of November 23, 2022 No. PP-429
About additional measures for further development of space industry
For the purpose of implementation of works on space monitoring and providing state bodies with space pictures, and also establishing effective use of results of space activities using space technologies in the social and economic sphere, in the fields of science, defense and safety:
1. Determine that the Agency of space researches and technologies (further - the Uzbekkosmos Agency) is specially authorized body of public administration on regulation of space activities of Uzbekistan, determination of single state policy and strategic directions in the field of space researches and technologies, and also to implementation of space, including state space monitoring.
2. Within realization of the state space monitoring to assign the following additional tasks to the Uzbekkosmos Agency:
identification of cases of offenses in economy industries by processing and the analysis of space pictures;
development and program implementation of implementation of the state space monitoring;
preparation of offers on use of space technologies in processes of the monitoring performed by the industry ministries and departments;
monitoring of level of use of space technologies by the ministries and departments in the respective spheres and acceleration of their implementation.
3. Approve:
"Road map" on development of space industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022 - 2024 (further - "Road map") according to appendix No. 1;
The program of implementation of the state space monitoring for 2023-2024 according to appendix No. 2.
To the Uzbekkosmos agency till December 1, 2024 to introduce in the Cabinet of Ministers "Road map" for 2025-2026 proceeding from the implementable actions, results and target indicators reached on the tasks determined in this resolution and also the main directions of development of space technologies for the corresponding period.
To the Ministry of Finance provide allocation to the Uzbekkosmos Agency from the Government budget of necessary means for realization in 2023-2024 of the actions provided in appendix No. 2.
4. Determine that within the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 22, 2022 No. PP-357 "About measures for raising on the new level of the sphere of information and communication technologies in 2022-2023":
the ministries, departments and the organizations based on request of the Uzbekkosmos Agency timely and qualitatively provide necessary information;
responsible heads of the ministries, departments and organizations in the respective spheres bear the personal responsibility for high-quality execution of all actions realized within the approved directions.
5. To the Uzbekkosmos agency together with the interested ministries and departments in three-months time to introduce to the Cabinet of Ministers the draft of the order of the Government about establishment of procedure of the state space monitoring, at the same time to provide:
representation by the Agency according to the inventory under the State Tax Committee in accordance with the established procedure, on permanent basis to the Uzbekkosmos Agency of data of the state inventory (without change of vector and attributive parameters) in invariable type on spheres of carrying out the state space monitoring;
the direction of 10 percent of the administrative penalties collected for revealed by means of system of the state space monitoring of offenses in spheres of mining, protection of water resources, uses of lands of forest fund, collection and realization of household waste (except for offenses in the field of the state land and cadastral control) in Fund of development of space industry of the Agency of space researches and technologies.
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