Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 8, 2006 No. 1687

About approval of the Procedure for the item-by-item termination (restriction) of gas supply to consumers, except the population

(as amended on 22-07-2020)

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve the Procedure for the item-by-item termination (restriction) for gas supply to consumers, except the population which is applied.

2. Recognize invalid:

the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 20, 1998 No. 506 "About approval of the Regulations on procedure for the item-by-item termination of gas supply to consumers, except the population which do not perform payment for the used natural gas" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 1998, No. 16, of the Art. 597);

Item of 1 changes which are made to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 8, 1999 No. 2219 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 1999, No. 49, the Art. 2411).


Prime Minister of Ukraine

V. Yanukovych

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 8, 2006 No. 1687

Procedure for the item-by-item termination (restriction) for gas supply to consumers, except the population

1. This Procedure determines the procedure of the termination (restriction) of gas supply to the companies - consumers of natural gas (further - the consumer) in case of violation of the term of calculations by them for the consumed natural gas or for the provided services in its transportation, refusals of reduction of amount of gas consumption and transition to work with use of reserve types of fuel according to the schedules approved by Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the regional, Kiev and Sevastopol city state administrations for sharp cold snaps (further - the corresponding schedule), and also selection of natural gas for absence at consumers of planned scope of supply of natural gas on current month (further - limit of natural gas) which is allocated with the supplier according to the contract for supply to the consumer of natural gas.

2. Gas supply can be stopped (is limited) by the consumer or the gas, gas-distributing, gas transmission company authorized by the Ministry of Energy on the termination (restriction) of gas supply to consumers.

3. The gas, gas-distributing, gas transmission company on own initiative in case of violation by the consumer of term of calculations for the consumed natural gas (when noted company is his supplier) or for the provided services in its transportation stops or limits gas supply, and in case of absence at the consumer of limit of natural gas stops gas supply according to terms of the contract on gas transportation.

In other case the termination (restriction) of gas supply is performed at the request of the supplier based on the agreement signed with it.

4. The termination (restriction) of gas supply in case of violation by the consumer of term of calculations for the consumed natural gas or for the provided services in its transportation, non-compliance with the corresponding schedule by it is performed in time, determined by the supplier, gas, gas-distributing, gas transmission company.

The termination of gas supply in case of absence at the consumer of limit of natural gas is performed in the day and time determined by gas, gas-distributing, gas transmission company based on calculation of amount of gas consumption and remaining balance of the allocated limit.

5. The termination (restriction) of gas supply is performed on entrance sliding armature of the gas pipeline of the consumer or gas distribution point (in case of its availability). In case when the consumer is attached by the direct gas pipeline from gas distribution station, the termination (restriction) can directly be performed at noted station.

6. The consumer shall be informed by the gas, gas-distributing, gas transmission company authorized by the Ministry of Energy on the termination (restriction) of gas supply to consumers (further - the authorized company) on the termination (restriction) of gas supply at least three days prior to date for which it is planned. At the companies of the metallurgical and chemical industry such term cannot be less than five days.

For this purpose the authorized company sends to the consumer the message (in the form established by the Ministry of Energy) in which the bases and term (date and time) of the termination (restriction) of gas supply are specified, and at the same time informs the corresponding local executive body or local government body, and also territorial authorities of Goszhilkommuninspektion on it.

7. For the purpose of accident prevention, injury rate, damage to machinery, negative impact on the surrounding environment the consumer shall take before the term of the termination (restriction) of gas supply noted in the message necessary measures for preparation of the gas-consumer equipment for such termination (restriction).

8. The termination (restriction) of gas supply is performed independently by the consumer's workers who serve gas pipelines or the gazopotrebitelky equipment, in the presence of the official of the authorized company which directed the message which performs oplombirovyvaniye and draws up the statement in the form established by the Ministry of Energy.

9. In case of refusal the consumer in the termination (restriction) of gas supply or its unauthorized recovery the forced termination (restriction) of gas supply by employees of the authorized company which sent the message, by partial or complete overlapping of entrance sliding armature with its oplombirovyvaniye or mechanical (welded) detachment of the gas pipeline about what the official of the authorized company draws up the statement in the form established by the Ministry of Energy is performed.

In case of unauthorized recovery of gas supply its termination is performed by mechanical (welded) detachment of the gas pipeline. At the same time the copy of the act goes to relevant organ of internal affairs.

Representatives of law-enforcement bodies help easy access of workers and officials of the authorized company to entrance sliding armature of the gas pipeline or gas distribution point (in case of its availability) and to accomplishment of works by them concerning the termination (restriction) of gas supply.

10. The consumer bears the responsibility for free, unlimited gas consumption, unauthorized recovery, and also for the consequences connected with the termination (restriction) of gas supply established by the legislation.

11. Recovery of gas supply is performed in case of repayment provision of debt for the consumed natural gas, the provided services in its transportation confirmed with the supplier, gas, gas-distributing, gas transmission company, allocation by the supplier of limit of natural gas or the termination of effective period of the corresponding schedule and compensation for expenses for performance of works on the forced termination of gas supply and payment of the provided services in its recovery.


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