of February 27, 2023 No. PP-74
About additional measures for enhancement of system of support of persons with disability
For the purpose of strengthening of guarantees of human rights, including the rights of persons with disability, inclusive development, implementation of effective mechanisms of providing the equal rights and opportunities for all segments of the population, and also creation of necessary conditions for participation of persons with disability in all spheres of life of society:
1. Approve offers of the Ministry of employment and reducing poverty, the Ministry of Justice, the National center for human rights, Societies of disabled people of Uzbekistan, Association of disabled people of Uzbekistan, Chamber of lawyers and the public providing:
providing with modern prosthetic and orthopedic products the needing persons with disability, and also upgrade of the equipment of organizations on rehabilitation of persons with disability;
provision to persons with disability of I and II groups, to children with disability, and also to the citizens caring for them, privileges on use of the state services rendered by public institutions and the organizations, out of turn;
enhancement of system of rendering legal aid and strengthening of legal guarantees of persons with disability.
2. Take into consideration that in the Strategy of development for New Uzbekistan for 2022 - 2026 the purpose on bringing level of providing the needing part of the population with modern prosthetic and orthopedic products and means of rehabilitation to 60 percent is established.
3. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 27.02.2024 No. PP-88
4. To the ministry of employment and reducing poverty together with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economics and finance till July 1, 2023 to introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers the draft of the order of the Government on extension of the list of prosthetic and orthopedic products and technical means of rehabilitation which provide the needing persons with disability.
5. Determine that, to children with disability, and also one caring for them (to the attendant on the way) to the citizen the privilege on extraordinary use of the services rendered in case of personal presence of citizens (on the place) in public institutions and the organizations, including the centers of the state services, healthcare institutions, educations and cultures, and also on extraordinary acceptance by heads (officials) of state bodies is provided to persons with disability of I and II groups.
6. Establish procedure according to which with the May 1, 2023 for child care with disability which is on treatment in medical institution, to his father or mother (to persons them replacing) or to other family member who is directly performing child care conditions for stay together with the handicapped child are created, in particular:
the disability leaf is issued to person performing child care with disability in stationary medical institutions;
free food during treatment in the public stationary medical institutions is provided to persons caring for persons with disability since the childhood (to parents and others).
7. Determine that the procedure for the direction of children with disability for repeated medico-social examination based on the direction of district (city) departments of the off-budget Pension fund under the Ministry of Economics and finance for the purpose of establishment of justification of recognition by their persons with disability by medico-social commissions of experts is cancelled.
8. Take into consideration that the information system "Legal aid" providing digitalization of processes of rendering legal aid to citizens and integration of the sphere of legal profession with activity of the courts, law enforcement agencies and other state bodies is started.
Determine that for the purpose of rendering assistance in obtaining by persons with disability of the voluntary free help (pro bono) in the information system "Legal aid" the Section of addresses of persons with disability, available to use of lawyer forming and lawyers is created.
At the same time:
addresses of persons with disability concerning receipt of voluntary free legal aid (pro bono) are entered into the information system "Legal aid" and are brought to the attention of lawyer forming and lawyers for rendering the voluntary help;
technical capability for the direction of the offer on provision of voluntary free legal aid is created by the lawyer forming and lawyers who showed willingness to give such help;
provision by lawyer forming and lawyers of the report on the voluntary free legal aid (pro bono) given by them is not required.
9. To the ministry of employment and reducing poverty:
a) for the purpose of creation of conveniences to persons with disability, children with disability and the citizens caring for them in case of realization of the rights by them:
together with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Economics and finance, and also the interested ministries and departments till June 1, 2023 to create and to regularly update the single list of privileges determined by the legislation for persons with disability and the citizens caring for them;
together with the Ministry of Justice to provide publication of the single list of privileges determined for persons with disability and the citizens caring for them on legal information portal of "Advice.uz" (e-maslahat.uz) and regular lighting by means of the Internet;
b) together with the Ministry of Justice, the Prosecutor General's Office and the National center for human rights in three-months time to study on the basis of the best foreign practices and to bring in the Cabinet of Ministers question of application of preliminary probation period in case of employment of persons with disability.
10. Determine that from 2023/2024 academic years acceptance on specialty of magistracy "Special pedagogics, the defectology" the public highest educational institutions is carried out completely on the basis of the state grant.
At the same time training at basis of the state grant is performed within the general parameters of acceptance according to the state grant allocated for magistracy of the public highest educational institutions.
11. To the ministry of the higher education, science and innovations:
since process of acceptance for 2023/2024 academic year to provide preparation of materials about procedure for acceptance and tests for provision of information to entrants in the formats available to persons with disability, in particular, of videos with sign language translation or subtitlings;
take measures for creation of conditions for stay together with person with disability of the member of his family or other persons in the highest educational institution for rendering assistance in educational process.
12. Approve the Plan of additional measures for enhancement of system of support of persons with disability according to appendix.
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