of December 19, 2022 No. 888
About establishment of standard form of the contract with the government civil servant
1. Establish standard form of the contract with the government civil servant according to appendix 1.
2. Recognize invalid resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus according to appendix 2.
3. To state bodies to bring the contracts signed with the government civil servants into accord with this resolution.
4. This resolution becomes effective in the following procedure:
Items 1 and 2 – since January 1, 2023;
other provisions of this resolution – after its official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
R. Golovchenko
to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of December 19, 2022 No. 888
Standard form of the contract with the government civil servant
___ __________ ____.
(name of state body)
on behalf of _______________________________________________________________________
(state position, surname,
own name, middle name (if that is available)
(further – the employer), acting on the basis of the __________________________________
(provision, charter or other legal act)
and ___________________________________________________________________________
(surname, own name, middle name (if that is available)
(further – the government civil servant) based on article 35 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "About public service" signed this contract as follows:
1. The employer signs this contract with _______________________________
own name, middle name (if that is available)
on the state civil position (further – civil position) _____________________________________________________________________________
(name of civil position *)
(place of employment with indication of structural division, in which state
the civil servant is appointed (is appointed) to civil position)
for a period of __ years with ___ __________ ____ on ___ _________ ____.
* The name of civil positions is specified according to the Register of the state civil positions determined by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of June 6, 2022 No. 195.
3. The government civil servant shall:
3.2. observe requirements for labor protection;
3.3. make thrifty use of property of the employer, use this property for performance of work, provided by this contract and (or) according to the written and oral orders, orders of the employer which are not contradicting the legislation;
3.4. not later than one month before expiration of this contract in writing to warn the employer about the decision to continue or stop with it employment relationships.
4. The employer shall:
4.1. create the working conditions providing proper execution by the government civil servant of obligations under this contract;
4.2. provide performing and labor discipline;
4.3. observe the legislation on work;
4.4. provide healthy and safe working conditions;
4.6. create proper conditions for preparation, retraining, advanced training and training of the government civil servant for the benefit of civil service;
4.7. pay to the government civil servant the salary in sizes, stipulated by the legislation about the public civil service, and in the terms provided by this contract;
4.8. provide to the government civil servant:
social leaves according to the legislation on work;
4.9. not later than one month before expiration of this contract in writing to warn the government civil servant about the decision to continue or stop with it employment relationships;
4.10. provide observance of other labor rights of the government civil servant, stipulated by the legislation about work and this contract.
5. The employer has the right:
5.1. terminate this contract with the government civil servant according to the procedure and on the bases, stipulated by the legislation about the public civil service, about work and other legal acts;
5.2. encourage the government civil servant;
5.3. demand from the government civil servant of accomplishment of terms of this contract;
5.4. involve the government civil servant to disciplinary and financial responsibility according to the legislation on work and on the public civil service;
5.5. reduce (to deprive) of award of all types irrespective of involvement of the government civil servant to disciplinary responsibility for:
absence from work without reasonable excuse, untimely execution or non-execution of service duties without valid excuse;
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