azerbaijan Republic and every six months to inform on it the President of the Azerbaijan Republic;
3.2. in a month to provide to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic offers on creation of the relevant government institution for the purpose of enhancement of the controling mechanism in the field of migration with studying of the international experience and coordinating of activities in this sphere;
3.3. resolve other issues following from this Order.
4. This Order becomes effective from the date of its publication.
President of the Azerbaijan Republic
Ilham Aliyev
This State program is prepared according to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic approved by the Order of November 11, 2004 "The state program in the field of demography and development of the population in the Azerbaijan Republic" and reflects the directions of further development of this sphere on the basis of the analysis of the migratory processes happening in the country and the necessary measures which are subject to implementation.
The main objective of the State program consists in implementation of state policy in the field of migration, development of migratory management system, regulation and forecasting of migratory processes, enhancement of the legislation in the field according to the international standards and modern requirements, ensuring efficiency of application of the laws, creation of single databank in the field of migration, the modern automated control system, prevention of illegal migration, implementation of the measures of social protection connected with migrants.
For determination of state policy of the Azerbaijan Republic in the field of migration, first of all, it is necessary to consider present condition of migratory processes in the country.
The analysis of migratory processes allows to establish the following migration flows:
* internal migration;
* external migration.
Flows of internal migration in the Azerbaijan Republic have such forms as forced migration and social and economic migration. Azerbaijan became the first among the former republics of the USSR the country which faced problem of refugees and displaced persons. As a result of policy of the mass ethnic cleaning pursued against Azerbaijanians in the territory of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic after the events which were taking place around Nagorno-Karabakh since 1987 and occupation by the Armenian armed forces of 20 percent of our lands more than one million our compatriots were expelled from homes and found shelter in various regions of our republic.
The displaced persons expelled from the occupied Armenian armed forces of Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent areas and also the left life-threatening settlements adjacent from areas Republic of Armenia, are the main subjects of interstate forced migration.
Subjects of social and economic migration is the population which moved from areas to the large cities, in particular, in Baku and on the Absheronsky peninsula in connection with implementation of economic reforms, privatization process, the problems which arose in due time in providing some settlements with energy resources and for other social and economic reasons taking place. It should be noted that the measures taken in recent years within the program of social and economic development of regions created conditions for return of internal migrants to places of the accommodation.
Because the measures connected with regulation of internal migration flows are fixed in the Azerbaijan Republic approved by the Presidential decree of February 11, 2004 No. 24 "To the state program of social and economic development of regions of the Azerbaijan Republic (2004-2008)" and the President of the Azerbaijan Republic approved by the Order of July 1, 2004 No. 298 to "The state program on improvement of living conditions of refugees and displaced persons and increase in their employment", the main attention in this State program is paid to the measures connected with regulation of processes of external migration.
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