of May 23, 1991 No. 1060-XII
About education
Education - basis of intellectual, cultural, spiritual, social, economic development of society and state.
The purpose of education is all-round development of the person as personality and the supreme value of society, development of his talents, mental and physical capacities, education of high moral qualities, forming of the citizens capable to the conscious public choice, enrichment on this basis of intellectual, creative, cultural potential of the people, increase in educational level of the people, providing the national economy with qualified specialists.
Education in Ukraine is based on the principles of humanity, democracy, national consciousness, mutual respect between the nations and the people.
The legislation of Ukraine on education is based on the Constitution of Ukraine and consists of this Law, other acts of the legislation of Ukraine.
Task of the legislation of Ukraine on education is regulation of the public relations in the field of training, education, professional, scientific, common cultural training of citizens of Ukraine.
1. Citizens of Ukraine have right to education in all educational institutions, including to free education in the state and utility educational institutions irrespective of floor, race, nationality, social and property status, sort and nature of occupations, world outlook beliefs, belonging to batches, the relation to religion, religion, the state of health, special educational needs, the residence and other signs. This right is provided:
extensive network of the organizations of education founded on state and other patterns of ownership, scientific institutions, organizations of post-qualifying education;
open nature of organizations of education, creation of conditions for the choice of profile of training and education according to capabilities, interests of the citizen;
different forms of education - internal, evening, correspondence, remote, individual, the external studies, and also pedagogical patronage;
Creation of conditions for education by persons with special educational needs taking into account their individual needs for conditions of inclusive training.
2. The state performs social protection of pupils, pupils, students, cadets, listeners, trainees, clinical interns, graduate students, doctoral candidates and other persons, irrespective of forms of their training and types of organizations of education where they study, assists education in house conditions.
3. For receipt of the education document citizens have the right to the state certification.
4. Foreigners, persons without citizenship get education in organizations of formation of Ukraine according to the current legislation and international treaties.
5. Person, priznanyot the refugee or person needing additional protection has right to education, equal with citizens of Ukraine.
1. Ukraine recognizes formation of society by the priority sphere of social and economic, spiritual and cultural development.
2. State policy in the field of education is determined by the Supreme Council of Ukraine according to the Constitution of Ukraine and performed by executive bodies and local government bodies.
The state supervision (control) in the field of education is exercised for the purpose of realization of single state policy in the field of education. The state supervision (control) is exercised by the central executive body realizing state policy in the field of education and local authorities of management of education.
The basic principles of education in Ukraine are:
availability to each citizen of all forms and types of the educational services provided by the state including availability to persons with special educational needs of educational services, in particular inclusive training in the residence;
equality of conditions of each person for complete realization of its capabilities, talent, all-round development;
humanity, democratism, priority of universal cultural wealth;
organic communication with world and national history, culture, traditions;
independence of education of political parties, the public and religious organizations (except the educational institutions founded by the religious organizations);
scientific, and also secular nature of education (except the educational institutions founded by the religious organizations);
integration with science and production;
interrelation with formation of other countries;
flexibility and prognostichnost of education system;
unity and succession of education system;
continuity and variety of education;
combination of public administration and public self-government in education.
Language of education is determined by article 20 of the Law of Ukraine "About the principles of the state language policy".
The right to training by means of the most available to such persons of language, methods and methods of communication, in particular training is provided to persons with special educational needs with the sign speech, Braille's font.
1. Teaching and educational process in organizations of education is free from intervention of political parties, public, religious organizations.
2. Involvement of pupils, students to participation in political actions and religious actions during teaching and educational process is not allowed.
3. Belonging of person to any political party, the public, religious organization, acting according to the Constitution of Ukraine, is not obstacle for its participation in teaching and educational process.
4. Pupils, students, educators can create primary cells of public organizations which members they are in organizations of education.
Organizations of education in Ukraine irrespective of patterns of ownership are separated church (the religious organizations), have secular character, except the organizations of education founded by the religious organizations.
1. In Ukraine for management of education the system of state bodies of management and bodies of public self-government are created.
2. Governing bodies of education and public self-government are effective within the powers determined by the legislation.
In Ukraine treat governing bodies of education:
the central executive body providing forming of state policy in the field of education;
the central executive body realizing state policy in the field of education;
the central executive bodies to which educational institutions are subordinated;
executive body of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in the field of education;
local public administrations and local government bodies, and also structural divisions formed by local public administrations and local government bodies concerning education (local authorities of management of education).
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The document ceased to be valid since September 28, 2017 according to Item 2 of the Section II of the Law of Ukraine of September 5, 2017 No. 2145-VIII