Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 22, 2022 No. 943

About application of special economic measures in the sphere of supply of natural gas in connection with unfriendly actions of some foreign states and the international organizations

(as amended of the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of 11.09.2023 No. 674)

Due to the unfriendly and contradicting international law actions of the United States of America and the foreign states and the international organizations which adjoined them directed to introduction of rationing arrangements concerning citizens of the Russian Federation and the Russian legal entities for the purpose of protection of national interests of the Russian Federation and according to the Federal Laws of December 30, 2006 No. 281-FZ "About special economic measures and enforcement powers", of December 28, 2010 No. 390-FZ "About safety" and of June 4, 2018 No. 127-FZ "About corrective actions (counteraction) on unfriendly actions of the United States of America and other foreign states" I decide:

1. Determine that till October 1, 2024:

a) execution by Gazprom public joint stock company and its affiliates of obligations to the foreign persons connected with foreign states which make concerning the Russian Federation of the Russian legal entities and physical persons unfriendly actions (including if such foreign persons have nationality of these states, the place of their registration, the place of preferential conducting economic activity by them or the place of preferential extraction by them of profit on activities are these states), or persons who are under control of the specified foreign persons, irrespective of the place of their registration or the place of preferential conducting economic activity by them is forbidden:

on payment of the fuel supplies of natural gas, gas condensate got on sites of Achimov deposits of the Urengoy oil-gas condensate field if the size of obligations is calculated at the price of combustible natural gas, gas condensate exceeding the extreme size of the price established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

on payment of fuel supplies of the natural gas extracted on sites of the Southern Russian gas field if the size of obligations is calculated at the price of combustible natural gas exceeding the extreme size of the price established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

on fee, connected with production of combustible natural gas, gas condensate on sites of Achimov deposits of the Urengoy oil-gas condensate field if the amount of payment for such services exceeds the extreme amount of payment established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

b) obligation fulfillment, provided by the subitem "an" of this Item, is performed in the sizes which are not exceeding the limiting measures of prices and the extreme amount of payment established according to paragraphs the second - the fourth the subitem "an" of this Item. Obligations in the part exceeding these sizes are considered performed based on this Decree.

2. The prohibition established by this Decree:

a) extends including to obligations to the Russian legal entities, shares (including exclusive), shares (deposits) which constituting authorized (share) capital, belongs to the foreign persons called in the subitem "an" of Item 1 of this Decree or persons who are under control of the specified foreign persons, irrespective of the place of their registration or the place of preferential conducting economic activity by them;

b) extends to obligations which completion date came after March 1, 2022;

c) does not extend to obligations according to the transactions made at the organized biddings.

3. Obligation fulfillment under delivery agreements of combustible natural gas, gas condensate, service and other agreements, connected with calculation of the price of combustible natural gas, gas condensate and determination of the size of service fee, provided by the paragraph the fourth the subitem "an" of Item 1 of this Decree, in defiance of the prohibition established by this Decree is not allowed.

4. Grant to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation the right to make official explanations concerning application of this Decree.

5. To the government of the Russian Federation in 10-day time to establish:

a) the extreme size of the price according to the paragraph the second the subitem "an" of Item 1 of this Decree;

b) the extreme size of the price according to the paragraph third the subitem "an" of Item 1 of this Decree;

c) the extreme amount of payment according to the paragraph the fourth the subitem "an" of Item 1 of this Decree.

6. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

President of the Russian Federation

V. Putin


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