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of April 11, 2023 No. UP-49

About measures for increase in efficiency of activities of Public council under the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan

(as amended of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 11.01.2025 No. UP-1)

In recent years effective cooperation of national army with the state and public organizations is established, the trust of our people to army even more became stronger.

The public council under the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan makes powerful contribution to increase in spiritual and educational level, fighting and national spirit of the military personnel, increase in prestige of military service in society, and also military patriotic education of the growing-up younger generation.

In particular, the Public council renders close assistance to the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Ministry of Defence) in ensuring transparency and publicity, practical realization of the noble idea "The people and army are single", in system bringing to the general public and the international community of essence of the large-scale reforms undertaken in Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Considering positive experience of Public council under the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, for the purpose of increase in efficiency of its activities, full support of the military personnel and members of their families, and also military pensioners, increase in their spiritual and educational level, strengthening of work on education of the growing-up younger generation in military patriotic spirit:

1. Approve:

updated structure of Public council under the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 1;

updated standard structure of regional divisions of Public council under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas according to appendix No. 2.

2. Determine the main objectives of Public council:

the comprehensive analysis of the offers and opinions pushed by the public and the world community concerning the reforms undertaken in the defensive and military sphere, the most topical issues connected with providing the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, holding sociological polls including with use of information and communication technologies;

accomplishment of function of the "bridge" connecting the Ministry of Defence with citizens for the purpose of ensuring effective interaction of state bodies with non-state non-profit organizations, mass media and other institutes of civil society;

participation in carrying out the complex analysis of execution of the appropriate programs directed to social legal protection, housing, medical and other types of providing the military personnel and members of their families, improvement of conditions of service, implementation of effective public control over accomplishment of these programs;

(stocked) direct participation in the solution of the questions connected with social and professional adaptation and employment of the citizens discharged from military service in reserve;

rendering direct assistance to the Ministry of Defence in project development of the normative and legal and other acts connected with defense and military construction, including connected with activities of the Ministry of Defence (except for the documents and data relating to the state secret and the limited sphere of use), in the organization of carrying out their discussions with the public and specialists experts;

preparation and entering into the Ministry of Defence of offers on increase in efficiency of the held events for the organization of appeal of citizens on conscription military and alternative service, to acceptance on service in mobilization draft reserve, and also on ensuring preserving the healthy moral and psychological circle, high morality and culture, legality, law and order in military units (organizations);

mutual cooperation with the state and public organizations and other institutes of civil society in strengthening of active living position of youth, strengthening of feeling of commitment to the Homeland, participation to its destiny and prosperity, strengthening of its national ideological immunity to influence of mass culture, to the information and psychological attacks;


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