Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 23, 2000 No. 432

About the additional measures connected with execution of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About privatization of state-owned property"

(as amended on 30-05-2024)

For the purpose of ensuring execution of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About privatization of state-owned property" I decide:

I. Approve the following regulatory legal acts (are applied):

* "Regulations on activities of the commission on privatization of the state company";

* "Rules of privatization of the non-residential squares which are at the disposal of local executive bodies, and also placed in residential buildings and built at the expense of public funds";

* "Regulations on preferential sale to labor collective of shares of the state companies transformed to public joint stock companies";

* "Regulations on privatization of the leased state-owned property";

* "Provision on the state privatization options";

* "Rules of privatization of the state companies for individual projects";

* "Rules of sale of state-owned property through auctions";

* "Rules of sale of state-owned property on specialized check and money auctions";

* "Rules of privatization of the state companies by the announcement their bankrupts";

* "Rules of receipt in the government budget of the Azerbaijan Republic of the means received from privatization and their use";

* "Rules of registration of sale of the privatized state-owned property (the companies and objects)".

II. Bring in the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About release into the stream of commerce of the state privatization shares (checks) in the Azerbaijan Republic" of March 25, 1996 No. 450 the following changes.

1. To exclude words from the first paragraph "according to the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of October 29, 1995 "About approval of "The state program of privatization of state-owned property in the Azerbaijan Republic in 1995-1998".

2. To exclude the words "the entries into force of this Decree registered about one day" from the first and second paragraphs of Item 2.

3. In the third paragraph of Item 2 of the word "The state program of privatization of state-owned property in the Azerbaijan Republic in 1995-1998", the Azerbaijan Republic approved by the Law of October 29, 1995" shall be replaced with words "legislation".

III. Bring in "Regulations on the state privatization shares (checks) in the Azerbaijan Republic"" approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About release into the stream of commerce of the state privatization shares (checks) in the Azerbaijan Republic" of March 25, 1996 No. 450 the following changes:

1. To exclude the words "the entries into force of this provision registered about one day" from Item 1 of the Section I.

2. To exclude words from Item 1 of the Section II "from the date of entry into force of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About release into the stream of commerce of the state privatization shares (checks) in the Azerbaijan Republic".

3. To exclude words from Item 2 of the Section II "the entries into force of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic registered about one day "About release into the stream of commerce of the state privatization shares (checks) in the Azerbaijan Republic".

4. In Item 3 of the Section II of the word "" the state program of privatization of state-owned property in the Azerbaijan Republic in 1995-1998 ", the Azerbaijan Republic approved by the Law of October 29, 1995" shall be replaced with words "legislation".

5. To exclude words from the second paragraph of Item 2 of the Section III "shares according to the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About release into the stream of commerce of the state privatization shares (checks) in the Azerbaijan Republic".

IV. Bring in the Provision "About Privatization of Objects Which Construction Is Refrigerated Which Normative Terms of Construction Expired, and Incomplete Objects" approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval of number of the regulating documents regulating privatization of state-owned property" of March 25, 1996 No. 451, the following changes:

1. To exclude words from Item 1 "it is developed according to requirements of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About privatization of state-owned property in Azerbaijani to the Republic" and "The state program of privatization of state-owned property in the Azerbaijan Republic in 1995-1998".

2. In the paragraph figure "25" to replace 4 Items 7 with figure "20".

3. In the first offer of Item 10 the word "tender" shall be replaced with words "investment tender".

4. To exclude the second offer from Item 10.

5. To exclude words of "commercial tenders" from Item 16.

V. Bring in the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval of the Provision "About Rules of Transformation of the State Company to Joint-stock Company" of December 17, 1996 No. 522 the following changes and amendments:

1. In the paragraph 3 Items 1 of the word "Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic" shall be replaced with words "The Ministry of Economic Development of the Azerbaijan Republic".

2. To exclude the fourth paragraph from Item 1.

3. To add the fifth paragraph of Item 1 after words of "subitem 7.7" with the words "1 and".

4. Exclude Items 3 and 4.

VI. To exclude words from Item 1 of the Section 3 "Regulations on Specialized Check Investment Funds" approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval of the Provision "About Specialized Check Investment Funds" of May 14, 1997 No. 579, "according to Item 10 of appendix No. 7 of "The state program of privatization of state-owned property in the Azerbaijan Republic in 1995-1998".

VII. In preamble of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval of the Provision "About Procedure for Sale of Land Area on Which the Privatized State Companies and Objects Are Located" of December 19, 1997" shall be replaced with words No. 659 of the word "with the State program of privatization of state-owned property in the Azerbaijan Republic in 1995-1998", the Azerbaijan Republic approved by the Law of September 29, 1995 "with the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic".

VIII. Bring in "Regulations on rules of sale of land on which the privatized companies and objects are located", approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval of the provision "About Rules of Sale of Land on Which the Privatized State Companies and Objects Are Located" of December 19, 1997 No. 659, the following changes:

1. To exclude words from Item 1 "The state program of privatization of state-owned property in the Azerbaijan Republic in 1995-1998".

2. In the paragraph and the paragraph 3 Items 12 figure "75" to replace 4 Items 3 with figure "80".

3. In the paragraph of the 5th Item 3 to replace figure "25" with figure "20".

IX. To exclude the words pledged in brackets from the paragraph of 1 Item 1.2 "Regulations on Investment Tender" approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval of the Provision "About Investment Tender" of September 28, 1998 No. 771, "The Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic".

X. In the text of the decrees and provisions this in Items II-IX of this Decree, the word "State Committee on Property" and "SPC" in the corresponding cases to replace respectively with the words "State Committee on Property Questions" in the corresponding cases.

XI. "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About cession of property in municipal property" of January 15, 2000 No. 253 to exclude words from the second paragraph of Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "the companies and objects privatized by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic in coordination with local executive bodies".

XII. Recognize invalid the following regulatory legal acts:

* The second, fourth, fifth and sixth paragraphs of Item 1 of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval of number of the regulating documents regulating privatization of state-owned property" of March 25, 1996 No. 451;

* The presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval of some regulatory legal acts providing implementation of privatization of state-owned property" of September 24, 1996 to No. 498;

* Items 1 and 2 of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval of the Provision "About Privatization of the Leased State-owned Property" of February 7, 1997 No. 550;

* The presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval of the Provision "About Activities of the Commission on Privatization of the State Company" of April 29, 1997 No. 576;

* The presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About approval of the Provision "About the State Privatization Options" of May 14, 1997 No. 578;


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