Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

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of February 7, 2022 No. 1588

About increase in monthly cash allowance of the military personnel of bodies of prosecutor's office of the Azerbaijan Republic who is not employees of military prosecutor's office

Being guided by Item 32 of article 109 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, for the purpose of strengthening of social protection of the military personnel of bodies of prosecutor's office of the Azerbaijan Republic who is not employees of military prosecutor's office, I decide:

1. Establish to monthly official pay rates of the military personnel of bodies of prosecutor's office of the Azerbaijan Republic who is not employees of military prosecutor's office, the allowance in the amount of 20 percent of this salary.

2. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic to resolve the issues following from this Decree.

3. To military prosecutor's office of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Ministry of Finance of the Azerbaijan Republic to take necessary measures for the solution of the questions following from this Decree.

4. This Decree is applied since January 1, 2022.

President of the Azerbaijan Republic

Ilham Aliyev


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