of October 13, 2022 No. 911
About approval of Rules of the organization of educational, social and legal, psychological and ideological work with staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan
According to the subitem 143) of Item 15 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 2, 2022 No. 357, I ORDER:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of the organization of educational, social and legal, psychological and ideological work with staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2. Recognize invalid some orders of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix to this order.
3. To provide to department of educational and ideological work of the Ministry of Defence in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) the direction of data in Legal department of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on execution of subitems 1) and 2) this Item within ten calendar days from the date of its first official publication.
4. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising deputy defense secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. Bring this order to officials in the part concerning them.
6. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
R. Zhaksylykov
Approved by the Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 13, 2022 No. 911
1. These rules of the organization of educational, social and legal, psychological and ideological work with staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – Rules) determine procedure for the organization of educational, social and legal, psychological and ideological work with staff of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – AF of RK).
2. The list of reporting and planned documentation on the organization of educational, social and legal, psychological and ideological work with staff of AF of RK in bodies of military management, military units (organizations), is stated in annex 1 to these rules.
3. The condition of educational, social and legal, psychological and ideological work with staff of AF of RK in daily activities is estimated according to appendix 2 to these rules.
4. Educational work is one of the most efficient forms of education and education of staff. In it the educational purposes and tasks are organically combined with information forms and training methods and education, on the basis of specially prepared information materials creating system of world outlook values and military patriotic consciousness at staff, it makes system pedagogical impact on mentality and behavior of the military personnel.
5. Educational work is aimed at military-political orientation, forming of high moral and psychological qualities on the basis of approval in consciousness and behavior of socially significant ideals, the ideas of patriotism, motives of service to the Fatherland, state interests and high spiritual needs of staff.
6. The main objectives of educational work in AF RK are:
1) instilling in staff of high spiritual culture and morality, state outlook and social activity;
2) increase in degree of legal knowledge and literacy by explanation to it the bases of state policy and measures taken by the country leaders in the field of development and transformation of the Kazakhstan society;
3) education at the military personnel of deep understanding of purpose of AF of RK, features of their construction, functioning and the place in accomplishment of the tasks facing them on maintenance of high combat readiness;
4) forming and maintenance at the military personnel of moral and psychological readiness for protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan, pride and responsibility for belonging to AF of RK;
5) development of permanent aspiration to mastering military science, the military profession to development of arms and military equipment, methods of their application.
7. Treat the main forms of educational work:
1) state and legal preparation;
2) informing staff;
3) listening and viewing of information telecasts, broadcasts, audiomaterials and video records;
4) training of commanders of divisions (parts) and their deputies, chiefs of types of military forces and services in forms and methods of educational work with subordinates;
5) thematic evenings and meetings of staff;
6) staff meetings with command, veterans of AF of RK, war and work, statesmen;
7) experience exchange of the organization of educational work;
8) individual and educational work;
9) preparation and release of audiomaterials and video records, directory materials, instruction sheets, fighting leaves, leaves lightnings;
10) finishing sentences of public vessels concerning the military personnel condemned for military crimes;
11) officer meeting.
8. Treat fixed assets of educational work:
1) cultural and leisure organizations;
2) rooms of information and educational work;
3) libraries;
4) printing equipment;
5) technical means of education;
6) portable information complexes;
7) evident media.
9. The main methods of educational work are:
1) informing;
2) belief, education;
3) training;
4) promotion;
5) propaganda;
6) instructing;
7) criticism;
8) discussion.
10. Actions of educational work in bodies of military management will be organized and held according to system of the main educational actions to AF of RK according to appendix 3 to these rules.
11. Actions of educational work join in daily routine, and also in lesson schedules of divisions.
12. State and legal preparation (further – GPP), being one of the most efficient components of information support in the solution of the tasks facing AF of RK it is performed by application of different forms and methods of information and ideological and educational impact on military collective.
13. GPP will be organized and carried out in all bodies of military management, military units (organizations) to company (the battery, the ship) and it equal inclusive with all categories of staff.
14. GPP is directed to forming in consciousness of the military personnel of feeling of the Kazakhstan patriotism, fidelity to the constitutional and military duty on protection of the Fatherland.
15. The main objectives of GPP are:
1) instilling in staff of high spiritual culture and morality, state outlook and social activity, increase in degree of legal knowledge and literacy by explanation to it the bases of state policy and measures taken by the country leaders in the field of development and transformation of the Kazakhstan society;
2) ideological providing RK of the tasks directed to strengthening of legality, military discipline and law and order, the prevention of offenses, facts of death and injury rate among staff, counteraction to negative information impacts on military collectives facing AF;
3) strengthening of high strong-willed stability, corporate spirit and unity of staff, maintenance of the healthy moral atmosphere in military collectives;
4) further development of aspects of complex education of staff (ideological, military patriotic, legal, spiritual and moral, esthetic) in development and professionalizing of army;
5) enhancement of legal, psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities of officials in practical activities on management (management) of military collectives.
16. Classes on GPP are given on permanent basis in the unified thematic plan and schedules approved for academic year on categories of the military personnel:
1) with officers of structural divisions of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the General Staff of AF of RK, head departments of AF of RK, managements of commanders-in-chief of types, commanders of childbirth and troops of regional commands – according to the 20-hour program, at the same time 2 class periods are allocated for reserve;
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