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of December 24, 2002 No. 199

About some regulatory legal acts connected with the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About wine growing and winemaking"

(as amended on 30-08-2018)

For the purpose of ensuring execution of the fifth, sixth, eighth and tenth paragraphs of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About wine growing and winemaking" of January 29, 2002 the No. 667 Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides:

1. Approve "Rules of tasting and documentation of products of winemaking", "Regulations on rules of production of wines to which names on production origin are appropriated and assignments of names to winemaking products", "The procedure for carrying out the state registration of processing equipment on production of products of winemaking", "Rules of certification of the companies for production of products of winemaking" (are applied).

2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of signing.

Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic

A. Rasi-Zade

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of December 24, 2002 No. 199

Rules of tasting and documentation of products of winemaking

These rules are prepared on the basis of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About wine growing and winemaking" of January 29, 2002 No. 667 and establish rules of tasting and documentation of products of winemaking.

By preparation for production of new grades and product assortment of winemaking irrespective of pattern of ownership their samples undergo tasting and are documented on the basis of these rules.

For quality evaluation of products of winemaking mean samples and documents provided below are represented to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Azerbaijan Republic together with the statement.

In the statement it shall be specified:

for legal entities - the name of the legal entity, its form of business, statistical code, legal address, number of the settlement account, the bank name, type of activity with indication of code and amount of goods;

for physical persons - name, middle name, surname, data on the identity document (series, number when also by whom it is issued, the address), type of activity with indication of code and amount of goods;

special data on winemaking product (grapes grade, date and production technology);

the laboratory certificate of the main physical and chemical indicators of product (fortress, sugar content, acidity, flying acidity, ekstraktnost) and the document on non-use as a part of the specified products of genetically modified plants, or the plant materials of agricultural industry created by methods of modern biotechnology and genetic engineering;

copy of the certificate on passing of certification by the company.

The central taste panel of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Azerbaijan Republic considers the documents submitted on tasting, in the absence of the bases for shortcomings registers them in the special book and no later than 10 days makes the decision for carrying out tasting.

To owners of products which are subject to tasting it is reported about time of carrying out tasting in 5 days.

During tasting, first of all, color, taste, freshness, purity, bouquet, smell of product and availability in it extraneous impurities are established.

The tasting room shall be brightly lit, painted light paint prepared protected from external sounds and smells with the air temperature of 18 - 20 degrees Celsius.

Tasting is carried out through 1,5 - 2 of hour after food.

In the course of one tasting it is impossible to carry out tasting over 10 products.

Tasting can be carried out as it is opened, and closed. In case of open test all data on complete properties of drink and on the producer are specified, and in case of closed (anonymous) degustatsiitolko number of sample and year which product he is.

The quantity of the mean samples provided for tasting shall be at least five bottles.

When tasting product of winemaking of each name the member of the commission can use 50 ml of this product.

The type of products of winemaking shall correspond to nature of their bouquet.

In sparkling and sparkling wines spumescence, duration of bubbles, game shall be estimated.

During tasting special tasting glasses shall be used.

Products of winemaking shall be represented on tasting in certain sequence. Dry wines shall be tasted to sweet, low-fragrant to strongly fragrant, and young people - to old.

Sparkling wines and cognacs (brandy) shall be tasted separately or after certain pause.

Sparkling wines are submitted for tasting on sugar content percent. So, completely dry, semidry and other, Muscat wines are submitted for tasting at the end.

Cognac (brandy) is submitted for tasting in the sequence of increase in term of maturing.

During tasting it is not recommended to hold long in mouth winemaking products. Because at the same time sensitivity of organs of taste decreases. To estimate taste and bouquet, there is enough 30 seconds.

Each member of taste panel notes the assessment given them by organoleptic indicator of products of winemaking in tasting leaf and after summing of these estimates the GPA is removed.

Organoleptic indicators of products of winemaking are conducted on 100-mark system.

Tasting leaf (Table 1)

¦                       ¦                 № образца                  ¦
¦                       +--------------------------------------------¦
¦                       ¦Отлично¦Очень ¦Хорошо¦Удов- ¦Неудов- ¦Приме-¦
¦                       ¦       ¦хорошо¦      ¦летво-¦летво-  ¦чание ¦
¦                       ¦       ¦      ¦      ¦ри-   ¦рительно¦      ¦
¦                       ¦       ¦      ¦      ¦тельно¦        ¦      ¦
¦Внешний ¦прозрачность, ¦   5   ¦  4   ¦  3   ¦   2  ¦    1   ¦      ¦
¦вид     ¦цвет          ¦  10   ¦  8   ¦  5   ¦   4  ¦    2   ¦      ¦
¦Аромат  ¦чистота,      ¦   6   ¦  5   ¦  4   ¦   3  ¦    2   ¦      ¦
¦(букет) ¦интенсивность,¦   8   ¦  7   ¦  6   ¦   4  ¦    2   ¦      ¦
¦        ¦качество      ¦  16   ¦ 14   ¦ 12   ¦  10  ¦    8   ¦      ¦
¦Вкус    ¦чистота,      ¦   6   ¦  5   ¦  4   ¦   3  ¦    2   ¦      ¦
¦        ¦интенсивность,¦   8   ¦  7   ¦  6   ¦   4  ¦    2   ¦      ¦
¦        ¦после вкуса,  ¦   8   ¦  7   ¦  6   ¦   5  ¦    4   ¦  


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