of January 12, 2007 No. 219-III-ZRK
About gaming
The preamble is excluded according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 08.07.2024 No. 116-VIII ZRK
In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) the hardware and software - set of the program and technical means providing information processes;
2) bet - the agreement based on risk signed by participants among themselves or with the organizer of gaming for the event outcome assuming prize in which they do not take part;
2-1) equipment for the organization and carrying out bet - the devices used for the organization and carrying out bet, allowing participants of bet to observe development and outcome of event on which result were relied by them;
2-2) beneficial owner - physical person:
which directly or indirectly possesses more than twenty five percent of shares in the authorized capital or placed (less exclusive and redeemed by society) shares of the legal entity or foreign structure without formation of legal entity;
exercising control over the legal entity or foreign structure without formation of legal entity otherwise;
for the benefit of which the legal entity or foreign structure without formation of legal entity make transactions with money and (or) other property;
3) bookmaker office - the organizer of gaming concluding bet with participants;
3-1) single system of accounting - set of the software and the technical means connected by means of networks of telecommunications to the hardware and software of bookmaker office and (or) totalizator and providing acceptance (implementation) of cash and cashless payments, including with use of electronic money, payment of prizes, and also performing the personified collection, processing and storage of information on each participant of bet the accepted rates on bet (including electronic) on each participant of bet, coefficients on bet outcome options, prizes and payments for them and other functions provided by this Law;
4) legitimatsionny signs - the counters, counters of certain nominal and (or) electronic media replacing the cash and used in gambling institutions for participation in gamblings according to the procedure, determined by rules of the organizer of gaming;
4-1) Internet casinos - the Internet resource realizing possibility of the organization and carrying out gamblings in real time by means of the Internet and (or) electronic money and providing receipt of prize;
5) casino - gambling institution in which for the organization and carrying out gamblings game tables are used;
6) cash desk of casino or the slot machine hall - the place in gambling institution which is specially equipped with the organizer of gaming where transactions with money, and also issue and (or) return of legitimatsionny signs are performed;
7) gambling - the agreement based on risk assuming prize signed by participants among themselves or with the organizer of gaming for the outcome of event in which specified persons take part;
7-1) participant of gambling and (or) bet - the physical person who is taking part in gambling and (or) bet;
7-2) person limited in participation in gamblings and (or) bet - physical person which owing to abuse of gamblings and (or) bet is limited to court in capacity to act, and also the citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan who limited himself from participation in gamblings and (or) bet;
7-3) merchent ID - unique character set, identifying the foreign company as receiver of payment and (or) money transfer with use of payment systems;
8) required reserves - the money belonging to the organizer of gaming or the applicant on the property right, including received on credit and placed in banks in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on bank deposit agreement on the terms of issue of contribution on the first demand of (on-demand deposit) and used by it according to the requirements established by this Law;
9) the gaming machine - the gambling equipment (mechanical, electric, electronic or other technical equipment) used for carrying out gamblings which prize is determined in a random way by the device which is in the body of such gambling equipment without participation of the organizer of gaming or its workers;
10) the slot machine hall - gambling institution in which for the organization and carrying out gamblings only gaming machines are used;
11) gaming - the business activity connected with the organization and carrying out gamblings and (or) bet;
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