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of February 27, 2023 No. 156

About measures for implementation of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 30, 2022 No. 231-Z "About the republican budget for 2023"

Based on Item 1 of Article 102 of the Budget code of the Republic of Belarus and in pursuance of part one of article 26 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of December 30, 2022 "About the republican budget for 2023" (further - the Law) the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 231-Z

1. Accept to execution the republican budget for 2023 according to the income and expenses with deficit and turnover cash in size on January at 1, 2024 according to the Law.

2. To the Ministry of Finance in 2023:

2.1. perform financing of expenses within arriving in the republican income budget and sources of financing of deficit of the republican budget (article 1 of the Law, appendix 1-3 to the Law);

2.2. according to decisions of the President of the Republic of Belarus or the Government of the Republic of Belarus to perform in the procedure determined by this Ministry compensation of losses of the banks connected with loan granting on favorable terms based on the written requests and calculations represented by banks if other procedure is not established by such decisions (appendix 3 to the Law);

2.3. perform servicing and repayment of external public debt of the Republic of Belarus with attraction of financial resources of the republican budget according to the list of external state loans (the paragraph of the sixth part one of article 12 of the Law, appendix 11 to the Law);

2.4. make decisions on release of government securities within the total amount of issue (issue) of government securities provided in the republican budget (appendix 1 to the Law);

2.5. make payments according to guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus in case of non-execution:

the borrower of obligations on repayment of the loan and (or) interest payment for use of it at the expense of the means provided in the republican budget on these purposes;

the borrower, the user of the external loan, body guarantor (in case of its availability) obligations according to the external loans attracted under guarantees of the Government of the Republic of Belarus at the expense of the means provided in the republican budget on these purposes;

2.6. provide financing on accepted (published) to 2023 regulatory legal acts about allocation of budgetary funds within the means provided in expenses of the republican budget (Item 1 of article 16 of the Law);

2.7. to quarterly provide information on expenditure of means of reserve fund of the Government of the Republic of Belarus (part one of Item 7 of Article 42 of the Budget code of the Republic of Belarus) in chambers of Parliament of the Republic of Belarus;

2.8. make changes:

in expenses of the republican budget for functional classification of expenses of the budget regarding financing expenses of the state investing program and reserve funds within the approved annual size (paragraph two of Item 2 of article 17 of the Law);

in expenses of the republican budget on scientific, scientific and technical and innovative activities regarding implementation of innovative projects, the organizations of activities and development of material and technical resources of subjects of innovative infrastructure in the directions of use and managers of budgetary funds within the approved annual budget settings on functional classification of expenses of the budget (the paragraph third Item 2 of article 17 of the Law);

in the income and expenses of the republican budget according to subitem 2.6 of Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 18, 2006 No. 240 "About payment for use of radio-frequency range" (the paragraph the fourth Item 2 of article 17 of the Law).

3. Till March 1, 2023 to determine in coordination with the Ministry of Finance:

3.1. To the Ministry of Emergency Situations:

procedure for use of the means received and being at the command Department on material reserves of the Ministry of Emergency Situations from release and borrowing of material values of mobilization material reserve, and also from penalties and penalty fee for violation of requirements of the legislation for transactions with these material values in the amounts necessary for financing of transactions with material values of mobilization material reserve (paragraph two of Item 1 of article 15 of the Law);

procedure for use of the means received and being at the command Department on supervision of safe operation in the industry of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (including service fee, rendered when implementing ministerial procedures) (the paragraph third Item 1 of article 15 of the Law);

profit and loss budgets of appropriate means;

3.2. To the Ministry of Defence, National academy of Sciences of Belarus - procedure for planning, use, accounting and reporting of the means received from the population living in the housing stock which is in operational management of military units and organizations of Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, the state-financed scientific organizations of National academy of Sciences of Belarus in the form of payment for the provided housing and communal services and payments for use of premises in hostels (Item 7 of appendix 12 to the Law) and the budgetary appropriations allocated for expense recovery on operation of this housing stock (appendix 3 to the Law);

3.3. To the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

procedure of payments, expense recoveries by convicts on their content in correctional facilities of open type, and also procedure of payments, expense recoveries by convicts, the citizens who are in medical and labor dispensaries or the citizens who came to them on appointment for accommodation in rooms of long appointments (item 4 of appendix 12 to the Law);

procedure for planning, use, accounting and reporting of the means received on account of service fee (work), rendered (carried out) by law-enforcement bodies when implementing ministerial procedures (Item 6 of appendix 12 to the Law).


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