of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ
About additional measures of the state support of the families having children
Accepted by the State Duma on December 22, 2006
Approved by the Federation Council on December 27, 2006
This Federal Law establishes additional measures of the state support of the families having children for the purpose of creation of the conditions providing to these families worthy life.
1. The legislation of the Russian Federation on additional measures of the state support of the families having children is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the conventional principles and rules of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation and consists of this Federal Law, other Federal Laws, and also of other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation published according to them. For the purpose of uniform application of this Federal Law if necessary the corresponding explanations according to the procedure, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation can be published.
2. Public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and local government bodies can establish additional measures of support of the families having children at the expense of means according to budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation and local budgets.
For the purposes of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:
1) additional measures of the state support of the families having children - the measures providing possibility of improvement of housing conditions, education, social adaptation and integration into society of handicapped children, receipt of monthly payment in connection with the birth (adoption) of the child before achievement of age by it three years, receipt of remaining balance of means of the maternity (family) capital in the form of lump sum payment (further - lump sum payment), and also increases in level of provision of pensions taking into account the features established by this Federal Law (further - additional measures of the state support);
2) the maternity (family) capital - the means of the federal budget transferred to the budget of Fund of pension and social insurance of the Russian Federation to realization of the additional measures of the state support established by this Federal Law;
3) the state certificate on the maternity (family) capital the personalized document confirming the right to additional measures of the state support.
1. The right to additional measures of the state support arises in case of the birth (adoption) of child(children) who acquired (acquired) citizenship of the Russian Federation on the birth at the following persons having citizenship of the Russian Federation on birthday of the child irrespective of their residence:
1) the women who gave rise (adopted) the second child since January 1, 2007;
2) the women who gave birth (adopted) third children or the subsequent children since January 1, 2007 if earlier they did not use the right to additional measures of the state support;
3) the men who are the single adoptive parents of the second, third child or the subsequent children who earlier did not use the right to additional measures of the state support if the judgment about adoption took legal effect since January 1, 2007;
4) the women who gave rise (adopted) the first child since January 1, 2020;
5) the men who are the single adoptive parents of the first child, earlier did not use the right to additional measures of the state support if the judgment about adoption took legal effect since January 1, 2020;
6) the men who are bringing up the second, third children or the subsequent children born since January 1, 2007, and who are their fathers (adoptive parents) in case of the death of the woman who did not have citizenship of the Russian Federation which gave birth to the specified children, or the announcement of its died;
7) the men who are bringing up the first child born since January 1, 2020, and being fathers (adoptive parents) of the specified child in case of the death of the woman who did not have citizenship of the Russian Federation which gave birth to the specified child, or the announcement of its died.
2. In case of the right to additional measures of the state support of persons specified regarding 1 this Article children concerning whom these persons were deprived of the parent rights or concerning which adoption, the children left these persons in maternity hospital (department) or other medical organization, children concerning whom there is written consent of mother to their adoption (except for consent to their adoption by the stepfather), child(children) who did not acquire (not acquired) citizenship of the Russian Federation on the birth and also the adopted children who at the time of adoption were stepsons or stepdaughters of these persons was cancelled are not considered.
3. The right of the women specified regarding 1 this Article to additional measures of the state support stops and there are at the father (adoptive father) of the child irrespective of availability of citizenship of the Russian Federation or the status of the stateless person in cases of death of the woman, the announcement who its died deprivations of the parent rights concerning the child in connection with whose birth there was right to additional measures of the state support, making concerning the child(children) of the intentional crime relating to crimes against the personality and which entailed deprivation of the parent rights or restriction of the parent rights on child(children), leaving of the child in connection with which birth there was right to additional measures of the state support, in maternity hospital (department) or other medical organization, availability of written consent of mother to adoption of the child in connection with which birth there was right to additional measures of the state support (except for consent to its adoption by the stepfather), and also in case of cancellation of adoption of the child in connection with which adoption there was right to additional measures of the state support. The right to additional measures of the state support at the specified person does not arise if it is stepfather concerning the previous child whose priority of the birth (adoption) was considered in case of the right to additional measures of the state support and also if the child, in connection with the birth (adoption) of which there was right to additional measures of the state support, is acknowledged according to the procedure, provided by the Family code of the Russian Federation, after the death of mother (adoptive mother) without parental support.
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