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of November 11, 2006 No. 663

About approval of the Regulations on conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation

(as amended on 02-10-2019)

According to article 26 of the Federal law "About Conscription and Military Service" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation.

2. Recognize to invalid:

the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 1, 1999 N587 "About Approval of the Regulations on Conscription of Citizens of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 1999, N 23, the Art. 2857);

the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2001 N39 "About Entering of Amendment into the Regulations on Conscription of Citizens of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2001, N 5, the Art. 392).

Russian Prime Minister

M. Fradkov


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2006 No. 663

Regulations on conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation

I. General provisions

1. This Provision developed according to the Federal Law "About Conscription and Military Service" and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation concerning defense, conscription and military service determines procedure for conscription of citizens of the male Russian Federation aged from 18 up to 27 years consisting or obliged to stay on the military registry and not staying in inventory (further - recruits).

II. Procedure for conscription of the citizens of the Russian Federation who are not staying in inventory

2. Conscription of recruits will organize military commissariat by means of structural divisions, including military commissariats of municipalities, with assistance of local administration.

Regulations of conscription are established by the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation for each subject of the Russian Federation and the municipality having the status of the municipal district, city district or the intracity territory of the federal city and are led up:

to the management official of the subject of the Russian Federation (the head of the supreme executive body of the government of the subject of the Russian Federation) - headquarters of the respective military districts;

to the head of local administration - the corresponding military commissariat.

3. Conscription is performed by the draft commission created in each municipality having the status of the municipal district, city district or the intracity territory of the federal city, the solution of the management official of the subject of the Russian Federation (the head of the supreme executive body of the government of the subject of the Russian Federation) on representation of the military commissioner.

For implementation of methodical management of the subordinate draft commissions, control of activities of the draft commissions and accomplishment of other tasks determined by the Federal Law "About Conscription and Military Service", the solution of the management official of the subject of the Russian Federation (the head of the supreme executive body of the government of the subject of the Russian Federation) creates the draft commission of the subject of the Russian Federation.

For the purpose of ensuring activities of the draft commission the necessary territories and rooms equipped with the tools and medical property necessary for medical examination, and also the equipment and material means necessary for holding actions for professional psychological selection of recruits are allocated and equipped.

4. For the purpose of realization of tasks on conducting conscription the military commissioner of the municipality (municipalities):

a) develops and approves the plan of conducting conscription with the head of local administration;

b) gives necessary assistance to the organizations irrespective of forms of business and patterns of ownership (daleeorganization) in accomplishment of the actions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation connected with preparation and conducting conscription;

c) submits requests to heads of the medical organizations on allocation of required specialists doctors and average medical personnel, and also to local government body - on allocation of technical workers and provision of the means of communication, transport and other appliances necessary for preparation and holding the actions connected with conscription;

d) participates together with representatives of the medical organizations in control of medical examination of recruits and passing of physical examination by them;

e) makes in the draft commission the offer on preliminary purpose of the recruit in type, type of military forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military forming and bodies, or about need of release it from conscription, or about provision to it draft deferments on military service;

e) will organize with assistance of local government body and officials of the organizations holding actions for military professional orientation of the citizens who are subject to conscription and works on explanation to the population of legislative and other regulatory legal acts concerning execution of conscription;

g) will organize accounting of the recruits avoiding conscription and in case of need directs to law-enforcement bodies materials on these recruits;

h) provides selection and timely preparation of materials for conducting checks by bodies of the Federal Security Service of the citizens who are subject to conscription for execution of special obligations of military service;

i) provides members of the draft commission with regulatory legal acts and other documentation necessary for conducting conscription;

j) carries out within the competence other tasks concerning conscription.

5. Recruits are subject to obligatory medical examination according to Regulations on military-medical examination.

6. The notification of recruits about appearance on medical examination, meeting of the draft commission or for sending to military unit for passing of military service is performed by the agenda of military commissariat of the municipality (municipalities) (further - the agenda).

7. Delivery of the agenda to recruits is made on receipt by workers of military commissariats of municipalities (local government bodies of settlements and local government bodies of city districts in the territories in which there are no military commissariats of municipalities) or on place of employment (study) of the recruit by heads, other officials (workers) of the organizations, as a rule, not later than 3 days to the term specified in the agenda.

The notification of recruits is performed throughout the entire period of preparation and holding the actions connected with conscription. I will cause on medical examination and meeting of the draft commission all recruits, except having draft deferment are subject.


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