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of November 8, 2017 No. PP-3379

About measures for ensuring rational use of energy resources

(as amended on 18-06-2020)

In the country measures for consecutive upgrade and technological rearmament of system electro-and gas supply, to enhancement of bases of energy saving and mechanisms of settlement for the delivered electrical energy and natural gas are taken.

The held events are aimed at the development of the energy industry which is one of the most important factors of strong social and economic rise, increase in business activity and investment appeal of the country, level of living and welfare of the population.

At the same time, lack of the differentiated approach to cost determination of the delivered energy resources taking into account categories of consumers leads to their irrational use, does not stimulate implementation of energy-saving technologies and alternative energy sources.

Existing rules and rules in the field of town planning do not meet the modern requirements of providing energy efficiency of objects. Lack of due attention to application during construction and reconstruction of buildings and constructions of energy saving materials and technologies also leads to over-expenditure of energy resources.

For the purpose of further enhancement of system electro-and gas supply, ensuring rational use of energy resources by widespread introduction of market mechanisms, and also improvement of quality of the rendered services in this sphere:

1. Recognize unsatisfactory activities of GI "Uzgosenergonadzor", GI "Uzgosneftegazinspektion", JSC Uztransgaz and JSC Uzbekenergo.

2. Accept the offer of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, JSC Uzbekenergo, JSC Uztransgaz, GI "Uzgosenergonadzor", GI "Uzgosneftegazinspektion" and JSC National Energy Saving Company on establishment of procedure according to which:

a) since January 1, 2018:

the consumers making products and rendering separate services in the list according to appendix perform payment for electrical energy (with the attached capacity to 750 kVA) and natural gas according to the raising coefficients and rates established by resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

consumers (except for state-financed organizations, pumping points of farms and associations of water consumers, and also pumping points financed from the Government budget) with the attached capacity of 750 kVA and make calculations for electrical energy for the time of day differentiated on zones above to rate which is established in the amount of rate for the legal entities performing payment on the second group of rates.

At the same time, payment for the electrical energy used in hours of maximum of loading of single electric utility system (peak period - the morning and evening maxima determined in accordance with the established procedure), is performed using the raising coefficient in the amount of time 1,5 to the established rate, and in hours of minimum demands (the night period - night-time) - using decreasing coefficient in the amount of time 1,5 to the established rate and semi-peak period (daylight) - on the established rate;

during the designing, reconstruction, construction and commissioning of buildings and constructions of state bodies and organizations, and also apartment housing stock their inspection on compliance to town-planning regulations and rules regarding application of energy efficient and energy-saving technologies is carried out;

during the designing, reconstruction and construction of all buildings and constructions, except individual housing construction, obligatory installation of the certified solar water-heating installations for hot water supply, and also energy saving lamps is provided;

3. JSC National Energy Saving Company together with:

a) The ministry of housing-and-municipal servicing, JSC Uzbekenergo and other departments in three-months time to make in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan offers on determination of stages of installation in buildings and constructions of state bodies and the organizations of solar water-heating installations and energy saving lamps of national production, including on the basis of localizable products, to determination of specific suppliers of the this products taking into account amounts of the consumed heat and electrical energy.

To provide to state bodies and the organizations in two weeks submission to JSC National Energy Saving Company of technical information on condition of implementation of solar water-heating installations and energy saving lamps, amounts of the consumed heat and electrical energy, the sizes of the spaces occupied by them with appendix of cadastral documentation and plans of the territories with engineering communications;

b) JSC Uzbekenergo, JSC Uztransgaz, other interested ministries and departments, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent, the private enterprises which are engaged in production of heat and electrical energy, and also biogas in three-months time:

develop procedure for realization of heat and electrical energy, and also biogas by the companies which are engaged in their production and direct delivery to consumers without use of power networks of JSC Uzbekenergo and gas distribution networks of JSC Uztransgaz;

make the offers in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan on establishment of free market prices of heat and electrical energy, and also biogas realized by the private enterprises which are engaged in their production.

5. To the state committee on architecture and construction together with the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, JSC National Energy Saving Company and other interested ministries and departments:

in two-month time to develop and submit for approval in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan procedure for carrying out energy audit of buildings and constructions, issues of the passport of compliance to the established town-planning regulations and rules or the conclusions about need of elimination of excesses of the relevant standards, and also determinations of class of their energy efficiency;

till March 1, 2018 to carry out critical studying of the operating town-planning regulations and rules, having provided their review and state registration.

6. To the Ministry of Economics together with JSC Uzeltekhsanoat, JSC National Energy Saving Company, JSC Uzbekenergo, the State Tax Committee, Chamber of Commerce and Industry and other interested ministries and departments in two-month time to introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan the draft of the comprehensive program on expansion of localization of production and step-by-step implementation in residential and non-residential premises of energy saving lamps.

7. To the ministry of housing-and-municipal servicing of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Finance, the State committee on architecture and construction, JSC National Energy Saving Company, other interested ministries and departments, and also Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent till January 1, 2018 to introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan the draft of the program for carrying out energy audit of buildings and constructions of state bodies and organizations, and also apartment housing stock.


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