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of February 3, 2023 No. PP-43

About measures of support of subjects of entrepreneurship for reduction of negative impact on economy of sharp decrease in air temperature

(as amended of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 10.11.2023 No. UP-193)

For the purpose of support and the accelerated recovery of activities of the subjects of entrepreneurship which faced difficulties owing to sharp decrease in air temperature:

1. Permit subjects of entrepreneurship to pay the tax debt which increased (formed) as of February 1 in relation to January 1, 2023, by installments in equal shares from March 1 to July 1, 2023 without charge of percent exposure of additional terms and the requirement of providing.

To the Tax Committee to consider applications for provision of possibility of payment by installments of tax debt till five days. At the same time to give payment opportunity by installments to the tax debt formed following the results of January, also to the taxpayers who did not have opportunity to work at full capacity during sharp decrease in air temperature.

2. Suspend till April 1, 2023 charge of penalty fee on tax debt of subjects of entrepreneurship.

3. Suspend till April 1, 2023 application of penalties against business entities for overdue receivables on the foreign trade transactions, and also collection of the penalties inflicted before entry into force of this resolution.

4. Resolve subjects of entrepreneurship payment from March 1 to July 1, 2023 by installments in equal shares of lease payments for use of state-owned property in December, 2022 and January-February, 2023.

Leave without changes till April 1, 2023 the size of lease payments for use of state-owned property according to the lease agreements existing since 2022.

5. Suspend till April 1, 2023 charge of percent and penalty fee for nonpayment of the payments on the state assets bought by subjects of entrepreneurship with payment term by installments which are subject to payment in December, 2022 and January, 2023 including initial payment.

6. Determine that for failure to carry out in December, 2022 and January, 2023 of conditions of the agreements signed within public procurements because of sharp decrease in air temperature penalties and penalty fee are not applied by the state customers (including the companies in which authorized capital the state share constitutes 50 percent and more) to subjects of entrepreneurship.

7. Suspend till April 1, 2023 forced execution of court resolutions and acts of other bodies connected with collection for benefit of the state concerning the subjects of entrepreneurship which faced difficulties owing to sharp decrease in air temperature.

8. To Central Bank (M. Nurmuratov) together with commercial banks to take adequate measures on support of the subjects of entrepreneurship which suffered the losses because of sharp decrease in air temperature during the current winter season including:

prolongation till June 1, 2023 of payment due dates of their credits falling on January - March, 2023;

non-use till April 1, 2023 of disciplinary measures according to penalties and mortgage providing against their overdue loans;

the offer of the short-term (revolving) credit products aimed at providing their continuous activities, including compensation of temporary interruption of cash flow and replenishment of their current assets on the basis of beforehand the approved (modular) decisions;

allocation of the credits for repair of their fixed assets which came to non-operational condition;

rejection in attention of prolongation of payment due dates on their credits when checking their credit history and indicators of scoring in credit bureaus.

At the same time classification of quality of the credits which terms are prolonged does not worsen and forming on them additional reserves from possible losses is not required.

9. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 10.11.2023 No. UP-193

10. To the ministry of investments, industry and trade (L. Kudratov) together with the Ministry of Economics and finance (Sh. Kudbiyev), the Department of Energy (Zh. Mirzamakhmudov), the Ministry of Agriculture (A. Voitov) and the interested ministries to take measures for rendering in the first quarter the current year of the additional address help to the industries which suffered the most notable losses.

11. To the Minister of Economy and Finance Sh. Kudbiyev since February 1, 2023 to begin financing for implementation of the works on construction, reconstruction and capital repairs begun on the objects passing from year to year within the Development program of social and production infrastructure for 2023 - 2025.

12. To the ministry of investments, industry and trade (L. Kudratov) and Chamber of Commerce and Industry (D. Vakhobov) to consider in the one-day time of force majeure circumstance (force majeure) based on addresses of the subjects of entrepreneurship which suffered losses because of sharp decrease in air temperature during the current winter season.

13. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Sh. Mirziyoev


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