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Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On January 17, 2007 No. 8788


of November 27, 2006 No. 154n

About approval of the Accounting regulation "Accounting of Assets and Liabilities Which Cost Is Expressed in Foreign Currency" (PBU 3/2006)

(as amended on 09-11-2017)

For the purpose of enhancement of normative legal regulation in the sphere of financial accounting and accounting records and according to the Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N329 (The Russian Federation Code, 2004, N 31, Art. 3258; N 49, of Art. 4908; 2005, N 23, Art. 2270; N 52, of Art. 5755; 2006, N 32, Art. 3569; I order to N 47, 4900):

1. Approve the enclosed Accounting regulation "Accounting of Assets and Liabilities Which Cost Is Expressed in Foreign Currency" (PBU 3/2006).

2. Determine that this order becomes effective from accounting records of 2007.

3. Determine that the organizations, being legal entities by the legislation of the Russian Federation (except for credit institutions and budgetary institutions), make in financial accounting as of January 1, 2007 recalculation in rubles of the cost of means expressed in foreign currency in the calculations (including according to loan obligations) with legal entities and physical persons which are subject to payment proceeding from conditions of agreements (irrespective of terms of their conclusion) in rubles.

Recalculation is made according to the procedure, established by Items 5 and 8 of the Accounting regulation "Accounting of Assets and Liabilities Which Cost Is Expressed in Foreign Currency" (PBU 3/2006) and formed in case of recalculation of the amount of increase or reduction of cost of the specified means in calculations belong on the account of retained earnings (uncovered loss).


A. L. Kudrin


to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 154n

Accounting regulation "Accounting of Assets and Liabilities Which Cost Is Expressed in Foreign Currency" (PBU 3/2006)

I. General provisions

1. This Provision establishes features of forming in financial accounting and accounting records of information on assets and liabilities which cost is expressed in foreign currency, including subject to payment in rubles, the organizations, being legal entities by the legislation of the Russian Federation (except for credit institutions and the public (municipal) institutions).

2. This Provision is not applied:

in case of recalculation of indicators of the accounting records constituted in rubles in foreign currencies in cases of the requirement of such recalculations by constituent documents, in case of the conclusion of credit agreements with foreign legal entities, etc.;

paragraph third ceased to be valid.

3. For the purposes of this provision the concepts provided below mean the following:

activities outside the Russian Federation - the activities performed by the organization, being the legal entity by the legislation of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation through representation, branch;

transaction date in foreign currency - day of origin at the organization of the right in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or the agreement to accept assets and liabilities which are result of this transaction to financial accounting;

exchange difference - difference between ruble assessment of asset or liability which cost is expressed in foreign currency, for completion date of obligations on payment or reporting date of this accounting period, and ruble assessment of the same asset or liability on its acceptance date to financial accounting in the accounting period or reporting date of the previous accounting period.

II. Recalculation of the asset cost expressed in foreign currency and obligations in rubles

4. The asset cost and obligations (bank notes in cash desk of the organization, means on bank accounts (bank deposits), cash and payment documents, financial investments, means in calculations, including according to loan obligations, with legal entities and physical persons, investments in non-current assets (fixed assets, intangible assets, other), inventory stocks, and also other assets and liabilities of the organization), expressed in foreign currency, for reflection in financial accounting and accounting records is subject to recalculation in rubles.

5. Recalculation of the asset cost or the obligation expressed in foreign currency in rubles is made on the official rate of this foreign currency to the ruble established by the Central bank of the Russian Federation, and in case of lack of such rate - on the cross-rate of the corresponding currency calculated proceeding from the foreign exchange rates established by the Central bank of the Russian Federation.

If for recalculation of the asset cost expressed in the foreign currency or the obligation which is subject to payment in rubles, the law or the agreement of the parties establish other rate, recalculation is made on such rate.

6. For the purposes of financial accounting the specified recalculation in rubles is made on the rate operating for transaction date in foreign currency. Dates of making of separate foreign currency transactions for the purposes of financial accounting are given in appendix to this Provision.

In case of insignificant change of the official rate of foreign currency to ruble established by the Central bank of the Russian Federation, the recalculation in rubles connected with making of large number of uniform transactions in such foreign currency can be made on the average rate estimated in month or shorter period.

7. Recalculation of cost of bank notes in cash desk of the organization, means on bank accounts (bank deposits), cash and payment documents, securities (except for shares), means in calculations, including according to loan obligations with legal entities and physical persons (except for means of the received and issued advance payments and advance payment, inclinations), the added revenue which is not shown for payment exceeding the amount of the received advance (advance payment) expressed in foreign currency of rubles it shall be made for transaction date in foreign currency, and also on reporting date.

Recalculation of cost of bank notes in cash desk of the organization and means on bank accounts (bank deposits) expressed in foreign currency can be made, besides, in process of change of course.

8. Recalculation of cost of the assets and liabilities listed in Item 7 of this provision in rubles is made for creation of accounting reports under the rate operating on reporting date.


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