of April 5, 2018 No. UP-5400
About measures for radical enhancement of system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and strengthening of its responsibility for realization of the priority directions of foreign policy and foreign economic activity
Effective promotion of foreign and external economic policy is the most important factor of successful realization of large-scale reforms and democratic transformations in the country, strengthenings of her authority on the international scene and providing growth in prosperity of the population.
Thanks to activization of open foreign policy breakthrough results in strengthening of multidimensional and mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign countries are achieved, to qualitatively new level there were relations with the states of Central Asia, trade and economic and cultural and humanitarian communications considerably extended, are established constructive interaction with the international organizations and dialogue with compatriots abroad, urgent international and regional problems are solved.
At the same time, the analysis of actual situation in system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms availability of number of the serious problems interfering effective realization of the assigned tasks, first of all, in the sphere of protection and promotion of the external economic interests of the state. In particular:
first, the operating regulatory framework in a complex does not regulate all questions of diplomatic service, not fully reflects the accumulated legal and practical experience, and also does not conform to modern requirements;
secondly, the organizational and regular structure of Foreign Ministry is not oriented to effective mobilization of the available resources for the solution of strategic tasks in foreign policy and external economic spheres;
thirdly, there are no accurately built mechanisms of interaction of state bodies with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and foreign organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also carrying out effective and harmonious work in questions of development of trade and economic, investment and tourist cooperation with foreign partners;
fourthly, information and analytical support and work planning of Foreign Ministry are fragmentary performed, the developed offers on priorities of foreign policy properly do not consider questions of promotion of the external economic interests of the country;
fifthly, work on informing the world community on large-scale transformations in the country and international initiatives of the republic has inert character, interfering with effective realization of tasks on forming of positive image and strengthening of the authority of the country on the international scene;
sixthly, unsatisfactory is level of efficiency and quality of the rendered state services in activities of consular establishments, ensuring effective protection of the rights and legitimate interests of physical persons and legal entities of Uzbekistan abroad, assistance to the citizens who got into difficulties;
seventhly, system dialogue with compatriots abroad is not adjusted, their potential in case of implementation of social and economic and cultural and humanitarian projects and programs is not involved in the priority directions of development of the republic;
eighthly, inefficiency of personnel policy, and also low level of material stimulation and social protection of employees of Foreign Ministry considerably limit opportunities for forming of highly professional diplomatic structure, reduce prestige of diplomatic service and lead to outflow of qualified specialists;
ninthly, insufficient implementation of the advanced information and communication technologies constrains the solution of priority tasks, does not provide rapid foreign policy and external economic response, and also development of instruments of "digital diplomacy".
For the purpose of radical enhancement of system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also according to tasks of Strategy of actions in five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 - 2021 and the Concept of administrative reform in the Republic of Uzbekistan:
1. Determine the most important directions of reforming of system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
the first, radical review and enhancement of the normative legal basis of activities and organizational and regular structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and foreign organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan with emphasis on promotion of "economic diplomacy";
the second, strengthening of the coordinating role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in realization of single foreign policy and foreign economic activity of the republic, and also accurate regulation and differentiation of tasks, functions and powers of the profile ministries, departments, public authorities on places in this direction;
third, implementation of new approaches and methods in activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the foreign organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan directed to expansion and diversification of export of domestic goods, works (services), investment attraction, advanced technologies and tourist flows to the country;
the fourth, active use of instruments of "public diplomacy" in promotion of positive international image of Uzbekistan, first of all, through strengthening of work on system and address information exchange with national and foreign expert communities, mass media, public and scientific community;
the fifth, forming and realization of mechanisms of ensuring real protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, maintenance of comprehensive dialogue with compatriots abroad, their active attraction to implementation of trade and economic, cultural and humanitarian and social projects and programs;
the sixth, adjustment of efficient system of interdepartmental planning and control, simplification of procedure and forms of the reporting, forming of criteria for evaluation of efficiency of activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and foreign organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
the seventh, cardinal review of personnel policy in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and foreign organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan by implementation of front lines and transparent organization-legal mechanisms of matching, preparation, retraining and advanced training, rotation and forming of perspective reserve of diplomats;
the eighth, improvement of material stimulation and social protection of employees of bodies of diplomatic service, creation of worthy conditions for their effective work;
the ninth, strengthening of material and technical resources of system of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with broad implementation of modern information and communication technologies for the purpose of enhancement of system of rendering the state services, and also promotion of interests of the country in global information space.
2. Form in structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
a) Head department of the external economic cooperation and entering into its structure:
Management of attraction of foreign investments and means of financial and technical assistance;
Management of promotion of export and foreign trade communications;
Management of coordination of activities of the intergovernmental commissions;
Management of international cooperation in the sphere of tourism development;
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