of June 22, 2023 No. 242-HK
About approval of Rules of the organization of activities of the trade markets, requirements to content of the territory, the equipment and equipment of the trade market
According to Item 2-8 of article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On regulation of trading activity" PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of the organization of activities of the trade markets, requirements to content of the territory, the equipment and equipment of the trade market.
2. To provide to committee of trade of the Ministry of Trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Acting minister of trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan
K. Balykbayev
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Approved by the Order of the acting minister of trade and integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 22, 2023 No. 242-HK
1. These rules of the organization of activities of the trade markets, requirements to content of the territory, the equipment and equipment of the trade market (further - Rules) are developed according to Item 2-8 of article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On regulation of trading activity" (further - the Law) and determine procedure for the organization of activities of the trade markets, requirements to content of the territory, the equipment and equipment of the trade market located in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
These rules extend to all subjects and objects of the trade market.
2. In these rules the following terms are applied:
1) mobile shop - the specialized vehicle equipped with trading equipment (in case of sales of goods through mobile shops the specialized vehicle shall be technically operational);
2) the automatic machine - the automated device, held for sale goods;
3) administrative zone - zone of the trade market where premises of administration of the trade market are located;
4) the retail market - the trade market in which are performed rendering services, performance of works and sales of goods to the final consumer for the private, household and family use which is not connected with business activity;
5) retail trade - the business activity performed by subjects of the trade market on sales of goods to the final consumer for the private, household and family use which is not connected with business activity;
6) the vending machine - the automated device performing sales of goods, and the device for automatic preparation, realization of food products by means of the automated systems without participation of the seller;
7) shop - the capital stationary structure or its part provided with trade, utility, administrative and household rooms, and also rooms for acceptance, storage and preparation of goods for sale;
8) booth - the non-capital figurative construction equipped with trading equipment, which does not have trade floor and rooms for storage of food products, expected one or several trade places;
9) portable counter - the figurative shoddy construction (design) representing the trade place located on specially certain place;
10) the utility trade market - the trade market created according to the decision of local executive bodies on which trade in mainly food products is performed including socially important product goods, according to the procedure, determined by these rules;
11) the wholesale market - the trade market in which are performed rendering the services, performance of works and sales of goods intended for the subsequent sale to the buyer for implementation of business activity;
12) the wholesale and retail market - the trade market in which are performed rendering services, performance of works and sales of goods to the final consumer for private, household and family use, and also the subsequent sale to the buyer for implementation of business activity;
13) wholesale trade - the business activity performed by subjects of the trade market on sales of goods, intended for the subsequent sale to the buyer for implementation of business activity;
14) service - the activities directed to requirements satisfaction of consumers which results have no material expression;
15) the warehouse area - zone of the trade market where storage facilities, and also the objects and devices necessary for servicing of these storage facilities are located;
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