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of May 19, 1995 No. 82-FZ

About public associations

(as amended on 08-08-2024)

Accepted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on April 14, 1995

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation of this Federal Law

Subject of regulation of this Federal Law are the public relations arising in connection with realization by citizens of the right to consolidation, creation, activities, reorganization and (or) liquidation of public associations. Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the equal rights with citizens of the Russian Federation in the sphere of the relations regulated by this Federal Law, except as specified, established by the Federal Laws or international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Article 2. Coverage of this Federal Law

Operation of this Federal Law extends to all public associations created at the initiative of citizens, except for the religious organizations, and also the commercial organizations and the non-commercial unions (associations) created by them.

Article 3. Content of the right of citizens to consolidation

The right of citizens to consolidation includes the right to create on voluntary basis public associations for protection of common interests and achievement of common goals, the right to enter the existing public associations or to abstain from the introduction in them, and also is right to leave public associations freely.

Creation of public associations promotes realization of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens.

Citizens have the right to create at the choice public associations without preliminary permission of public authorities and local government bodies, and also the right to enter such public associations on the terms of observance of regulations of their charters.

The public associations created by citizens can be registered according to the procedure, provided by this Federal Law and to acquire the rights of the legal entity or to function without state registration and acquisition of rights of the legal entity.

Article 4. Laws on public associations

This Federal Law determines content of the right of the citizens to consolidation, the basic state guarantees of this right, the status of public associations, and also features of legal status of public associations who are legal entities.

The features connected with creation, activities, reorganization and (or) liquidation of separate types of public associations - labor unions, charitable and other types of public associations, - can be regulated by the special laws adopted according to this Federal Law. Activities of the specified public associations before adoption of special laws, and also the activities of public associations which are not settled by special laws are regulated by this Federal Law.

Article 5. Concept of public association

The public association is understood as the voluntary, self-governed, non-commercial forming created at the initiative of the citizens who united on the basis of community of interests for realization of the common goals specified in the charter of public association (further - the authorized purposes).

The right of citizens to creation of public associations is exercised as it is direct by merging of physical persons, and through legal entities - public associations.

Article 6. Founders, members and members of public association

Founders of public association are physical persons and legal entities - the public associations which convened congress (conference) or general meeting on which the charter of public association is accepted are created its leading and control and auditing bodies. Founders of public association - physical persons and legal entities - have the equal rights and perform equal duties.

Members of public association are physical persons and legal entities - public associations whose interest in the joint solution of tasks of this consolidation according to regulations of its charter is drawn up by the corresponding individual statements or documents allowing to consider the number of members of public association for the purpose of ensuring their equality as members of this consolidation. Members of public association - physical persons and legal entities - have the equal rights and perform equal duties.

Members of public association have the right to choose and be elected in leading and control and auditing bodies of this consolidation, and also to control activities of governing bodies of public association according to its charter.

Members of public association have the rights and perform duties according to requirements of regulations of the charter of public association and in case of non-compliance with the specified requirements can be expelled from public association according to the procedure, specified in the charter.

Members of public association are physical persons and legal entities - the public associations which expressed support to the purposes of this consolidation and (or) to its specific shares, taking part in its activities without obligatory registration of conditions of the participation if other is not provided by the charter. Members of public association - physical persons and legal entities - have the equal rights and perform equal duties.

Article 7. Forms of business of public associations

Public associations can be created in one of the following forms of business:

public organization;

social movement;

public fund;

public institution;

body of public amateur performance;

political party.

Article 8. Public organization

Public organization is the public association based on membership created on the basis of joint activities for protection of common interests and achievement of the authorized purposes of the united citizens.

Physical persons and legal entities - public associations if other is not established by this Federal Law and the laws on separate types of public associations can be members of public organization according to its charter.

The supreme governing body of public organization is the congress (conference) or general meeting. Permanent governing body of public organization is the elected collegiate organ accountable to congress (conference) or general meeting.

In case of state registration of public organization its permanent governing body performs the rights of the legal entity on behalf of public organization and fulfills its duties according to the charter.

In public organization the sole executive body, and in the cases provided by the law or the charter is formed, in public organization the collegiate executive body is formed. The charter of public organization can provide that approval of the annual statement and accounting (financial) records of public organization, decision making about creation of other legal entities by public organization, about participation of public organization in other legal entities, about creation of branches and about opening of representative offices of public organization, approval of auditing organization or the individual auditor of public organization, education and early termination of powers of sole executive body are within the competence of permanent collegiate governing body of public organization.


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