of March 24, 2023 No. PP-102
About additional measures for reducing the state participation in economy
In recent years in the country system reforms on expansion of private property by reducing the state participation in economy and privatization of the state assets, and also liquidation of inefficiently operating and unpromising companies are performed.
In particular, for the last three years about 300 economic societies and the state unitary enterprises in which authorized capital there is the state share (further - the companies with the state participation), and over 1 600 real estate objects are privatized, more than 650 are liquidated and 160 companies are reorganized.
For the purpose of further reducing the state participation in industries in which the private sector performs successful performance and the competition is developed:
1. Take into consideration that the Agency on management of the state assets (further - the Agency of state assets) together with Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent, the ministries and departments, the companies with the state participation carries out the analysis and the offer on reducing over 30 thousand public institutions, the companies with the state participation and the companies of their system, and also real estate units is developed.
The list of blocks of shares (shares) of 1 001 company implemented entirely by means of the public biddings according to appendix No. 1 *;
The list of 1 046 real estate objects of the state and the companies with the state participation implemented by means of the public biddings according to appendix No. 2 *;
Criteria of determination of objects of municipal property according to appendix No. 3*.
2. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 19.04.2024 No. UP-67
3. Rename State commission on holding tenders in case of sale of state-owned property into State commission on privatization of the state assets and coordination of processes of privatization and to approve its updated structure according to appendix No. 4*.
* Appendices No. No. 1 - 4 are given in Uzbek.
State commission on privatization of the state assets and coordination of processes of privatization (A. Aripov):
in two weeks to approve schedules of exposure to the biddings of the assets specified in appendices No. No. 1 * and 2 * to this resolution;
in case of exposure to the biddings of assets if necessary to consider establishment of such conditions as preserving profile of their current activities or the organization on their base of activities in one specific direction.
4. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 19.04.2024 No. UP-67
5. Determine that:
a) permission to realization and execution of purchase and sale agreements of the state blocks of shares exposed on stock exchange is provided only with participation in process of the biddings at least two participants;
b) realization or transfer to lease of fixed assets of all public institutions are performed by means of the Electronic trade platform of "E-auksion";
c) since July 1, 2023 physical persons are granted the right to filing of application for exposure to direct online biddings of the state real estate objects up to 2 000 square meters for privatization or transfer to lease by means of the Information system "State-owned property";
d) since September 1, 2023:
the order and the certificate of the state sample on privatization of real estate units and the state share are issued by the centers of the state services and (or) by means of the Single portal of interactive state services (further - EPIGU) with putting down of QR code;
contracts with the buyers who acquired the state real estate objects on online biddings are drawn up on the Electronic trade platform of "E-auksion" electronically (including with use of the digital signature) based on the protocol on results of the biddings;
the procedure for conducting intermediate monitoring of accomplishment of investment obligations with quarterly exit to places of employees of the relevant ministries and departments is cancelled;
the procedure for submission of reports on accomplishment of investment obligations in paper form is cancelled, their obtaining by implementation of integration of electronic bases of the relevant state bodies and organizations into the Information system "State-owned property", and also by means of information entered by entrepreneurs into this system takes root.
6. Provide to the Cabinet of Ministers approval:
a) in two weeks - the list of the liquidated and reorganized companies with the state participation and public institutions;
b) in three-months time - in view of criteria of determination of objects of municipal property according to appendix No. 3 * to this resolution:
the list of objects of republican property, the order by which it is performed based on the orders of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
the list of objects of state-owned property, the order which it is performed by the Jokargi Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Kengashami of People's Deputies of areas and the city of Tashkent, in coordination with them - the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokimama of areas and the city of Tashkent.
7. To committee on development of the competition and consumer protection together with the Agency of state assets to carry out inventory count of the exclusive rights granted to the companies given in appendix No. 1 * to this resolution regularly to make offers on their cancellation.
8. To the agency of state assets together with the Ministry of Economics and finance, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent till September 1, 2023 to carry out inventory count and to make the offer on radical enhancement of activities of the recreation parks belonging to the state in the Cabinet of Ministers.
At the same time to provide creation of Directorates on management of recreation parks under Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent in the form of public institution and transfer by it according to all state recreation parks in regions.
9. To the agency of state assets (A. Ortikov):
a) till June 1, 2023 to approve the Procedure for exposure to direct online biddings of the state real estate objects up to 2 000 square meters for privatization or transfer to lease according to statements of physical persons;
b) bring in the Cabinet of Ministers:
till July 1, 2023 - the draft of the resolution on management of objects of republican property and property of administrative-territorial educations (municipal property);
till August 1, 2023 together with the Ministry of Justice - the draft of the Administrative regulations of rendering single state services in privatization of the apartment (part) of the apartment house carried to the State housing stock, providing transfer to local khokimiyats of power of recognition of the property right to the apartment (part) of the apartment house carried to the State housing stock;
in three-months time together with the interested ministries and departments - offers on the changes and amendments in acts of the legislation following from this resolution.
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