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of October 7, 2022 No. 555

About some questions in the field of estimative activities in the Kyrgyz Republic

For the purpose of implementation of article 24 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About estimative activities", according to articles 13, of the 17th constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve Regulations on Council for development of estimative activities under the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Kyrgyz Republic according to appendix.

2. Determine the authorized body performing state regulation of estimative activities in the Kyrgyz Republic, the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Kyrgyz Republic.

3. Declare invalid the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About measures for development of activities of appraisers and the estimative organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic" of February 5, 2019 No. 39.

4. This resolution becomes effective after fifteen days from the date of official publication.

Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic

A. Zhaparov


to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of October 7, 2022 No. 555

Regulations on Council for development of estimative activities under the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Kyrgyz Republic

1. General provisions

1. This Provision determines procedure for activities, function and power of Council for development of estimative activities under the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - Council).

2. Council is interdepartmental coordinating and advisory body under the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Kyrgyz Republic and is formed for the purpose of improvement of coordination of work on normative methodically providing assessment and preparation of offers on carrying out state policy in the field of regulation of estimative activities in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

3. Council in the activities is guided by this Provision and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. Main functions of Council

4. The main functions of Council are:

1) ensuring interaction of executive bodies, scientific organizations and the practicing appraisers concerning estimative activities;

2) preparation of suggestions for improvement of legal acts concerning estimative activities;

3) initiation of carrying out researches on questions of estimative activities;

4) preparation of recommendations about enhancement of programs and techniques of training, to retraining and advanced training of appraisers;

5) implementation of cooperation with similar structures of foreign countries and relevant international organizations;

6) preparation of offers, explanations and the conclusions on the questions which are within the competence of Council;

7) formation of working groups for development and examination of separate normative and methodical documents;

8) assistance in the organization and carrying out certification of appraisers;

9) rendering consulting and technical assistance in preparation of the Program of qualification examination of certification of appraisers;

10) the solution of other questions arising during the organizational and methodical work on development of estimative activities in the Kyrgyz Republic, being within the competence of Council.

3. Powers of Council

5. Council has the following powers:

To request 1) from executive bodies and the organizations information, documents and materials concerning estimative activities;

2) to address directly to executive bodies with offers on development and regulation of estimative activities;

3) if necessary to provide participation of independent appraisers and the estimative organizations in development and examination legislative and the regulatory legal acts concerning questions of estimative activities;

4) to develop the international contacts with the purpose of experience exchange and training of specialists in the field of property value assessment;

To organize 5) temporary and permanent work groups for the solution of single questions of development and management of estimative activities;

6) to perform other actions directed to accomplishment of functions of Council.

4. Structure of Council

6. The structure of Council is created of competent persons in the field of estimative activities and affirms the order of the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Kyrgyz Republic. Council is headed by the deputy minister of economy and commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic.

7. Representatives of the ministries, the state committee, state commissions, administrative departments, the higher educational institutions realizing educational programs of higher education according to property, and professional public associations in the field of estimative activities are part of Council.

8. Members of council perform the functions without separation from productive activity on a voluntary basis.

9. Members of council in case of execution of the obligations have right of access to all necessary documentation and information, concerning the organization and implementation of the functions.

10. Council performs the activities according to the plan, approved as the chairman of the board. Meetings of Council are held by the chairman of the board or his deputy as required, but at least once a quarter.

The meeting of Council is considered competent in case of presence of 2/3 members of council.

Decisions of Council are made by a simple majority vote the members of council who are present at meeting and drawn up by the relevant protocol which is signed by the chairman of the board, and in case of its absence - his deputy. In case of equality of votes the voice of the chairman is decisive. Decisions of Council go to the relevant state bodies and the interested representatives, independent appraisers (the estimative organizations) and their public associations.

11. The chairman of the board directs activities of Council and bears the personal responsibility for proper accomplishment of functions of Council, approves annual and quarter work plans of Council.

According to the decision of Council temporary work groups from among scientists and specialists for research of the problems submitted for discussion in Council, and also the permanent commissions on accomplishment of the separate functions requiring permanent job can be created.

12. The chairman of the board, and in its absence his deputy have right to sign of the documents directed on behalf of Council for the questions entering its competence.


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