of February 13, 2023 No. PP-54
About measures for increase in efficiency of the state control in the field of use of fuel and energy resources
For the purpose of suppression and the prevention of cases of illegal use of fuel and energy resources and increase in energy efficiency of industries of economy and the social sphere by their effective and rational use, strengthening of control of observance by consumers of instructions for use the electric power and natural gas:
1. Take into consideration that:
according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 21, 2022 No. UP-269 "About Measures for Realization of Administrative Reforms of New Uzbekistan" forms Inspectorate for control of electricity use, oil products and gas in case of the Department of Energy (further - Uzenergoinspektion);
according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 25, 2023 No. UP-14 "About First-priority Organizational Measures for Effective Establishing Activities of Republican Executive Bodies" establishes total quantity of the managerial established posts of Uzenergoinspektion financed by the Government budget - 357, including the number of deputy chief of Uzenergoinspektion - 2.
2. Determine priority activities of Uzenergoinspektion:
implementation of the state control of observance by legal entities and physical persons (except the population) requirements of acts of the legislation and regulating documents for technical regulation in the field of production (production), conversion, transfer (transportation), distribution and consumption of fuel and energy resources, ensuring their high-quality and quantitative safety;
identification, suppression and the prevention of cases of illegal connection to power, gas transmission and gas distribution networks, plunder and other cases of illegal consumption of fuel and energy resources, and also the reasons and conditions promoting their making;
identification and elimination of discrepancies between amounts of consumption of fuel and energy resources is direct consumers and the amounts delivered in network on borders of the corresponding territories;
control of development and accomplishment by legal entities and physical persons (except the population) measures for accident prevention and technology violations (accidents) on energy objects;
carrying out monitoring of implementation of devices of renewable energy resources and modern energy efficient and energy-saving technologies, and also efficiency of consumption of energy resources;
assessment of energy efficiency of the measures which are carried out by consumers (except the population), on ensuring rational and effective use of fuel and energy resources, and also control of accomplishment and further enhancement of standard rates of consumption of fuel and energy resources for production of unit of production (performance of work, rendering service).
3. Determine that:
state governing bodies, law enforcement and monitoring bodies are forbidden to assign accomplishment of the tasks which are not included into their power to Uzenergoinspektion's workers;
state bodies, including law enforcement and monitoring bodies, shall render comprehensive assistance of Uzenergoinspektion in accomplishment of the tasks and functions assigned to her according to this resolution;
information, documents and other materials necessary for accomplishment of the tasks assigned to Uzenergoinspektion, are represented according to its legal requirement gratuitously;
the control actions connected with implementation of the state control by Uzenergoinspektion on identification of cases of non-productive costs of fuel and energy resources, their illegal and inefficient use are not check of activities of business entities;
Uzenergoinspektion's workers have the right of easy access to devices, schemes and devices of accounting of fuel and energy resources and devices of consumers for removal of indications of devices, survey of their condition and schemes of connection in the presence at them the official ID at any time;
Uzenergoinspektion exercises control of the course of establishment of devices of renewable energy resources by state bodies and the organizations on the basis of decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers and in case of failure to provide of accomplishment of the established indicators makes in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on taking measures concerning their officials.
4. Enter position of the deputy attorney general responsible for implementation of supervision of observance and execution of the legislation in the field of use of fuel and energy resources (further - the deputy attorney general).
Determine that the deputy attorney general:
gives practical help in realization of the tasks and functions assigned to Uzenergoinspektion;
coordinates activities of Bureau of forced execution and Department for fight against economic crimes under the Prosecutor General's Office.
To the Prosecutor General's Office in two weeks to make offers on the effective organization of the state control of use of fuel and energy resources in Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Assign to the Minister of Energy Zh. T. Mirzamakhmudov and the deputy attorney general the personal responsibility for effective realization of complex measures for further enhancement of activities of Uzenergoinspektion and her territorial administrations on the basis of the priority directions determined by this resolution.
5. For the purpose of ensuring rational and effective use of fuel and energy resources and digitalization of processes in this area:
a) prohibit connection of new consumers to the available power and gas networks and devices in case of exceeding of their loading over the established regulation;
b) since March 1, 2023:
create for Uzenergoinspektion access to monitoring of information on consumption of fuel and energy resources in the automated control systems and accounting of electrical energy and natural gas of JSC Regionalnye elektricheskiye seti, JSC Hududgaztajminot, JSC Natsionalnye elektricheskiye seti Uzbekistana, JSC Uztransgaz for the purpose of determination of difference when implementing control actions;
implement procedure for execution electronically of the statements which are drawn up on the offenses connected with abuse of regulations of use of electrical energy and natural gas and entering of the corresponding data into the E-ma " muriy ish system;
c) determine that since July 1, 2023 agreements with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs on delivery of electrical energy and natural gas consist by means of the software of the electrosupplying and gas supplying companies or the National information system "Transparent Construction" with use of the digital signature.
At the same time:
this procedure extends also to establishment of limits of consumption of fuel and energy resources for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs and introduction of changes in them;
the automatic direction of data on the agreements signed with the state customers on special information portal on public procurements is provided;
the agreements signed with budget customers are registered in treasurer departments electronically (without human factor);
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