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of May 26, 2023 No. 342

About distribution of means of republican fund of universal servicing of digital development and communication

Based on part two of Item 8 of the Regulations on procedure for forming and use of means of republican fund of universal servicing of the digital development and communication approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of January 16, 2020 No. 13, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Direct in 2023 the remaining balance of means of republican fund of universal servicing of digital development and communication formed for January 1, 2023 in the amount 59 577 470, of the 89th ruble to increase in expenses of this fund for implementation of actions of the State program "Digital development of Belarus" for 2021-2025 approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 2, 2021 No. 66, having distributed them on customers of actions according to appendix.

2. Bring in the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of January 14, 2022 No. 25 "About the direction of remaining balance of means of republican fund of universal servicing of communication and informatization" the following changes:

in the name, preamble, Item 1 of the word "communications and informatizations" shall be replaced with words "digital development and communication";

in Regulations on the direction of remaining balance of funds of republican fund of universal servicing of communication and informatization for financing of expenses of this fund approved by this resolution:

in the name of the word "communications and informatizations" shall be replaced with words "digital development and communication";

in Item 1:

"communications and informatizations" shall be replaced with words words "digital development and communication";

words of "programs of informatization" shall be replaced with words "programs in the sphere of digital development";

in Item 2:

words of "programs of informatization" shall be replaced with words "programs in the sphere of digital development";

shall be replaced with words words of "servicing of communication and informatization" "servicing of digital development and communication";

Item 3 paragraph two after the word "examinations" to add with words "technical data sheet of action in the sphere of digital development,";

in item 4 and subitem 5.3 of Item 5 shall be replaced with words the word "informatizations" "in the sphere of digital development";

the second Item 6 to state part in the following edition:

"Results of meeting of working group are drawn up by the protocol based on which the Ministry of Communications develops the draft of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus providing distribution of remaining balance of fund according to subprogrammes of state programs in the sphere of digital development, to customers of actions and (or) the direction of use of fund specified in subitem 6.3 of Item 6 of the Regulations on procedure for forming and use of means of republican fund of universal servicing of digital development and communication. At the same time on specific actions of state programs in the sphere of digital development remaining balance of fund is distributed based on the list of actions approved by the customer in coordination with the Ministry of Communications with the subsequent adjustment of state programs in the sphere of digital development.";

in Item 7:

"Item 7" shall be replaced with words words "paragraphs the second or fourth Item 7";

"communications and informatizations" shall be replaced with words words "digital development and communication";

in appendix to this Provision:

in signature stamp and the name of appendix of the word "communications and informatizations" shall be replaced with words "digital development and communication";

in column 7 of the word "planned payments flowing goda5" shall be replaced with words "planned payments of current period (from them at the expense of remaining balance of fund) 5";

in the interlinear note "2" to appendix shall be replaced with words the word "informatizations" "in the sphere of digital development";

in the interlinear note "6" to appendix:

shall be replaced with words the word "informatizations" "in the sphere of digital development";

after the word "examination"," to add the note with the words "technical data sheet of action in the sphere of digital development is prepared",".

3. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.

First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

N. Snopkov



to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of May 26, 2023 No. 342

Distribution of remaining balance of means of republican fund of universal servicing of digital development and communication on customers of actions of the State program "Digital development of Belarus" for 2021-2025

Name of subprogrammes and customers

Amount of means, rubles

The subprogramme "Information and analytical and organizational and technical maintenance of digital development" – all

229 000,0

from them Ministry of Communications and Informatization

229 000,0

The subprogramme "Infrastructure of digital development" – all

14 011 476,0

from them:

State boundary committee

1 997 956,0

Ministry of Health

6 363 520,0

Operational analytical center in case of the President of the Republic of Belarus

5 650 000,0

The subprogramme "Digital development of public administration" – all

20 422 430,69

from them:

State boundary committee

713 600,0

State Customs Committee

3 413 380,69

Ministry of anti-monopoly regulation and trade

350 000,0

Ministry of Internal Affairs

5 145 000,0

Ministry of Communications and Informatization

1 200 000,0

Ministry of Economics

437 450,0

Ministry of Justice

502 000,0


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