Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 14, 1993 No. 4973-1

About grain

(as amended on 26-12-2024)

This Law determines the legal basis of development of the grain complex of the Russian Federation which is set of types of the agricultural and other activities connected with production (cultivation of grain crops), transportation, storage, processing, conversion, realization and utilization of grain and products of conversion of grain in the internal and external markets (further - the address of grain and products of conversion of grain).

Chapter I. Basic provisions

Article 1

Grain is national property of the Russian Federation, one of major factors of stability of its economy. For the purpose of development of grain complex support of the agricultural producers and other persons performing the related activity including rendering services, by means of carrying out purposeful preferential investment, price, credit and tax policy is performed.

Chapter II. State support of production (cultivation of grain crops) and grain conversion

Article 2

No. 520-FZ voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2020

Article 3

No. 520-FZ voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2020

Article 4

No. 520-FZ voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2020

Article 4.1

The state support of the agricultural producers and other persons performing activities in the field of development of grain complex (further - producers), is performed according to the legislation on development of agricultural industry.

Chapter III. Funds of grain, their forming and use

Article 5

For the purpose of ensuring needs of the Russian Federation for the grain used for the food and fodder purposes the federal fund of grain and regional funds of grain of republics within the Russian Federation, the autonomous region, autonomous areas, edges, areas, the federal cities are created.

Article 6

The amount of federal fund of grain and procedure for its use are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 7

Amounts of regional funds of grain of republics within the Russian Federation, the autonomous region, autonomous areas, edges, areas, the federal cities are determined by relevant organs of the executive authority and created for the purchases account of grain on contractual basis at his producers both in the administrative borders, and beyond their limits.

Article 8

No. 520-FZ voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2020

Article 9

No. 520-FZ voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2020

Article 10

No. 520-FZ voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2020

Article 11 


Article 12

The amount of regional funds of grain and procedure for their use are determined by executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation.

Article 13

Producers of grain sign contracts with the state or regional customer for supply of grain or products of its conversion in federal or regional funds of grain.

Article 14

No. 520-FZ voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2020

Article 15

No. 520-FZ voided according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2020

Chapter IV. Grain market

Article 16

Measures for development of grain complex are applied according to this Law, the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 264-FZ "About development of agricultural industry" and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation accepted according to them, and also regulatory legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation.

Article 16.1

The state monitoring of grain represents analysis system and estimates of amount and consumer properties of the grain made in the territory of the Russian Federation which list for the purposes of this Article affirms the federal executive body performing functions on development of state policy and normative legal regulation in the field of development of grain complex of the Russian Federation.

The state monitoring of grain is performed for the purpose of providing to agricultural producers reliable data about consumer properties of grain in the place of its cultivation and providing public authorities with information on consumer properties of grain.

Object of the state monitoring of grain is grain during harvest time in the place of cultivation with geographical specifying.

The state monitoring of grain is performed by the federal executive bodies authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation and federal state budgetary institutions subordinated to them according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 17 

It is excluded

Article 17.1

The federal state information system of traceability of grain and products of conversion of grain is created for the purpose of ensuring accounting of amount of batch of grain and amount of batch of products of conversion of grain in case of their address, and also for the purpose of implementation of the analysis, processing of the provided data and information and control of their reliability.

The procedure for creation of the Federal state information system of traceability of grain and products of conversion of grain, its development and operation, including rules of registration and submission of data and information in the Federal state information system of traceability of grain and products of conversion of grain, terms, forms and formats of submission of data and information, requirement to ensuring access to information containing in such system and also forms and procedure for the direction of requests of submission of information, including with use of information and telecommunication networks public, including Internet network and the single portal of the state and municipal services, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation.


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