Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of February 5, 2007 No. 13-FZ

About features of management and the order of property and shares of the organizations performing activities in the field of use of atomic energy and about modification of separate legal acts of the Russian Federation

(as amended on 03-07-2016)

Accepted by the State Duma on January 19, 2007

Approved by the Federation Council on January 24, 2007

Article 1. Subject of legal regulation of this Federal Law and the basic concepts used in it

1. This Federal Law performs legal regulation of features of the relations arising in management process and orders (including in case of privatization) by property and shares of the organizations of atomic power industrial complex of the Russian Federation (further - atomic power industrial complex).

2. Operation of this Federal Law does not extend to the organizations of nuclear weapon complex of the Russian Federation which list affirms the President of the Russian Federation.

3. In this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) the organizations of atomic power industrial complex - the federal state unitary enterprises and the federal state organizations which are under authority of state body use of atomic energy; other legal entities irrespective of their form of business performing types of activity in the field of use of atomic energy, the stipulated in Article 4 Federal Laws of November 21, 1995 No. 170-FZ "About use of atomic energy" (further - the Federal Law "About Use of Atomic Energy"); the open joint stock company created according to the decision of the President of the Russian Federation according to Item 1 of part 1 of article 3 of this Federal Law. The organizations of nuclear weapon complex of the Russian Federation are not the organizations of atomic power industrial complex;

2) state body use of atomic energy - The State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom" given authority on implementation of public administration by use of atomic energy according to Chapter IV of the Federal Law "About Use of Atomic Energy" and on normative legal regulation in the field of use of atomic energy;

3) federal executive body on management of federal property - the federal executive body performing functions in the field of privatization of federal property and power of the owner, including shareholder right, in the field of management of this property.

Article 2. The basic principles of state policy in the field of management and the order of property and shares of the organizations of atomic power industrial complex

The basic principles of state policy in the field of management and the order of property and shares of the organizations of atomic power industrial complex are:

1) providing priority of steady and safe organization activity of atomic power industrial complex, including observance of requirements of nuclear, radiation, technical and fire safety, ecological safety and requirements in the field of environmental protection, physical protection of nuclear installations, radiation sources, nuclear materials, radioactive materials, Items of storage of nuclear materials and radioactive materials, storages of radioactive waste, and also safety and proper use of the specified objects;

2) obligation of implementation by the organizations of atomic power industrial complex of deliveries of products (performance of works, rendering services) for federal state needs, including for the state inventory of special raw materials and the sharing materials;

3) ensuring the state control of the organizations performing activities in the field of use of atomic energy;

4) ensuring energy security of the Russian Federation;

5) ensuring preserving single production and technological complex of the organization performing activities in the field of use of atomic energy according to its purpose;

6) preserving state regulation of pricing concerning products (works, services) of defensive appointment which production is performed by the organizations of atomic power industrial complex;

7) creation of conditions for increase in product competitiveness (works, services) of the Russian organizations performing productive and other activity in the field of use of atomic energy in the world market;

8) observance of the international obligations and guarantees in the field of use of atomic energy;

9) ensuring protection of the data which are the state secret;

10) creation of conditions for ensuring profitability, and also profitability of functioning of the organizations performing activities in the field of use of atomic energy.

Article 3. Procedure of structural transformations in atomic power industrial complex

1. The president of the Russian Federation claims:

1) the list of the federal state unitary enterprises of atomic power industrial complex which are subject to transformation to open joint stock companies which shares will be introduced in the authorized capital of the open joint stock company created according to the decision of the President of the Russian Federation (further - the main joint-stock company);

2) the list of joint-stock companies of atomic power industrial complex, the shares of which which are in federal property are subject to entering into the authorized capital of the main joint-stock company;


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