of October 19, 2022 No. 757
About the measures performed in subjects of the Russian Federation in connection with the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of October 19, 2022 No. 756
For the purpose of increase in efficiency of activities of management officials (executive bodies) in subjects of the Russian Federation in connection with introduction of warlike situation in the territories of the Donetsk People's Republic, the Luhansk People's Republic, the Zaporizhia and Kherson regions I decide:
1. Enter in the territories of the Donetsk People's Republic, the Luhansk People's Republic, the Zaporizhia and Kherson regions the mode (the maximum level of reaction) within which management officials (executive bodies) of the specified subjects of the Russian Federation perform the powers provided by the Federal constitutional Law of January 30, 2002 No. 1-FKZ "About warlike situation", powers on holding mobilization actions in the sphere of economy, in executive bodies of these subjects of the Russian Federation and local government bodies, actions for civil defense, protection of the population and the territories from emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, and also power on implementation of measures for requirements satisfaction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military forming, bodies and needs of the population.
2. In the territories of the subjects of the Russian Federation called in Item 1 of this Decree according to the Federal Law of May 31, 1996 No. 61-FZ "About defense" and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation is conducted territorial defense.
3. Enter in the territories of the Republic of Crimea, Krasnodar Krai, the Belgorod, Bryansk, Voronezh, Kursk, Rostov regions and Sevastopol the mode (the average level of reaction) within which management officials (executive bodies) of the specified subjects of the Russian Federation perform powers on holding mobilization actions in the sphere of economy, in executive bodies of these subjects of the Russian Federation and local government bodies, separate actions for territorial defense, actions for civil defense, protection of the population and the territories from emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, and also power on implementation of measures for requirements satisfaction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military forming, bodies and needs of the population. Management officials (executive bodies) of the specified subjects of the Russian Federation realize also following measures:
a) strengthening of protection of public order and ensuring public safety, protection of military, important state and special facilities, the objects providing activity of the population, functioning of transport, communications and communications, power objects, and also objects posing the increased hazard to life and human health and for the surrounding environment;
b) introduction of specific mode of work of the objects providing functioning of transport, communications and communications, power objects, and also objects posing the increased hazard to life and human health and for the surrounding environment;
c) temporary settling out of inhabitants to safe areas with obligatory provision to such inhabitants of stationary or temporary premises;
d) introduction and providing specific mode of entrance on the territory and departure from it, and also restriction of freedom of travel on it;
e) traffic restriction of vehicles and implementation of their examination;
e) introduction of control of work of the objects providing functioning of transport, communications and communications, behind work of typographies, computer centers and the automated systems, use of their work for needs of defense.
4. Enter in the territories of the subjects of the Russian Federation which are part of Central Federal District and the Southern Federal District, except for the subjects of the Russian Federation called in Item 3 of this Decree, the mode (level of the increased readiness) within which management officials (executive bodies) of the specified subjects of the Russian Federation perform powers on decision making about holding separate actions for territorial defense and civil defense, actions for protection of the population and the territories from emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, and also power on implementation of measures for requirements satisfaction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military forming, bodies and needs of the population. Management officials (executive bodies) of the specified subjects of the Russian Federation realize also following measures:
a) strengthening of protection of public order and ensuring public safety, protection of military, important state and special facilities, the objects providing activity of the population, functioning of transport, communications and communications, power objects, and also objects posing the increased hazard to life and human health and for the surrounding environment;
b) introduction of specific mode of work of the objects providing functioning of transport, communications and communications, power objects, and also objects posing the increased hazard to life and human health and for the surrounding environment;
c) traffic restriction of vehicles and implementation of their examination;
d) introduction of control of work of the objects providing functioning of transport, communications and communications, behind work of typographies, computer centers and the automated systems, use of their work for needs of defense.
5. Enter in the territories of the subjects of the Russian Federation which are not designated in Items 1, 3 and 4 presents of the Decree, the mode (level of basic readiness) within which management officials (executive bodies) of the specified subjects of the Russian Federation perform powers on decision making about holding actions for protection of the population and the territories from emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, and also power on implementation of measures for requirements satisfaction of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military forming, bodies and needs of the population. Management officials (executive bodies) of the specified subjects of the Russian Federation realize also following measures:
a) strengthening of protection of public order and ensuring public safety, protection of military, important state and special facilities, the objects providing activity of the population, functioning of transport, communications and communications, power objects, and also objects posing the increased hazard to life and human health and for the surrounding environment;
b) introduction of specific mode of work of the objects providing functioning of transport, communications and communications, power objects, and also objects posing the increased hazard to life and human health and for the surrounding environment.
6. Determine that the list of implementable measures, terms, features and procedure for their realization are determined by solutions of the management official of the subject of the Russian Federation independently taking into account the current situation and the arising risks in the territory of this subject of the Russian Federation.
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