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of May 5, 2023 No. 60

About approval of the Regulations on implementation of permanent supervision by the National Bank of Ukraine in the payment market for non-bank payment service providers, suppliers of limited payment services

(as amended of the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of 06.08.2024 No. 99)

According to Articles 7, of 15, 55-1, 56  of the Law of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", Articles 8, of 78, of 81 Law of Ukraine "About payment services", for the purpose of settlement of procedure of supervision of activities of non-bank payment service providers, suppliers of limited payment services in the form of permanent supervision the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve Regulations on implementation of permanent supervision by the National Bank of Ukraine in the payment market for non-bank payment service providers, suppliers of limited payment services (further - the enclosed Provision).

2. To department of methodology of regulation of activities of non-bank financial institutions (Sergey Savchuk) after official publication to inform non-bank payment service providers, suppliers of limited payment services information on adoption of this resolution.

3. The resolution becomes effective from the date of, its official publication following behind day.



Approved by the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine on May 5, 2023 No. 60

Regulations on implementation of permanent supervision by the National Bank of Ukraine in the payment market for non-bank payment service providers, suppliers of limited payment services

I. General provisions

1. This Provision is developed according to the laws of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", "About payment services" on purpose:

1) establishment of procedure of permanent supervision of activities of non-bank payment service providers, suppliers of limited payment services;

2) ensuring compliance by non-bank payment service providers, suppliers of limited payment services of prudential standard rates, requirements of the legislation regulating procedure of payment transactions (except the legislation provided by part two of article 82 of the Law of Ukraine "About payment services"), legislations of rather information security and providing continuity of provision of payment services, the legislation governing the relations between suppliers and users of payment services, the legislation which fulfillment of requirements is condition of authorization of activities according to the Law of Ukraine "About payment services" (further - Requirements).

2. Terms in this provision are used in such value:

1) permanent supervision form of implementation by the National Bank of Ukraine (further - National Bank) supervision of activities of non-bank suppliers of financial payment services, suppliers of limited payment services for the purpose of ensuring compliance with requirements by them without their visit on the location;

2) the single e-mail address of object of permanent supervision - the e-mail address of object of permanent supervision for implementation of official communication with National Bank provided to National Bank according to the regulatory legal acts of National Bank determining procedure of authorization of activities of suppliers of financial payment services and limited payment services, licensing and registration of suppliers of financial services and condition of implementation by them of activities for provision of financial services (further - the e-mail address);

2-1) curator of the profound analysis - the official of National Bank determined in the administrative act of National Bank of carrying out the profound analysis (further - the administrative act) who performs the common directorship of process of the profound analysis of object of permanent supervision, coordinate the solution of internal matters and external communications with object of permanent supervision (if necessary), including signing of written requests on receipt of the explanations, information and documents arising during the profound analysis;

3) the non-bank supplier of financial payment services - payment organization (small payment organization), branch of foreign payment organization / organization of electronic money, organization of electronic money, the financial institution having the right to provision of payment services, the operator of mail service;

4) objects of permanent supervision - non-bank suppliers of financial payment services, suppliers of limited payment services concerning which the National Bank exercises permanent supervision;

4-1) profound analysis method of implementation of permanent supervision providing implementation of the complex, comprehensive analysis of documents, data, data are also carried out for detection of availability/lack of the fact of implementation by object of permanent supervision of activities for provision of payment services or implementation of payment transactions, activities for provision of the limited payment services having signs of financial payment service, limited payment service without authorization (without license and/or registration) if such authorization is stipulated by the legislation Ukraine (further - license-free activities);

5) the postal address of object of permanent supervision (further - the postal address) - the location information of object of permanent supervision containing in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, physical persons entrepreneurs and public forming;


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