of September 20, 2001 No. 2728-III
About diplomatic service
This Law determines the legal basis and procedure for the organization of activities of diplomatic service of Ukraine as component of public service, and also feature of legal status of employees of diplomatic service of Ukraine.
In this Law terms are used in the following value:
the diplomatic service of Ukraine (further - diplomatic service) is the professional activity of citizens of Ukraine directed to practical realization of foreign policy of Ukraine, protection of national interests of Ukraine in the field of the international relations, and also the rights and interests of citizens and legal entities of Ukraine abroad;
the diplomatic worker - the government employee who is performing diplomatic or consular functions in Ukraine or abroad and having the corresponding diplomatic rank;
the administrative and technical worker - the government employee performing administrative maintenance of system of bodies of diplomatic service;
employees of diplomatic service are diplomatic employees and administrative and technical workers of system of bodies of diplomatic service;
foreign diplomatic organizations of Ukraine - diplomatic representations and consular establishments of Ukraine in other states, representations under the international organizations;
long-term business trip - stay of employees of diplomatic service by the principle of rotation in foreign diplomatic organizations of Ukraine in the terms provided by this Law;
rotation - planned substitution of employees of diplomatic service in foreign diplomatic organizations of Ukraine according to the procedure, determined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
The relations arising in connection with passing of diplomatic service are regulated by the Constitution of Ukraine, this Law, the Law of Ukraine "About public service", the Labor code of Ukraine, the Consular charter of Ukraine, other regulatory legal acts adopted according to them, and also existing with international treaties which consent to be bound is this the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
The basic principles of diplomatic service are:
service to the Ukrainian people;
upholding of national interests of Ukraine;
priority of rights and freedoms of man and citizen;
democratism and legality;
humanity and social justice;
professionalism, competence, initiative, objectivity, honesty, commitment to case;
the personal responsibility for execution of service duties and respect for discipline.
The main objectives of diplomatic service are:
ensuring national interests and safety of Ukraine by maintenance of peaceful and mutually beneficial cooperation with members of the international community by the conventional principles and rules of international law;
carrying out the foreign policy of Ukraine aimed at the development of political, commercial, humanitarian, scientific, other connections with other states, the international organizations;
protection of the rights and interests of citizens and legal entities of Ukraine abroad;
assistance to ensuring stability of world situation of Ukraine, to raising of her international authority, distribution in the world of image of Ukraine as reliable and predictable partner;
providing with diplomatic means and methods of protection of sovereignty, safety, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders of Ukraine, its political, trade and economic and other interests;
coordination of activities of other executive bodies for ensuring carrying out single foreign policy of Ukraine;
studying of political and economic situation in the world, foreign and domestic policy of foreign states, activities of the international organizations;
providing public authorities of Ukraine with information necessary for implementation of effective foreign and domestic policy;
implementation of other tasks according to the legislation of Ukraine.
The main functions of diplomatic service are:
ensuring maintenance of the diplomatic intercourses with other states, representation of Ukraine in the international organizations and special missions;
protection of national interests of Ukraine, her citizens and legal entities, in the field of the international relations;
ensuring unity of foreign policy of the state;
use of benefits of the international communication to assistance to internal development of Ukraine, to strengthening of its homeland security and line items in the world
implementation of foreign policy activities of the state;
organization of negotiation and preparation of the conclusion of international treaties of Ukraine;
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The document ceased to be valid since December 19, 2018 according to Item 2 of the Section XI of the Law of Ukraine of June 7, 2018 No. 2449-VIII