of April 25, 2023 No. 302
About temporary management of some property
Due to the need of acceptance of immediate measures in response to the unfriendly and contradicting international law actions of the United States of America and the foreign states and the international organizations which adjoined them, the deprivations of the Russian Federation, the Russian legal entities and physical persons of the property right and (or) restriction of their property right directed on illegal, for the purpose of protection of national interests of the Russian Federation and according to the Federal Laws of December 30, 2006 No. 281-FZ "About special economic measures and enforcement powers", of December 28, 2010 No. 390-FZ "About safety" and of June 4, 2018 No. 127-FZ "About corrective actions (counteraction) on unfriendly actions of the United States of America and other foreign states" I decide:
1. Determine that in case of deprivation of the Russian Federation and (or) the Russian legal entities or physical persons of the property right to the property which is in the territories of foreign states which make concerning the Russian Federation of the Russian legal entities and physical persons unfriendly actions (further - unfriendly foreign states), and (or) property rights, restriction of the specified rights or emergence of threat such deprivations, restrictions, threats national, economic, energy or to other types of safety of the Russian Federation, its defense capability temporary management in the relation is entered:
a) the personal and real estate of the foreign persons connected with unfriendly foreign states which is in the territory of the Russian Federation (including if such foreign persons are citizens or residents of these states, the place of their registration, the place of preferential conducting economic activity by them or the place of preferential extraction by them of profit on activities are these states), and persons who are under control of the specified foreign persons (further - persons of unfriendly foreign states);
b) the unfriendly foreign states of securities, shares in the authorized (share) capital of the Russian legal entities belonging to persons;
c) the property rights belonging to persons of unfriendly foreign states.
2. Approve the enclosed list of personal and real estate, securities, shares in the authorized (share) capital of the Russian legal entities and property rights concerning which temporary management is entered.
3. Determine Federal Agency for State Property Management as the interim manager.
4. By the president of the Russian Federation including the other person can be determined by the offer of Federal Agency for State Property Management as the interim manager.
5. The interim manager performs powers of the owner of personal and real estate, the securities, shares in the authorized (share) capital of the Russian legal entity, property rights (further - property) which are in temporary management, except for powers according to the order property.
6. The interim manager performs functions on carrying out inventory count of the property which is in temporary management and ensuring safety of such property.
7. Financing of the expenses connected with temporary property management is performed for the income account from its use.
8. Temporary property management stops according to the decision of the President of the Russian Federation.
9. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
President of the Russian Federation
V. Putin
Approved by the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2023, No. 302
No. of payment order |
Property |
Interim manager |
I. Personal estate | ||
II. Real estate | ||
1. |
The Falcon 7X aircraft, registration number OO-GPP, the belonging ZGG-Zarubezhgazneftekhim Trading Gmbh (ZGG-Zarubezhgazneftechim Trading GmbH) |
Gazinkom limited liability company |
2. |
The Falco№2000ЕХ EASy aircraft, registration number G-YFOX, the belonging ZGG-Zarubezhgazneftekhim Trading Gmbh (ZGG-Zarubezhgazneftechim Trading GmbH) |
Gazinkom limited liability company |
III. Securities | ||
1. |
83,73 of percent of shares of the Yunipro public joint stock company belonging Uniper SE |
Rosimushchestvo |
2. |
69,8807 of percent of shares of the Fortum public joint stock company belonging Fortum Russia to B.V. (Fortum Russia B.V.) |
Rosimushchestvo |
3. |
28,3488 of percent of shares of the Fortum public joint stock company belonging to Fortum Holding of B.V. (Fortum Holding B.V.) |
Rosimushchestvo |
4 - 5. |
Voided | |
6. |
3 654 242 ordinary shares of Prime Print Moscow joint-stock company belonging Amedia Istern Yuerop AS (Amedia Easter№Europe AS) |
Government of Moscow |
7. |
140 thousand ordinary shares of Prime Print Yekaterinburg joint-stock company belonging Amedia Istern Yuerop AS (Amedia Easter№Europe AS) |
Government of Moscow |
8. |
700 ordinary shares of Prime Print Novosibirsk joint-stock company belonging Amedia Istern Yuerop AS (Amedia Easter№Europe AS) |
Government of Moscow |
9. |
6790 thousand ordinary shares of Prime Print Chelyabinsk private company belonging Amedia Istern Yuerop AS (Amedia Easter№Europe AS) |
Government of Moscow |
10 - 11. |
Voided | |
12. |
164 441 ordinary shares of Verkhovsky Concentrated Milk Plant joint-stock company belonging to Promselkhozinvest limited liability company |
Rosimushchestvo |
13. |
100 ordinary shares of Glavprodukt joint-stock company belonging to Promselkhozinvest limited liability company |
Rosimushchestvo |
14. |
52 183 364 ordinary shares of Orelprodukt joint-stock company belonging to Promselkhozinvest limited liability company |
Rosimushchestvo |
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