of July 12, 2023 No. 554
About approval of Regulations of Admission and accommodations of persons who are looking for shelter in case of their mass inflow in Items of the temporary settlement
According to the subitem 4) of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About refugees" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:
1. Approve the enclosed Regulations of Admission and accommodations of persons who are looking for shelter in case of their mass inflow in Items of the temporary settlement.
2. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Smailov
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 12, 2023 No. 554
1. These rules of acceptance and accommodation of persons who are looking for shelter in case of their mass inflow in Items of the temporary settlement (further - Rules) are developed according to the subitem 4) of article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About refugees" and determine procedure for acceptance and placement in Items of the temporary settlement of persons who are looking for shelter in case of their mass inflow.
2. For the purpose of acceptance and accommodation of persons who are looking for shelter in Items of the temporary settlement upon mass transition through Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - Frontier) local executive bodies of border areas (further - MIO) in coordination with law-enforcement bodies, civil protection, health care and homeland security make the offer on determination of Items of the temporary settlement in the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. In these rules the following concepts are used:
1) authorized body in the sphere of civil protection - the central executive body of the Republic of Kazakhstan performing management in spheres of the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, civil defense, fire and industrial safety, forming and development of the state material reserve, ensuring functioning and further development of the state system of civil protection, the organization of the prevention and suppression of the fires;
2) emergency situation of social nature - the emergency situation caused by origin in certain territory of contradictions and the conflicts in the sphere of the social relations which can entail or the human victims, damnification to health entailed, significant property damage or violations of conditions of activity of the population;
3) authorized body concerning refugees - the state body performing management in the sphere of regulation of the relations concerning refugees;
4) authorized body in the field of health care - the central executive body performing management and cross-industry coordination in the field of protection of public health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, medical and pharmaceutical science, medical and pharmaceutical education, sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population, drug circulation and medical products, qualities of rendering medical services (help);
5) authorized body in the field of the state material reserve - the central executive body performing executive and control functions, and also management of system of the state material reserve;
6) mass inflow of persons who are looking for shelter - simultaneous transition of persons who are looking for shelter through Frontier on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan which number is determined by mass MIO;
7) person who is looking for shelter - the foreigner or the person without citizenship who showed willingness to address for shelter in the Republic of Kazakhstan, before acceptance by local executive body of area, the city of republican value and the capital of the final decision according to their petition for assignment of the status of the refugee;
8) filtrational Item - the special object created for identification of persons, the arrived persons who are looking for shelter, and decision makings about their further placement;
9) the authorized body performing foreign policy activities - the state body of the Republic of Kazakhstan performing management in the sphere of foreign policy activities and heading single system of bodies of diplomatic service of the Republic of Kazakhstan and also in the sphere of realization of state policy on investment attraction;
10) Items of the temporary settlement - objects for temporary resettlement of persons who are looking for shelter (various buildings and constructions having the relevant structure) prepared for first-priority life support of persons who are looking for shelter, and temporary tent the camp.
4. Legal status of persons who are looking for shelter in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also competences of state bodies concerning refugees are determined according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About refugees".
5. Bodies of homeland security without delay inform MIO, authorized bodies concerning refugees, civil protection and law-enforcement bodies on mass inflow of persons who are looking for shelter.
6. For the purpose of organized accounting, registration of persons who are looking for shelter in places of mass inflow of MIO together with law-enforcement bodies, health care and homeland security filtrational Items, and also together with bodies of civil protection - Items of the temporary settlement are developed.
7. The authorized body renders assistance of MIO in preparation of Items of the temporary settlement in the sphere of civil protection, and also ensures fire safety in filtrational Items and Items of the temporary settlement for acceptance and accommodation of persons who are looking for shelter.
8. Working body for the organization of acceptance and accommodation of persons who are looking for shelter in case of mass inflow are MIO together with the interested state bodies.
MIO for the purpose of organized accounting, registration, temporary placement and creation of condition for ensuring activity of persons who are looking for shelter is developed the corresponding plan which affirms the akim of area.
9. MIO are implemented the actions connected with placement and creation of conditions for ensuring activity of persons who are looking for shelter in Items of the temporary settlement.
10. Acceptance of persons who are looking for shelter in case of their mass inflow is performed by law-enforcement bodies, health care and homeland security through filtrational Items.
11. The main objectives of filtrational Items are:
1) meeting and accounting of the arrived persons who are looking for shelter;
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