of May 4, 1999 No. 96-FZ
About protection of atmospheric air
Accepted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on April 2, 1999
Approved by Council of the Russian Federation on April 22, 1999
Atmospheric air is the vital component of the environment, integral part of the habitat of the person, plants and animals.
This Federal Law establishes the legal basis of protection of atmospheric air and is directed to realization of constitutional rights of citizens on the favorable environment and reliable information about its condition.
In this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:
atmospheric air - the vital component of the environment representing the natural mix of gases of the atmosphere which is outside residential, production and other rooms;
pollutant - chemical or mix of substances, including radioactive, and microorganisms which arrive in atmospheric air contain and formed in it and which in the quantity and (or) concentration exceeding the established standard rates make negative impact on the environment, and also harmful effects on life, health of the person;
pollution of atmospheric air - receipt in atmospheric air or education of pollutants in it in the concentration exceeding the established hygienic standard rates of quality of atmospheric air and standard rates of quality of the environment for atmospheric air;
physical impact on atmospheric air - impact of noise, vibration, ionizing radiation, temperature and other physical factors changing temperature, energy, wave, radiation and other physical properties of atmospheric air on health of the person and the environment;
cross-border pollution of atmospheric air - pollution of atmospheric air as a result of transfer of pollutants which source is located in the territory of foreign state;
adverse weather conditions - the weather conditions promoting accumulating of pollutants in ground layer of atmospheric air;
maximum permissible level of physical impact on atmospheric air - the standard rate of physical impact on atmospheric air which reflects the maximum permissible maximum level of physical impact on atmospheric air in case of which there are no harmful effects on health of the person and negative impact on the environment;
the maximum permissible standard rate of physical impact on atmospheric air - the standard rate which is established for each source noise vibration, electromagnetic and other physical impacts on atmospheric air and in case of which physical impact from this and from all other sources will not lead to exceeding of maximum permissible levels of physical impacts on atmospheric air;
the technological standard rate of emission - the standard rate of emission of pollutant in the atmospheric air established for engineering procedures of the main productions and the equipment carried to scopes of the best available technologies using technological indicator of emission;
maximum permissible (critical) loading - indicator of impact of one or several pollutants on the surrounding environment which exceeding can result in negative impact on the environment;
maximum permissible emission - the norm of emission of pollutant in atmospheric air which is determined as amount or mass of chemical or mix of chemicals, microorganisms, other substances, as activity ratio of radioactive materials, admissible for emission in atmospheric air by stationary source and (or) set of stationary sources and in case of which observance fulfillment of requirements in the field of protection of atmospheric air is provided;
temporarily permitted emission - the indicator of amount or mass of pollutant established for the operating stationary source and (or) set of the operating stationary sources for step-by-step achievement of maximum permissible emission or the technological standard rate of emission;
monitoring of atmospheric air - system of observations of condition of atmospheric air, its pollution and behind the natural phenomena occurring in it, and also assessment and the forecast of condition of atmospheric air, its pollution;
protection of atmospheric air - system of the measures performed by public authorities of the Russian Federation, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, legal entities and physical persons for the purpose of improvement of quality of atmospheric air and prevention of its harmful effects on health of the person and negative impact on the environment;
the hygienic standard rate of quality of atmospheric air - criterion of quality of atmospheric air which reflects maximum permissible maximum content of pollutants in atmospheric air and in case of which there are no harmful effects on health of the person;
the standard rate of quality of the environment for atmospheric air - criterion of quality of atmospheric air which reflects maximum permissible maximum content of pollutants in atmospheric air and in case of which there is no negative impact on the environment;
quality of atmospheric air - set of the physical, chemical and biological properties of atmospheric air reflecting degree of its compliance to hygienic standard rates of quality of atmospheric air and to standard rates of quality of the environment for atmospheric air;
technological indicator of emission - indicator of concentration of pollutant, amount or lot of emission of pollutant in the atmospheric air counting on unit of time or unit of the made products (goods) characterizing engineering procedures and the equipment;
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