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of January 20, 2023 No. PP-10

About additional measures for transformation of law-enforcement bodies to national professional structure and orientation of their work on closer interaction with the population

(as amended of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 18.08.2023 No. PP-282)

For the purpose of ensuring execution of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 28, 2022 No. UP-60 "About the Strategy of Development for New Uzbekistan for 2022 - 2026", and also transformations of law-enforcement bodies to national professional structure as the reliable defender of the population, ensuring their work in close interaction with citizens, public organizations and the general public in the spirit of mutual trust and cooperation, further strengthening of rule of law, peace in makhallyakh, settlements and in all country:

1. Approve the Code of professional culture and office discipline of staff of law-enforcement bodies (further - the Code) according to appendix No. 1, providing the following main objectives:

achievement of true satisfaction of the population by means of education of staff of law-enforcement bodies as patriotic and narodolyubivy representatives of the state with high spiritually - moral qualities, true to the debt, on the basis of the principle "For honor and advantage of the person";

forming at the staff of law-enforcement bodies of feeling of high responsibility, the relation to service duties with honor, conscience, sincere understanding of debt to the Homeland and the people, implicit observance commonly accepted in society morally - ethical standards;

the early prevention in law-enforcement bodies of possible offenses, abuses and corruption cases, non-admission of the conflict situations exerting negative impact on reputation of system of law and order.

Determine that:

knowledge and strict, strict observance of the rules and requirements determined in the Code are obligatory for each employee of law-enforcement bodies;

observance of the rules and requirements determined in the Code is the main criterion for evaluation of efficiency of office activities and office discipline of the employee;

non-compliance with rules and requirements of the Code or their gross violation can be the basis for application concerning the employee of authority punishment up to its dismissal from service of law-enforcement bodies.

Assign to the Minister of Internal Affairs P. Bobozhonov and his deputy A. Ikramov the personal responsibility for ensuring strict observance of rules and requirements of the Code, and also the organization of relations between employees and heads of all levels only on the basis of acts of the legislation.

Warn heads of all levels of territorial, industry and linear law-enforcement bodies about their personal responsibility for realization spiritually - the educational and educational work directed to accomplishment by subordinate staff of requirements of the Code, and also acceptance of effective measures for permanent studying and the decision in family - household problems of employees.

2. Take into consideration that in structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs the Department spiritually - educational work and staffing is formed (further - Department).

Proceeding from requirements of time and relevance of tasks of increase in level of personnel potential in law-enforcement bodies to determine the priority directions of further enhancement of activities of Department:

creation of fair, objective and transparent system of candidate screen on service in the law-enforcement bodies, acceptance of package of measures directed to cardinal simplification of established procedures and elimination in them bureaucratic barriers;

increase in efficiency and effectiveness spiritually - educational work by means of its system and continuous organization on the basis of the principle "from educational institution - before the termination of service";

implementation of modern methods of address psychological actions among staff of law-enforcement bodies taking into account specifics of service, increase in role of specialists - psychologists in processes of position assignment and carrying out certification;

implementation of new system of forming of reserve of the perspective young managerial personnel in law-enforcement bodies, creation of mechanisms of system monitoring of their activities and permanent training;

creation of continuous system of increase in level of combat and physical training of staff of law-enforcement bodies, proceeding from features of the sphere of ensuring public safety and fight against crime, implementation of its assessment on the basis of new criteria;

complete digitalization on the basis of modern requirements of work with personnel in law-enforcement bodies, ensuring compliance with rules of service, and also system of social protection of staff and members of their families with the purpose of exception of human factor and early prevention of corruption manifestations.

Approve Regulations on Department spiritually - educational work and staffing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 2.

Assign to the deputy minister of internal affairs A. Ikramov the personal responsibility for effective realization of complex measures for further enhancement of activities of Department and its local divisions on the basis of the established priority directions.

3. Approve offers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

about determination of the preliminary probation period established for the employees for the first time employed in law-enforcement bodies as one year;

about introduction for graduates of the academic lyceums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of annual additional quota to 200 places, proceeding from requirements of territorial authorities of internal affairs, for receipt in bachelor degree of Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the direction of education "Activities for the prevention of offenses" providing training on for a fee - contractual basis.

To the Ministry of Internal Affairs (A. Ikramov):

refuse translation practice in other industry divisions of the employees dismissed according to the procedure of authority punishment, having established procedure for the direction them in local divisions on the specialty or carrying out certification for determination of suitability to service taking into account assessment of its qualification;

until the end of 2023 to accept package of measures for establishment of qualitatively new, simplified procedure for acceptance on service in law-enforcement bodies and to creation of the electronic information system "E — Nomzod", having provided completing of positions by candidates with high spiritually - moral, business and professional qualities;

in two-month time to accept package of measures for forming at the staff of law-enforcement bodies of necessary skills of psychology and culture of communication, psychological stability in unusual situations taking into account features of service;

in three-months time critically to review procedure and criteria of assignment of cool qualification in law-enforcement bodies, to implement system of conducting testing on assimilation by employees of professional knowledge, rules and requirements of the Code, establishment of level of combat and physical training, ownership of information technologies.

4. Establish procedure according to which:

the employees for the first time employed in law-enforcement bodies are appointed to the corresponding positions after the successful termination of three-months rates of initial professional training at Institute of advanced training of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

in case of violation by the employees for the first time employed in law-enforcement bodies, rules and requirements of the Code in the period of preliminary probation period measures of authority punishment up to release from post are applied to the mentors assigned to them, proceeding from fault degree;

the chiefs of departments of the academic lyceums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs having academic degrees of the candidate of science or doctor of philosophy (PhD), and also the doctor of science or doctor of science (DSc), academic statuses of professor or associate professor under the terms of compensation are equated to chiefs (managers) of departments of the highest educational institutions;

since September 1, 2023 the personal liability of staff of divisions of prevention of offenses, dorozhno - patrol and patrulno - the point-policeman of services for efficiency of service by introduction of practice of continuous training in "The module of work with citizens" is increased.

At the same time employees once in each three years will study at Institute of advanced training of the Ministry of Internal Affairs according to the program lasting at least 144 watch upon termination of which special exams after which successful passing the certificates granting to employees the right of further service in this sphere are issued are held.

5. Approve "Road map" complex measures for increase in level of personnel potential in law-enforcement bodies according to appendix No. 3.

6. For the purpose of creation of system of public control over activities of law-enforcement bodies to form in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its territorial subdivisions the public councils which are the advisory body performing the activities on permanent basis on a voluntary basis, the spheres consisting of scientists, veterans and journalists.

Determine the main objectives of public councils:

implementation of public control over observance of requirements of acts of the legislation in activities of law-enforcement bodies, studying and system monitoring of public opinion of rather this sphere;

taking measures to ensuring accounting of public opinion and interests of society in the course of project development of the acts of the legislation regulating activities of law-enforcement bodies;

detailed studying of messages on corruption manifestations in activities of the law-enforcement bodies published on the Internet and social networks with bringing its results to the general public.

7. Grant the right:

a) Academies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - on retraining and advanced training of pedagogical personnel of educational and educational institutions of law-enforcement bodies, including on contractual basis;

b) to the academic lyceums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - on rendering paid educational services by means of carrying out the academic lyceums of additional studies by teachers of data for students and citizens in time off on voluntary basis by creation uchebno - the preparatory centers.

At the same time 50 percent of the means which arrived for carrying out additional studies go as additional salary supplement of the teacher giving classes, other part - for development of material and educational base of the academic lyceum, material stimulation of employees and other expenses.

8. To the Ministry of Internal Affairs (P. Bobozhonov, A. Ikramov) in three-months time:

together with the Ministry of the higher education, science and innovations to determine procedure for retraining and advanced training of pedagogical personnel of educational and educational institutions of law-enforcement bodies in Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

develop and approve Regulations on procedure for rendering paid educational services in the academic lyceums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;

together with the interested ministries and departments to approve the Concept of the organization of combat and physical training in law-enforcement bodies;

take measures by training of territorial national teams and sports sections for types of combat sport (hand-to-hand fight, sambo, fight), having provided increase in level of combat readiness and physical training of staff of territorial, industry and linear law-enforcement bodies of all levels;

determine the measures providing implementation of new system of rendering psychological services in law-enforcement bodies, development of its material and technical resources, retraining and advanced training of specialists in foreign scientific and educational institutions;

together with the interested ministries and departments to make in the Cabinet of Ministers offers on the changes and amendments in acts of the legislation following from this resolution.

9. Make changes and additions to some resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 4.

10. Assign to the Minister of Internal Affairs P. Bobozhonov the personal responsibility for the effective organization of execution of this resolution.

To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. N. Aripov and the deputy adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan D. B. Kadirov.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Sh. Mirziyoev


Appendix No. 1

to the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 20, 2023 No. PP-10

Code of professional culture and office discipline of staff of law-enforcement bodies


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