Unofficial translation (c) Soyuzpravoinform LLC
of February 8, 2023 No. ZR-20
About geodetic and cartographic activities
Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on January 17, 2023
1. This law governs the relations connected with implementation in the Republic of Armenia of geodetic and surveying, cartographic, land management, measuring and accounting activities. in the Republic of Armenia geodetic and surveying, cartographical, land management, measuring and accounting works are carried out according to this law and other legal acts.
2. The sphere of regulation of this Law covers geodetic and surveying, cartographic, land management, measuring and accounting activities, competence of state bodies, local government bodies and other subjects in the field of geodesy and surveying, cartographical, land management, measuring and accounting, international cooperation, and also procedure for the dispute resolution and responsibility for violation of this Law.
1. In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) geodesy – the sphere of the relations arising in the course of scientific, technical, industrial and other activity by determination of coordinates and high-rise signs of the gravimetric field of the globe, land surface and spatial objects, and also changes in time of the specified coordinates and high-rise signs;
1. 1) Engineering geodesy - the type of activity arising during the geodetic works performed in case of inspection, design, construction and operation of buildings and constructions;
1. 2) surveying activities implementation of geodetic and cartographical works in the mining industry;
2) cartography – the sphere of the relations arising in the course of scientific, technical, industrial and other activity on studying, creation, use, transformation and display of spatial data (including information systems);
3) geodetic and cartographic activities – scientific and technical, productive activity, activities for rendering services, use of information systems and management activity in the sphere of geodesy and cartography;
4) geodetic Item – the engineering design fixed on the area by certain coordinates and absolute altitude on the physical surface of the globe;
5) geodetic network – set of the geodetic Items fixed on the area which location is determined in general for them to geodetic system of coordinates;
6) network of referentsny stations – consisting of two and more GPS (GPS) and Balanced Network stations, used only for needs of the created her face;
7) network of the state referentsny stations – consisting of two and more GPS (GPS) and Balanced Network stations, created in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and managed by the state;
8) geodetic and cartographical works – process of creation of geodetic, cartographic materials and spatial data;
9) remote sensing of the earth – process of data acquisition about the Earth's surface by means of shootings from space;
10) system of coordinates – digital sizes by means of which location of point in the plane, on surface or in space is determined;
11) local system of coordinates – the conditional system of coordinates installed for the limited territory which is not exceeding administrative and territorial unit of the Republic of Armenia, the beginning of coordinates and which orientation of axes of coordinates are rejected from single state system of coordinates and which is applied when implementing geodetic and cartographical works;
12) scale – the proportion which establishes (approves) ratio between the linear sizes of object on the cartographical image and its actual sizes in the nature;
13) large-scale row – accurate system of certain scales of topographic maps and plans of the state large-scale row accepted for the Republic of Armenia;
14) the card – the reduced natural image on the plane of the Earth's surface, other celestial bodies or their parts which conforms to the requirements provided by this Law is expressed by conventional signs in certain scale and projection;
15) person having qualification - the person who is engaged in geodetic and surveying, and also cartographic, land management, measuring and accounting activities in the Republic of Armenia, received from committee of the inventory (further - committee) the appropriate qualification certificate;
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