Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of March 31, 2023 No. 77

About volunteer activities

Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on February 15, 2023

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation of this Law

This Law establishes the legal basis of volunteering, determines the purposes, tasks and procedure of volunteer activities in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Article 2. The basic concepts used in this Law

In this Law the following concepts and their determinations are used:

1) volunteer activities (volunteering) - implementation by physical persons and legal entities of the socially useful activities directed to satisfaction of public or state interests, rendered on a voluntary basis in various forms without receipt of the monetary reward during which they can acquire knowledge, experience, skills and to show the capabilities;

2) the volunteer - the physical person acting of own will, but not from material or financial interest or under the influence of external social, economic or political pressure;

3) the volunteer program - complex of the actions directed to the solution of socially important tasks and realized with use of organized activities of volunteers;

4) the volunteer share - the one-time action directed to the solution of socially important tasks which participants are volunteers. The purposes, tasks, methods and methods of implementation of such shares shall not contradict the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;

5) the volunteer organization - the non-profit organization registered according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, performing volunteer activities, acting as the organizer of volunteer activities, realizing volunteer programs or carrying out the volunteer actions involving in the activities of the volunteers acting from her name and according to its order;

6) the agreement of volunteering - the agreement signed in the form of the civil contract between the physical person which is referred to as with the volunteer, and the legal entity who is referred to as with the volunteer organization, or the organizer of volunteer activities, the receiver of the volunteer help, or person acting according to its order according to which the first person shall before second perform certain activities in the sphere of public advantage without receipt of cash or other material remuneration;

7) the coordinator of volunteers - the volunteer or the employee of the volunteer organization appointed by the volunteer organization by the organizer of volunteer activities from among her members for the purpose of instructing of volunteers, job sharing between them, determinations of the place and amount of work of each volunteer, control over the implementation of work by them, and also having powers of interaction it is direct with authorized state body in the sphere of volunteer activities, other state bodies and local government bodies and with other volunteer organizations;

8) the personal book of the volunteer - the document of the established form by which activities of physical person as the volunteer are confirmed;

9) the organizer of volunteer activities - the state bodies, local government bodies, other organizations and organizations, physical persons attracting volunteers independently or through the volunteer organizations;

10) the receiver of the volunteer help - physical person or legal entity, social group which need the help of volunteers and for the benefit of which volunteer activities are performed;

11) the sphere of public advantage - social support and protection of citizens, charity, health care, science and education, culture and art, tourism and sport, environmental protection and other spheres having social significance.

Article 3. Purposes and tasks of volunteer activities

1. Purposes of volunteer activities:

1) forming of civic stand, feeling of social responsibility, solidarity, mutual assistance and mercy in society;

2) non-paid participation in socially significant actions with the consent of their organizers, rendering free aid to the people and social groups needing it;

3) provision of opportunity to citizens to prove, realize the potential and to gain deserved recognition by means of their involvement in social practice.

2. Tasks of volunteer activities:

1) help to the state, organizations, companies, organizations, physical persons in the solution of social tasks and holding socially significant actions;

2) help to citizens in mastering basics of life safety, skills of first-aid treatment, ecological protection, social work with various categories of the population;

3) stimulation of professional orientation and forming of professional skills;

4) the help in receipt by citizens of skills of self-realization and self-organization for the solution of social tasks;

5) preparation of personnel reserve of volunteers;

6) forming of mechanisms of involvement of citizens in the diverse public work directed to improvement of quality of life and forming of healthy lifestyle of the population, preserving cultural heritage, moral, patriotic and ecological education of youth;

7) development and support of the youth initiatives directed to the organization and implementation of volunteer activities.

Article 4. Principles of implementation of volunteer activities

1. Volunteer activities are performed according to the principles:

1) free declaration of will, gratuitousness of work, voluntariness, honesty, equality and respecting the rule of law regarding implementation of activities of volunteers;

2) freedoms in determination of the purposes, forms, types and methods in the choice of the volunteer activities based on unconditional observance of rights of man and citizen, legislations of the Kyrgyz Republic, traditions and public way;

3) openness and availability of information on volunteer activities with respect for human rights, personal data and information;

4) humanities, observance of rights and freedoms of man and citizen - both the receiver of the volunteer help, and the volunteer;

5) equalities of all in the right to implementation of volunteer activities irrespective of floor, races, language, ethnic origin, religion, age, education, origin, property or other status;

6) solidarity, conscientiousness, honesty, decency and support of participants of volunteer activities;

7) safety for life of the volunteer and people around, safety of their property, environmental protection.

2. Volunteer activities cannot be directed to support of political parties, religious organizations, commercial promotion of goods, works, services, commercial mediation for the purpose of achievement of social or material benefits.

Creation of the volunteer organizations for type of paramilitary forces is forbidden.

3. Volunteer activities do not substitute activities of state bodies and local government bodies for implementation of the powers provided by the Constitution and the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic by them.

4. State bodies and local government bodies have the right to perform support of volunteer activities according to the procedure and forms which do not contradict the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.


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