of December 30, 2022 No. PP-465
About measures for development of social and production infrastructure of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2023 - 2025
For the purpose of implementation of the tasks determined in the Strategy of development for New Uzbekistan for 2022 - 2026, further development of social and production infrastructure in regions, especially in makhallyakh and also increase in level of living of the population and creation of the favorable investment circle for entrepreneurs:
1. Take into consideration that Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, by khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent (further - local khokimiyats) interested in the ministries, departments and economic associations on the basis of public opinion and wishes of the population the Development program of social and production infrastructure of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2023 - 2025 is developed (further - the Program).
Key parameters of development of social and production infrastructure in 2023 and target reference points for 2024-2025 according to appendix No. 1 *;
Key parameters of the directions financed within development of social and production infrastructure in 2023 according to appendix No. 1a *;
Target indicators of commissioning of objects of social and production infrastructure and creation of new capacities in 2023 and target reference points for 2024-2025 according to appendix No. 2 *;
Address lists of construction, reconstruction, capital repairs and equipment of objects in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and the city of Tashkent in 2023 according to appendices No. No. 3 - 16 *;
The address list of construction and reconstruction of administrative, engineering and infrastructure, especially important and categorized objects in 2023 according to appendix No. 17 *;
The address list of construction and reconstruction of law-enforcement and defense objects in 2023 according to appendix No. 18 *;
Summary parameters and address lists of objects for providing with external engineering and communication networks special economic zones, small industrial zones, youth industrial and entrepreneurial zones, and also large production projects in 2023 according to appendices No. No. 19, 19a - 19v *;
The list of the objects financed from budgets of budget system which preproject and project documentation will be developed in 2023, according to appendix No. 20*.
* appendices are given in Uzbek.
Assign to the Chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokim of areas and the city of Tashkent, heads of the ministries, departments and economic associations the personal responsibility for ensuring high-quality and complete realization of key parameters, target indicators and address lists of the Program at the scheduled time, and also target and effective expenditure of allocated funds.
2. Determine that:
address lists of works on designing, construction, reconstruction and equipment of objects at the expense of off-budget funds of state-financed organizations are approved with the Ministry of Economics and finance;
since 2023 address lists of projects (objects) financed within the Program from local budgets affirm First Deputy Chairmen of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, hokim of areas and the city of Tashkent in case of approval of territorial administrations of economy and finance.
3. To local khokimiyats, the ministries, departments and economic associations - customers:
a) in two weeks to approve in accordance with the established procedure the address list of the passing construction objects for 2023 with refining of amounts of their financing in agreement with schedules of accomplishment of installation and construction works;
b) in ten-day time after completion of procurement procedures to approve in accordance with the established procedure address lists of again begun projects (objects) in 2023;
c) in two-month time based on the approved preproject and (or) project documentation of again begun projects (objects) in 2023 in accordance with the established procedure to take measures for conducting examination of tender (tender) documentation, completion of procurement procedures and the conclusion of works agreements with winners of tenders (tenders);
d) till February 15, 2023 to approve by quarters forecast fill rates of key parameters of the Program, including development of capital investments on projects (objects) and to provide them to the Ministry of Economics and finance. At the same time to provide:
accomplishment in the first half of the year 2023 at least 40 annual interest rates of forecast amounts of application of funds on all projects (objects), including on the passing projects (objects) - at least 50 percent;
commissioning of the objects of educational institutions completed in 2023 - till August 15, subjects to drinking water supply, the sewerage and heat supply, health care and medico-social organizations - till October 1, objects of systems of highways, bridges and overpasses, irrigation and melioration - till December 1;
e) following the results of every month to 3rd day of the next month to introduce in the Ministry of Economics and finance information on accomplishment of forecast indicators and key parameters on each draft (object) of the Program.
4. To the chairman of the board of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, to hokima of areas and the city of Tashkent in two weeks to provide allocation of the state organization responsible for the project (object) included in the Program, the parcels of land necessary for projects implementation, with the right of permanent use.
4-1. Authorize Government commission concerning foreign trade, investments, development of the local industry and technical regulation to make changes and (or) additions to the address list of projects (objects) within the means provided in development programs of social and production infrastructure of the Republic of Uzbekistan for providing investment projects with engineering and communication infrastructure in special economic and small industrial zones.
5. Establish procedure according to which since January 1, 2023 to local khokimiyats, to the ministries, departments and economic associations it is forbidden:
inclusion in the Program of possibility of providing projects (objects) with financial resources without approval of the Ministry of Economics and finance;
preparation of the offer on change of project solutions of projects (objects) included in the Program without approval of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services regarding compliance to acts of the legislation on town planning.
6. To the republican headquarters on control and coordination of implementation of state programs (E. T. Yuldashev) to organize system control for:
timely, complete and high-quality program implementation at the level of areas (cities) and regions, including target and effective expenditure of means on each project (object), high-quality accomplishment of construction contract works, implementation of procurement procedures according to acts of the legislation;
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