Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 13, 2022 No. 118

About fire safety

(as amended of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 16.01.2024 No. 16)

Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on October 26, 2022

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Concept of fire safety

Fire safety in the Kyrgyz Republic represents set of legal, organizational, economic, social, scientific and technical measures, measures of educational nature, and also forces and the funds allocated for the prevention and liquidation of the fires.

Article 2. Legal basis of fire safety

The legal basis of system of fire safety is constituted by the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, this Law and other regulatory legal acts, and also the conventional principles and rules of international law which became effective in the procedure established by the legislation the international agreements which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic.

Article 3. Basic concepts

In this Law the following concepts are applied:

1) authorized state body in the field of fire safety - state body of the executive authority of the Kyrgyz Republic on control and supervision of fulfillment of requirements of fire safety of subjects to protection, prevention and suppression of the fires, and also on carrying out rescue and other urgent works;

2) the fire - the uncontrollable burning causing material damage, harm of life and to health of citizens, interests of society and state;

3) fire safety - condition of security of the personality, property, society and state from the fires;

4) subject to protection - the property of physical persons or legal entities, the state-owned or municipal property (the territories, buildings, constructions, vehicles, technological installations, the equipment, aggregates, products and other property) to which are established or shall be established requirements of fire safety;

5) prevention of the fires - set of the preventive measures directed to exception of possibility of the fires and restriction of their effects;

6) fire prevention regime - the additional requirements of fire safety established by public authorities or local government bodies in case of increase in fire risk in the corresponding territories;

7) system of fire safety - set of legal, organizational, economic, social, scientific and technical measures, measures of educational nature, and also forces and the funds allocated for the prevention and liquidation of the fires;

8) suppression of the fires and carrying out wrecking - complex of at the same time performed operations directed to rescuing of people, property and liquidation of the fires;

9) fire investigation of the project documentation - assessment of conformity of project decisions in case of building designing, constructions, complexes and other objects to requirements of fire safety for the purpose of exception of violations (departures) of requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of fire safety;

10) independent assessment of fire safety - the assessment of conformity of subject to protection to requirements of fire safety, observance by the organizations and citizens of fire safety regulations, establishments of origins of the fire which is carried out not interested in results of assessment or check by the expert in the field of fire safety;

11) the expert in the field of fire safety - person performing activities for assessment of fire safety, accredited (certified) in accordance with the established procedure, having special knowledge in the field of fire safety, necessary for carrying out independent assessment of fire safety, and authorized on signing of the conclusion about independent assessment of fire safety.

Article 4. Services of fire safety

Services of fire safety of the Kyrgyz Republic consist:

1) from authorized state body in the field of fire safety;

2) from departmental fire protection of the organizations, companies and organizations (further - departmental fire protection);

3) from voluntary fire forming.

Article 5. Management of system of fire safety

Control of system of fire safety within the competence is exercised of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic, authorized state body in the field of fire safety, and also heads of state bodies and local government bodies, organizations, companies and organizations.

Article 6. Powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of ensuring fire safety

Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic:

1) pursues state policy in the field of fire safety;

2) is approved by regulations on the state fire supervision and the state fire-proof prevention;

3) is approved by regulations on service on fire supervision;

4) approves regulations, requirements and fire safety regulations;

5) is approved by the list of the organizations, objects in which the fire service is without fail created;

6) is approved by regulations on voluntary fire forming;

7) is approved by the list of the buildings, constructions, rooms and the equipment which are subject to protection by automatic detection systems and suppressions of the fires;

8) performs other powers according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Article 7. Main objectives of services of fire safety

The main objectives of services of fire safety are:

1) prevention of the fires and the related accidents with people;

2) suppression of the fires, maintaining wrecking in settlements and on subjects to managing, participation in mitigation of consequences of accidents and natural disasters;

3) coordination, the organization and carrying out scientific research in the field of fire safety;

4) professional training of employees of services of fire safety;

5) control and supervision of observance of requirements of fire safety.

It is forbidden to attract services of fire safety to accomplishment of the tasks which are not assigned to them by this Law.

Article 8. Obligations of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic in areas, local public administrations and local government bodies in the field of fire safety

To obligations of plenipotentiaries of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic in areas, heads of local public administrations and local government bodies in the field of fire safety belong:

1) creation of voluntary fire forming, management of them and ensuring their functioning;

2) coordination of carrying out scientific research in the field of fire protection of the organizations, companies, organizations and settlements;

3) creating favorable conditions for functioning of the companies and voluntary fire forming specializing in accomplishment of fire-proof works and production of the fire fighting equipment and equipment.

Article 9. Obligations of the ministries and administrative departments

The ministries and administrative departments according to their competence shall provide:


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