of November 17, 2006 No. 1549
About order of registration of citizens the unemployed and their removals from accounting and about procedure and conditions of rendering financial support to the unemployed and members of his family, and also to citizens during professional training, retraining, advanced training and development of contents of the educational program of the training rates
Based on part two of Article 3 and article 26 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of June 15, 2006 "About employment of the population of the Republic of Belarus" (further – the Law) the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 125-Z
1. Approve:
The regulations on order of registration of citizens and their removals from accounting (are applied) by the unemployed;
2. Recognize invalid resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus according to appendix.
3. This resolution becomes effective co of day of its official publication.
First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
V. Semashko
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 17, 2006 No. 1549
1. This Provision determines order of registration of citizens by the unemployed and their removals from accounting.
2. Bodies for work, employment and social protection of city, district executive committees (further - bodies for work, employment and social protection) register as jobless able-bodied citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who are constantly living in the Republic of Belarus, the foreign citizens and stateless persons to which the status of the refugee or shelter in the Republic of Belarus are provided which do not have work (the activities connected with satisfaction personal and public needs, which are not contradicting the legislation) and earnings (the salary, the income, remuneration for the performed work).
3. Registration of citizens as the unemployed is performed at their place of residence by bodies for work, employment and social protection in case of the personal address.
4. For registration of citizens as the unemployed they submit the documents specified in Item 2.30 of the list of the ministerial procedures performed by state bodies and other organizations for petitions from citizens, No. 200 approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 26, 2010.
5. Citizens who in the procedure established by the legislation cannot be registered by the unemployed the foreign citizens and persons without citizenship petitioning for provision of the status of the refugee or additional protection or shelter in the Republic of Belarus and foreign citizens and stateless persons to which additional protection in the Republic of Belarus is provided are considered in body for work, employment and social protection as the citizens addressing concerning employment.
6. Bodies for work, employment and social protection perform accounting of citizens from among parents who shall refund the expenses spent by the state for content of the children who are on the state providing and are sent according to the court decree to bodies for work, employment and social protection for employment.
7. In case of the address the citizen fills card based on which the body for work, employment and social protection gets on the unemployed registration card and the personal record, and on the citizen addressing concerning employment, registration card is drawn up.
The form and procedure for filling of these cards and execution of the personal record are established by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.
If necessary other data necessary for rendering to citizens assistance in employment can be requested by bodies for work, employment and social protection from state bodies and other organizations.
8. The unemployed are struck off the register in body for work, employment and social protection from the date of:
recognitions occupied based on reference of their citizens to occupied according to article 2 of the Law;
transfers of education by their organization, other organization, the individual entrepreneur which according to the legislation are granted the right to perform educational activities, on training in the direction of bodies for work, employment and social protection for professional training, retraining, advanced training or for development of contents of the educational program of the training rates (lecture halls, thematic seminars, practical works, trainings, officer rates and other types of the training rates);
submissions of the written application by them about refusal of services of bodies for work, employment and social protection;
their last appearance in bodies for work, employment and social protection in case of absence of jobless more than two months without valid excuse;
the allowed violation from the unemployed – attempt to receive or receipts of unemployment benefit fraudulently;
appointments as it according to the legislation of old-age pension, for long service, professional pension;
their last refusal of two offers of suitable work or of two offers of passing of professional training, retraining, advanced training or development of contents of the educational program of the training rates following behind day (lecture halls, thematic seminars, practical works, trainings, officer rates and other types of the training rates) in the direction of bodies for work, employment and social protection;
removals from registration accounting still to the residence;
death of the unemployed;
the expirations of 18 calendar months from the date of their registration;
introductions in legal force of conviction if these unemployed are condemned to corrective works, arrest, restriction of freedom, to imprisonment for certain term or to lifelong imprisonment, or from the date of pre-trial detention into custody if the accused unemployed to the resolution of sentence was detained or the measure of restraint in the form of detention was applied to it or it was located in psychiatric hospital;
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